
  • 网络Italian unification;Unification of Italy;risorgimento
  1. .国际红十字运动诞生于意大利统一过程中一场主要的战争。

    The International Red Cross Movement a major battle in the unification of Italy .

  2. 自1870年意大利统一后,作为国家首都的罗马经历了130年大发展,它的人口增长了近10倍,成了名符其实的国际大都会。

    Since the unification of Italy in 1870 Rome , as state capital , has experienced a big development of nearly 130 years . With an increased population up to 10 times it became a metropolitan city of international standard .

  3. 19世纪中后期意大利统一时,这片地区陷入了贫困。

    When Italy was unified in the mid-to-late 19th century , the region was plunged into poverty .

  4. 1914年,欧洲的一些政治家和将领就怀有这样的幻想,他们的眼光还局限于半个世纪前导致德国和意大利统一的那些有限战争。

    In 1914 some European politicians and generals , their outlook shaped by the limited wars that had unified Germany and Italy half a century earlier , harboured this illusion .

  5. 1863年,意大利统一短短两年之后,米兰理工大学即已建校。它在国际上排名出众,很多毕业生现在麻省理工、加州理工和牛津剑桥这样的名校任教。

    Founded in 1863 , just two years after Italy was united , Milan Polytechnic ranks well internationally ; many of its graduates now grace the faculties of schools like M.I.T. , Caltech and Oxbridge .

  6. 从西罗马帝国灭亡到意大利统一,从中央集权到大区自治,从罗马教廷的控制到天民党的长期执政,这是发生在意大利历史发展过程中的三次传统的断裂与延续。

    From the perdition of Western Roman Empire to the unification of Italy , from centralism to regional autonomy , from the control of the Vatican to the long administration of the Christian Democratic Party , Italy has experienced three ruptures and continuities from its historical tradition .

  7. 八六○年意大利得到统一,所以意大利的近代史就从这一年起始。

    The modern history of Italy begins in1860 , when the country became united .

  8. 文艺复兴开始时,意大利不是统一的国家,纵观文艺复兴运动的历史,客观条件是动荡的。

    When the Renaissance began , Italy was not a unified state , throughout the history of the movement the condition was in a turbulent condition .

  9. 其政治无道德的政治哲学理论归宿是为了维护国家利益和国家政体制度,最终为意大利建立统一的国家服务;

    The political philosophy theory of his political immorality was to protect the profit of nation and for finding systems of government for the nation , and the find aim was to serve the united Italy .

  10. 在法国的拿破仑的军事行动,意大利各个城邦国都被其征服,由拿破仑划成一个意大利王国(RegnodiSardegna),这是现代史上意大利的第一次统一。

    Under France " s Napoleon " s military action , all the Italian city-nations were being conquered and unified as an Italian empire ( Regno di Sardegna ) by Napoleon .