
  • 网络after time
  1. WTO后时代跨国公司在华投资战略变迁

    The Changing Investment Strategies of TNCs in China in Post-WTO Era

  2. WTO后时代的新选择:农业支持替代农业保护

    Agricultural Support instead of Protection : A New Option in the Post-WTO Era

  3. 加快发展社会中介组织迎接WTO后时代挑战

    Accelerate Development of Social Intermediary Organizations to Meet Challenges after Accession into WTO

  4. WTO后时代河北省钢铁产品出口态势与应对措施

    Export situation of iron and steel products of Hebei Province at post-WTO times and Its Counter-measures

  5. 不过,业绩报告同时也显示,在金融危机后时代的华尔街,这家公司仍然没有完全走出困境。

    Still , the report showed signs that the firm continued to struggle in the new , post-financial-crisis Wall Street .

  6. 近年来,随着立法后时代的来临与立法工作重心的转移,对现有的立法进行评估逐渐引起了立法部门的重视。

    In recent years , along with the coming of ' after-legislation ' period and the transfer of legislation emphasis , legislative institutions pay more and more attention to the evaluation of existing laws .

  7. 5horse-and-buggydays马车时代,以往岁月。后工业时代的危机总是能让人们回想起以往的岁月。

    The post-industrial crisis1 always reminds citizens of the horse-and-buggy days .

  8. 后WTO时代与我国零售业态的整合战略探讨

    Strategies for Integrating Chinese Retail Trade in the Post-WTO Era

  9. 对零售业进入后WTO时代的思考

    The thinking of period after enter WTO about retail business

  10. 嵌入式技术是后PC时代的一项焦点技术。

    Embedded Technology is the center of Interest in PC-after Era .

  11. 后WTO时代民族寿险公司竞争战略研究

    The Research of National Life Insurance Enterprises ' Competitive Strategy in Post-WTO Era

  12. 后WTO时代中等城市零售商业的出路

    The way out for retail trade of medium-sized cities in post WTO era

  13. 后WTO时代的企业专利策略

    Business Patent Strategy in the Post-WTO Era

  14. 嵌入式学习:后PC时代的数字化学习

    Embedded Learning : E - Learning in Post-PC

  15. 后PC时代的设计艺术逻辑

    Logic of Design Art in Post-PC Era

  16. 后WTO时代商业银行金融产品创新现状与对策研究

    Research on the Current Situation and Strategy of Financial Product Innovation in the Later Interim of WTO

  17. 嵌入式系统的发展和广泛应用是后PC时代的一个重要标志。

    The development and wide application of embedded systems is an important sign in the post-PC era .

  18. 政府和企业要采取多种措施积极应对并最终跨过后WTO时代的新贸易壁垒。

    Meanwhile , the government and enterprises should take measures to handle and eventually surmount this non-tariff trade barrier .

  19. Internet的飞速发展和信息家电以及后PC时代概念的提出,使得信息终端的多元化已经成为不可抵挡的趋势。

    With the bursting of Internet and the new concepts of information consumer electronics and post-pc era , the diversifying of information terminals has become inevitable .

  20. 尽管人们都在嚷嚷着后PC时代来临,英特尔公司首席执行官保罗•欧德宁仍然看好传统的个人电脑市场。

    Despite all the hullabaloo over a post-PC era , Intel chief executive officer Paul Otellini remains bullish on the traditional personal computing market .

  21. 科学技术不断迅猛发展,DNA芯片已成为生命科学后基因组时代研究的重要工具。

    As the science and technology developed rapidly , DNA chips have become an important tool in the research of life science in the era of post genome project .

  22. 它极大地推动了DNA芯片技术、生物信息技术、生命科学工业的兴起与发展;开辟了后基因组时代的新纪元。

    It not only cause a prominent initiation and development of DNA chips technology , bioinformatics technique and bioscience industry , but also initiate the new era of post-genome .

  23. RNAi在后基因组时代的基因功能研究和药物开发中具有广阔应用前景。

    RNAi has the promise of the study of gene function and drug development .

  24. 然而,在后WTO时代,中国零售企业能否做大做强,并与外资零售企业相抗衡,这取决于其制定的发展战略。

    In the Post-WTO time , whether the Chinese retail enterprises do greatly strongly , and competed with the foreign retail enterprises , it depends on its developmental strategy .

  25. 随着信息技术发展步入后PC时代,嵌入式系统设计,尤其是以涉及Internet应用的设计,正成为当前科技发展的一大热点。

    Embedded system design especial the application of Internet has become an emphasis with the fast development of information technology . It seems that a new age called post-PC era is incoming .

  26. pathway预测是后基因组时代各类组学研究的基础,已成为近年来生物信息学的研究热点之一。

    Pathway prediction is the basis of various types of omics in post-genomic era . With the extreme importance , it has become one of the focuses of bioinformatics in recent years .

  27. 自计算机技术进入后PC时代以来,控制系统正在向网络化、数字化迅猛发展,这使得控制技术与嵌入式技术的结合更加紧密。

    Since computer technology entered a " post PC " era , control system has been trending toward the development of network and digitalize rapidly . It makes control technology and embedded technology more closely .

  28. 零售业在一国经济中具有控制市场、决定生产、影响金融的作用,因此在后WTO时代,促使中国零售业的发展壮大是尤为重要的。

    The retailing has such functions controlling the market , deciding the production , influencing finance in a country economy . Therefore , in Post-WTO times , it is especially important to urge the Chinese retailing growing strong .

  29. 随着半导体技术、通信技术、计算机技术等信息技术的快速发展,我们已经由PC时代和网络时代进入后PC时代。

    With the magic development of information technology including semiconductor technology , communication technology and computing technology , we have passed the era of Personal Computer and Networking and are coming into the down of post-PC era .

  30. 网络即时通讯是在后PC时代兴起的一种以Internet网络及其他有线、无线网络为基础的实时通讯方式。

    As a sort of instant message transmitting method , the real-time network communications based on the Internet or other wired or wireless networks have been flourished since the beginning of pervasive computing , or informally named " post-PC dominant epoch " .