
  • 网络posterior dislocation;posterior dislocation of hip joint
  1. 单纯肘关节后脱位需要严格制动吗?

    Does simple posterior dislocation of the elbow necessitate strict immobilization ?

  2. 晶状体后脱位的彩色多普勒超声诊断价值

    Value of ultrasound on diagnosis of posterior dislocation of the lens

  3. 在术中神经损伤、切口感染率、术后脱位发病率方面有统计学差异(P0.05)。

    They have statistical difference in incidence of the nerve injury , the incision infection after operation , the dislocation after operation ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 目的分析全髋人工关节置换(THR)术后脱位的原因并探讨防治措施。

    Objective To analyse and prevent postoperative dislocation after total hip replacement ( THR ) .

  5. 目的:分析髋臼及股骨上端畸形致人工髋关节置换(THR)术后脱位的原因,探讨防治对策。

    Objective : To analyse the causes of postoperative dislocation after total hip replacement ( THR ) owing to acetabular or proximal femoral deformities and to find the preventive measures .

  6. 结果CT、X线肩关节侧位和Velpeau腋位分别显示7例肩关节后脱位,腋窝位显示3例肩关节后脱位;

    Results Posterior dislocation of shoulder was identified with both CT and roentgenogram in lateral , and Velpeau axillary positions of shoulder . In axillary position , X-ray imaging revealed 3 cases of posterior dislocation .

  7. 双侧髋关节同时后脱位一例

    Bilateral posterior dislocation of hip joints : a case report

  8. 超声诊断自发性晶状体后脱位2例

    Ultrasonographic diagnosis of spontaneous lens posterior dislocation : two cases

  9. 创伤性髋关节后脱位发生股骨头缺血性坏死的随访观察

    Traumatic posterior dislocation of the hip and aseptic necrosis of femoral head

  10. 股骨干骨折合并同侧髋臼骨折与髋关节后脱位的治疗体会

    Management of ipsilateral acetabular fractures and posterior hip dislocation and femoral fractures

  11. 肩关节后脱位罕见病例报告

    Posterior dislocation of the shoulder : an uncommon case report

  12. 以健肢为支点整复髋关节后脱位

    Manipulative treatment with fulcrum of healthy knee for posterior dislocation of hip joint

  13. 本文报告21例髋关节后脱位伴骨折的治疗结果。

    21 cases of posterior dislocation with fracture of the hip were reviewed .

  14. 髋臼骨折伴髋关节后脱位与坐骨神经损伤

    Acetabular fracture with posterior dislocation of hip and injury of the sciatic nerve

  15. 漏诊肩关节后脱位的治疗探讨

    Approaches to treatment for missed posterior dislocation of shoulder

  16. 肩关节后脱位的X线诊断

    X-ray diagnosis of posterior dislocation of the shoulders

  17. 中空加压螺钉治疗髋关节后脱位合并股骨头骨折

    Treatment of posterior dislocation of hip associated with fracture of the femoral head by

  18. 新鲜外伤性髋关节后脱位骑压整复法

    Treatment of Fresh Traumatic Backward Dislocation of Hip Joint with Riding and Pressing Method

  19. 肩关节后脱位并肱骨解剖颈骨折1例

    Posterior dislocation of shoulder joint and fracture of tibial anatomical neck : A case report

  20. 手法整复治疗股骨干骨折并同侧髋关节后脱位26例临床分析

    A Clinic Analysis of 26 Cases of Ipsilateral Femoral Shaft Fracture Combined With Posterior Hip Dislocation

  21. 髋关节后脱位伴骨折21例报告

    The Treatment of Posterior Dislocation with Fracture of the Hip : A Report of 21 Cases

  22. 同侧胫腓骨骨折、髋关节骨折-后脱位合并膝后交叉韧带损伤7例报告

    Ipsilateral Tibiofibular Fracture and Hip Fracture-Dislocation Associated with Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries : 7 Cases Report

  23. 髋关节后脱位合并髋臼后壁及股骨头骨折治疗

    Treatment of dislocation of hip joint with acetabulum posterior wall fracture and the femur head fracture

  24. 距骨颈骨折伴距骨体Ⅲ度后脱位的治疗

    Treatment of fracture of the talus neck combined with ⅲ degree posterior dislocation of the talus body

  25. 肘关节后脱位伴内侧副韧带损伤15例治疗

    Treatment of 15 patients with backward dislocation in combination with medial collateral ligament injury of elbow joint

  26. 髋关节骨折&后脱位合并坐骨神经损伤的创伤机制及漏诊分析

    The analysis of traumatic mechanism and missed diagnosis of sciatic nerve injury complicated hip fracture and posterior dislocation

  27. 髋臼骨折合并髋关节后脱位的治疗(附14例报告)

    Treatment of Fractures of the Acetabulum with Posterior Dislocation of the Hip : A Report of 14 Cases .

  28. 脱位人工晶状体的手术处理单人整复肘关节后脱位

    The surgical management of the dislocated intraocular lens Reduction of the posterior dislocation of the elbow by one person

  29. 结果180例全部在表面麻醉下完成手术,无后囊破裂,1例晶状体后脱位也在表麻下进行玻璃体切除完成手术。

    Results All the 180 patients have been operated on in surface anesthesia without any rupture of lens capsule .

  30. 目的探讨挫伤性晶状体后脱位治疗的2种手术方式及特点,评价其临床疗效。

    Objective To investigate the features and repair effects of 2 different types of operations for contusive posterior dislocated lens .