
  • 网络elbow dislocation;dislocation of elbow;dislocation of the elbow;dislocation of elbow joint;dislocation of the elbow joint
  1. 结果本组2例误诊为肘关节脱位,1例误诊为肱骨外髁骨折,1例闭合复位失败改行切开复位。余均采用闭合复位。

    Results Two patients were misdiagnosed as dislocation of elbow and one as fracture of the lateral condyle of the humerus .

  2. 学龄期儿童肱骨内上髁骨折与成年后再骨折及肘关节脱位

    Fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus in pre-school children related to refracture and dislocation of elbow joint in adults : a report of 4 patients

  3. 方法15例尺骨冠状突骨折合并肘关节脱位按Reagan-Morrey分型,Ⅰ型4例采用石膏固定制动3周;

    Methods 15 cases of ulna coracoid process fractures complicated with elbow dislocation were enrolled . According to Reagan-Morrey classification , there were 4 type ⅰ, 7 type ⅱ, and 4 type ⅲ .

  4. 2例为尺骨鹰嘴骨折伴肘关节脱位,采用钢丝张力带固定。

    And 2 with olecranon fracture were fixed with tension-band wire .

  5. 肘关节脱位合并肱骨外髁骨折26例报告

    Elbow dislocation with humeral external-condylar fracture & A report of 24 cases

  6. 运动员肘关节脱位复位后的处理与功能康复治疗

    The Treatment Arter the Replacement of Elbow Dislocation and the Function Recovery

  7. 手法整复治疗肘关节脱位与骨折4例

    Treatment of dislocation and fracture of elbow joint in 4 patients with manipulation

  8. 手法复位治疗儿童孟氏骨折并肘关节脱位

    Manual reduction for the treatment of Monteggia fracture associated with elbow joint dislocation in children

  9. 我们将肘关节脱位后产生的软组织损伤后的治疗分为三个阶段,第一阶段使用新伤药以消除肿胀;

    We divided the treating process of closed soft tissue injure after elbow dislocation into 3 stages .

  10. 目的分析尺骨冠状突骨折合并肘关节脱位的分型和治疗方法。

    Objective To study the typing and treatment of ulna coracoid process fracture complicated with elbow dislocation .

  11. 小儿肱骨远端全骺分离误诊为肘关节脱位1例

    A case of complete epiphyseal separation of the distal end of the humerus misdiagnosed as elbow joint dislocation

  12. 目的研究陈旧性肘关节脱位并骨性强直的手术治疗和康复方法。

    Objective To study operative treatment and recovery methods of traumatic elbow joint damage with old dislocation and osteo-ankylosis .

  13. 本文报告3例肘关节脱位合并肱动脉损伤的病例,并复习了有关文献。

    Three cases of injuries to the brachial artery associated with posterior elbow dislocation are reported with a review of the literature .

  14. 目的观察关节持续被动运动对上肢骨折及肘关节脱位后肘关节僵硬的疗效。

    Objective To observe the effect of CPM on restoration of stiff elbow joint after upper extremity fracture and elbow joint dislocation .

  15. 作者复习了14例肱骨远端骨骺分离患儿。其中4例初诊误为外髁移位骨折,2例误为肘关节脱位。

    The author have reviewed 14 cases of separation of the distal humeral epiphysis , four of which were initially misdiagnosed as displaced lateral condylar fracture and two as an elbow dislocation .

  16. 本组资料提示,该病多发于年龄较大的儿童,应与肱骨滑车骨骺滑脱、经髁骨折或肘关节脱位鉴别。

    The data of this series suggests that this injury is more common in children of older age and should be differentiated from slipped epiphysis of humeral trochlea , transcondylar fracture and elbow dislocation .

  17. 合并桡神经损伤8例,臂丛损伤2例,肘关节脱位2例,肩关节脱位2例,肱动脉损伤3例,桡动脉损伤1例,前臂肌腱撕脱伤2例。

    Radial nerve injuries 8 cases , brachial plexus nerve injuries 2 cases , dislocate of elbow 2 cases , dislocate of shoulder 2 cases , humerus artery injuries 3 cases radial artery injuries 1 case , muscles of the forearm injuries 2 cases .

  18. 肘关节脱位合并肱动脉损伤时肘部侧支循环多已受到不同程度的破坏,难以保证远端充足供血,故治疗上肘关节复位后应争取I期修复动脉。

    The collateral circulation is in large part disturbed when brachial artery is injuried in association with the elbow dislocation that results in insufficient blood supply to the distal part of the extremity , necessitating primary repair of the artery after reduction of the dislocation .

  19. 单纯肘关节后脱位需要严格制动吗?

    Does simple posterior dislocation of the elbow necessitate strict immobilization ?

  20. 尺骨鹰嘴骨折合并肘关节前脱位的手术治疗

    Operative treatment of olecranon fracture associated with anterior dislocation of the elbow

  21. 肘关节侧方脱位3例

    Three cases of lateral dislocation of elbow

  22. 肘关节后脱位伴内侧副韧带损伤15例治疗

    Treatment of 15 patients with backward dislocation in combination with medial collateral ligament injury of elbow joint

  23. 结论跨关节外固定架治疗复杂严重肘关节骨折脱位可靠有效。

    Conclusion It is reliable and effective to treat severe complex elbow fracture dislocation with hinged external fixator .

  24. 脱位人工晶状体的手术处理单人整复肘关节后脱位

    The surgical management of the dislocated intraocular lens Reduction of the posterior dislocation of the elbow by one person

  25. 肘关节后脱位并尺骨冠状突骨折9例临床疗效分析

    An analysis of clinical effects of 9 cases of fracture of ulna coronoid process with posterior dislocation of elbow joint

  26. 目的应用内固定治疗尺骨鹰嘴骨折合并肘关节前脱位。

    Objective To report the results of treatment of olecranon fracture combined with anterior dislocation of the elbow by internal fixation .

  27. 目的探讨肘关节后脱位并尺骨冠状突骨折的治疗方法。

    Objective To investigate the management of the fracture of the ulna coronoid process combined with posterior dislocation of the elbow joint .

  28. 屈曲位单人顶推法整复肘关节前脱位5例

    Individual pushing of flexion reduction manipulation for the treatment of anterior dislocations of the elbow joint : a report of 5 patients

  29. 目的探讨急性肘关节后脱位伴尺骨冠状突骨折的不稳定性和手术内固定的必要性。

    Objective To investigate the unstable characteristics and necessity of internal fixation for acute posterior dislocation of elbow associated with ulnar coronoid fractures .

  30. 方法分析12例急性肘关节后脱位伴尺骨冠状突骨折的损伤特点,根据其分类采取相应的措施进行修复和内固定。

    Methods The injury features of acute posterior dislocation of the elbow associated with ulnar coronoid fractures in 12 cases were analyzed retrospectively , and corresponding measures were adopted to repair them according to the classification .