
zhǒu wài fān
  • cubitus valgus
肘外翻[zhǒu wài fān]
  1. Turner综合征的典型临床表现有原发闭经、身材矮小、条索状性腺、性幼稚、蹼颈、肘外翻、特殊面容祀其他身体异常。

    Turner 's syndrome is the most frequently occurring type of gonadal dysgenesis . Its main manifestations are primary amenorrhea , short stature , streak gonads , sexual infantilism , webbed neck , cubitus valgus , specific facial features and various somatic anomalies .

  2. 髁上截骨和外侧柱重建术治疗肱骨外髁骨折不连伴肘外翻畸形

    Supracondylar osteotomy and lateral colum reconstruction for the treatment of lateral humeral condyle fracture nonunion with cubitus valgus

  3. 肱骨外髁重建术治疗肱骨外髁骨折骨不连并肘外翻畸形的远期随访

    Reconstruction of lateral condylar of humerus in treating nonunion and ecstrophy abnormity of lateral condylar of humerus

  4. 目的:探讨儿童肘外翻畸形的发生机制、预防和治疗方法。

    Objective : To study the pathological mechanism of cubitus valgus deformity and to probe its prevention and treatment .

  5. 肘部损伤早期准确复位、确切固定是预防肘外翻畸形的重要措施。

    The elbow trauma should be early and accurately reduced and firmly immobilized in order to prevent cubitus valgus deformity .

  6. 肘外翻畸形,肘关节慢性不稳定,桡骨干上移和下尺桡关节脱位是主要并发症。

    In order to find out the causes of these complications , the biomechanical experiment was made on20 specimens of fresh upper limbs .

  7. 2例肘部尺神经滑脱;4例肘外翻畸形。

    There was subluxation of the ulnar nerve in 2 patients and cubitus valgus in 4 . All patients were diagnosed at a late stage .

  8. 5例肘外翻作肪骨髁上截骨术,平均随访9.4年,肘关节外观及功能满意。

    Supracondylar osteotomy of the humerus for correction of cubitus valgus were done on 5 cases and were follow-up for 9 . 4 years in average .

  9. 结论肘外翻畸形为双侧肘管综合征的主要病因,滑膜病变为双侧腕管综合征的主要病因。

    Conclusion The main etiological factor of the bilateral cubital tunnel syndrome was the elbow eversion deformity . The lesions of synovium contributed mainly to the symmetry carpal tunnel syndrome .

  10. 目的:评价伸肘外翻位石膏固定治疗肱骨髁上伸直型骨折,预防肘内翻的临床疗效。

    Purpose : To evaluate the efficacy of reduction and casts splint fixation in elbow extension in treating supracondylar extension-type fracture of humerus in children and preventing the occurrence of cubitus varus .

  11. [方法]选取上肢尸体标本8对,测试各种冠突骨折及合并桡骨小头粉碎骨折时肘外翻位移及外旋角。

    [ Method ] Eight pairs of upper limbs of embalmed anatomic specimens were selected , the eversion displacements and the external rotation angles in different coronoid process fractures and coronoid process fractures merging radial head comminuted fractures were measured .

  12. 方法:8例儿童肘外翻畸形,1例非手术治疗,2例尺神经炎者行神经松解前移术,5例创伤性关节炎者行肱骨髁上截骨术。

    Methods : 8 cases of cubitus valgus deformity were operated . Neurolysis and anterior transposition of ulnar nerve were performed in 2 cases with ulnar neuritis ; Supracondylar osteotomy of the humerus were done in 5 cases with arthritis of the elbow .

  13. 结论:伸肘外翻位石膏固定治疗肱骨髁上伸直型骨折,能有效地预防肘内翻畸形的发生,降低肘内翻发生率。

    Conclusion : Reduction and casts splint fixation in elbow extension has an active effect in treating supracondylar extension-type fracture of humerus in children , preventing the occurrence of cubitus varus , and reduces the rate of occurrence of cubitus varus at a maximum .

  14. 重建肘关节外翻稳定性的生物力学研究

    Biomechanical evaluation of the valgus stability of elbow after reconstruction

  15. 缺点(合格)球节无力;过重的骨量;前面看上去过窄或过宽;肘关节外翻。

    Faults : Weak pasterns ; too heavy bone ; too narrow or too wide in the front ; out at the elbows .

  16. 上述措施可防止出现肘内翻或外翻畸形。

    These measures would prevent the cubitus varus or valgus deformity .

  17. 肘内翻(前臂外翻)装上肘接或用肘接固定外固定器背伸位固定治疗三踝骨折后踝顶针的生物力学研究

    Biomechanics Study about the Half-pin on Posterior Malleolar when Trimalleolar Fracture is Treated by External Fixation in Dorsiflexion Position

  18. 结果:完整肘关节的平均外翻松弛度最小,为3.0°±0.7°,外翻稳定性最好;

    Results : The least valgus laxity was seen in the intact state ( 3.0 °± 0.7 ° ) and its stability was the best .

  19. 近年来,我们针对肱骨髁上骨折并发肘内翻的原因,制定了伸肘外翻位石膏固定治疗肱骨髁上伸直型骨折。

    In recent years , In view of the reason of occurrence of cubitus varus , we design the therapy of casts splint fixation in elbow extension to treat supracondylar fracture of humerus .

  20. 结论血管损伤多为骨折断端刺激和压迫肱动脉,神经损伤由于神经挫伤、牵拉和压迫引起,感染系清创不彻底,肘内翻大部分系尺偏型骨折,肘外翻由于骨折矫正不当所致;

    Incomplete debride could lead to infection . Cubitus varus mostly related to the ulnar deviation of the fracture and cubitus valgus was owing to incorrect reduction of fracture .

  21. 骨折治愈73例,好转4例,未愈3例,出现肘内翻6例,携带角减少20°以上者3例,肘外翻1例,肘内翻发生率为7.5%。

    Seventy-three cases of fracture were cured , 4 cases improved , and 3 cases uncured ; cubitus varus appeared in 6 cases , and over-20 ° decrease of the carrying angle in 3 and cubitus valgus in one ;