
  • 网络Anterior elbow;anterior cubital region
  1. 肘桡侧弓与肘前区桡神经肌支的观察

    The cubital radial arch and the muscular branches of the radial nerve in the anterior cubital region

  2. 采用清晨肘前静脉采血测定空腹血糖、空腹胰岛素水平和空腹C肽,并计算胰岛素敏感指数。

    Fasting plasma glucose ( FPG ), insulin ( FinS ) and C-peptide ( FCP ) were tested and insulin sensitivity index ( ISI ) was counted for comparison between both groups .

  3. I组为单侧肘前静脉注射组,注速2ml/s,对比剂碘浓度300mg/ml,注射停止后延迟5s开始扫描;

    The first group was injected 300 mg / ml contrast medium iodine at a rate of 2 ml / s in unilateral anterior elbow veins , scan delay was 5 seconds after injection finished .

  4. 【结论】经双侧肘前静脉以2ml/s速度同时注射碘浓度为75mg/ml对比剂,延迟25s开始扫描是最理想的对比剂注射方案。

    [ Conclusion ] The best injection program is simultaneous bilateral anterior elbow veins injection of 75 mg / ml contrast medium at 2 ml / s with a delay time of 25 seconds .

  5. 肘前小切口入路治疗严重移位肱骨髁上骨折

    Treatment of severe displaced humeral supracondylar fracture with anterior elbow small incision

  6. 肘前入路可吸收螺钉治疗肱骨小头骨折

    Treatment of capitulum humeri fractures with absorbable screw internal fixation via anterior elbow approach

  7. 肘前、外侧两种手术入路治疗桡骨头骨折的比较

    Comparison of anterior approach with lateral approach for internal fixation of radial head fractures

  8. 按注射部位,注射方式和对比剂浓度分成7组,每组10例,分别经单侧肘前静脉、下肢静脉、双侧肘前静脉注射对比剂。

    They were divided into 7 groups by injection site , method and concentration of contrast medium while each group contains 10 cases .

  9. 方法采用肘前小切口法,于肱二头肌腱外侧达骨折断端,复位后交叉克氏针固定。

    Method Approaching the fractured ends along the incision and outside tendon of muscles of biceps brachii , the fracture was fixed with intersect Kirschner pins after replacement .

  10. 以1~2ml/s的速度经肘前静脉注入造影剂,在注完造影剂后20秒内采用一次屏气技术完成对肝脏连续扫描。

    Injection rate was 1 2 ml / s through elbow front vein , 20 s there after , undertake a continuous scanning CT with the respiration held once enough .

  11. 方法对24例Ⅲ型肱骨髁上骨折伴神经损伤的患儿采用肘前外侧切口,骨折断端切开复位并行神经探查术。

    Methods 24 cases of type ⅲ supracondylar humerus fractures with nerve injuries were treated by open reduction , nerve exploration and surgical repair through an anterolateral approach of the elbow .

  12. 结果:肘前静脉采血时,止血带松弛前后存在逆流压差,即逆流存在。

    Results : During blood collection in cubitus vessel , there was difference between the pressures before and after the haemostatic strap was unfastened , that is to say , the blood back flow existed .

  13. 尺骨鹰嘴骨折合并肘关节前脱位的手术治疗

    Operative treatment of olecranon fracture associated with anterior dislocation of the elbow

  14. 尺侧副动脉的肌支在入肘肌前形成一袢;

    The muscular branch of the collateral ulnar branch forms a loop before entering the anconeus muscle .

  15. 目的应用内固定治疗尺骨鹰嘴骨折合并肘关节前脱位。

    Objective To report the results of treatment of olecranon fracture combined with anterior dislocation of the elbow by internal fixation .

  16. 屈曲位单人顶推法整复肘关节前脱位5例

    Individual pushing of flexion reduction manipulation for the treatment of anterior dislocations of the elbow joint : a report of 5 patients

  17. 方法:将前臂伸肌腱附丽从肱骨外髁处剥下,充分暴露肘关节前外侧关节囊。

    Methods : take the forearm extensor tendon insertion site off the extracondyle of humerus and have the anterior lateral Aricular capsule of elbow joint shown .

  18. 术后逐渐旋转肘关节前的螺纹牵伸杆,使其产生持续的牵伸力,缓慢矫正屈肘挛缩畸形,在牵伸矫正过程中,定期X线检查肘关节的位置。

    To correct the deformity gradually , a continuous distraction force was applied by turning the nut on the distraction bar and periodic X-ray films were taken to confirm the position of the elbow joint .

  19. 记录AE、AF的长度,测量B、C、D三个定点在屈肘前臂旋前、中立、旋后位与桡神经深支的水平距离。

    The distance between deep branch of radial nerve and fixed points B , C , D was measured separately when the forearm was kept in pronation , neutral and supination .

  20. 方法分别制造儿童肱骨外侧髁三维有限元及光学弹性模型,模拟伸屈肘及前臂旋前、中立、旋后和内外翻等多种体位加载,计算分析和观察相应部位的应力分布状况。

    Methods Simulate 9 kinds of loading conditions to add on three dimensional finite elemental model and photo elastic model of humerus , then file out the stress state and observe the stress stripe of interference .

  21. 2例重建伸肘功能者,伸肘由术前-65°至术后0°。

    In 2 cases of elbow extension reconstruction , the preoperative 65 ° extension lag disappeared and the elbow could be fully extended .