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  1. 后价格战&移动通信竞争的新形式

    The price war at higher levels & an effective form of mobile competition

  2. 40年后,反战联盟在政治和社会上都不招人喜欢。

    Forty years later , anti-war rallies are politically and socially disagreeable .

  3. 我军撤退后组成新的战团,预备再进攻。

    Our armies have retired to form themselves into new groups before attacking again .

  4. 亚伯拉罕林肯就职五周后,南北之战的第一枪打响。

    Five weeks after Abraham Lincoln takes office , the first shots are fired in the war between the States .

  5. 如今你经常看到足球运动员进了一个球后会跳起某种战舞。

    You quite often see footballers doing a sort of war dance just after they 've scored a goal these days .

  6. 但考虑到伊拉克和阿富汗战争后普遍的反战情绪,这在政治上是不可能实现的。

    But , with widespread hostility to renewed military involvement following wars in Iraq and Afghanistan , this is a political non-starter .

  7. 在网站的报名参与后,数百名星战迷齐聚一家大型商场的中心进行大型的光剑嬉戏。

    Hundreds of Star Wars fans staged a mass lightsaber battle in the middle of a shopping centre after a covert web campaign .

  8. 和平主义运动是第一次世界大战后兴起的反战运动,其主导思想是反对一切战争,维护和平。

    Pacifistic movement was an antiwar movement after the first world war and its dominant ideas were to fight against wars and defend peace .

  9. 这真的是有点疯狂,设想一下我们不久后就有欧战的决赛,这真的是让人难以置信的开心。

    Rachel Yankey : It 's pretty crazy actually , thinking that we have a European final just round the corner , and it really is incredibly satisfying .

  10. 也有报道援引另外一位律师盖瑞特戴利的话:有钱人签署婚前协议的主要目的之一便是为了避免离婚后的血腥争夺战。

    Another attorney , Garret Dailey , was quoted saying : One of the primary reasons that wealthy people enter into prenups is to prevent the kind of carnage that can come with divorce .

  11. 布莱尔的回忆录被归入小说类已经不是第一次了。书店方面早已报道称,在Fackbook发起的一项活动后,有反战情结的顾客屡次把这本书放进犯罪书籍类别。

    Blair 's nomination is not the first time that his autobiography has been classified as fiction , as bookshops have reported customers with anti-war sympathies repeatedly reshelving the book into the crime section , following a Facebook-led campaign .

  12. 在放弃继续上诉民事法庭后,主教练德尚方面已经用开赛后五战四胜的佳绩迅速填补罚分。

    After ruling out an appeal through the civil courts , Didier Deschamps'side have made quick inroads into the penalty by winning four of their first five games .