
hòu jìn
  • stamina;staying power;aftereffect;delayed effect;gather more and more momentum
后劲 [hòu jìn]
  • (1) [aftereffect]∶显露较慢的作用或力量

  • (2) [delayed effect]∶其原因已停歇了一段时间后出现的效应

  • 这酒后劲大

  • (3) [staying power;stamina]∶耐久力

  • 他干活有后劲

  • (4) 古时指行军时殿后的精兵

后劲[hòu jìn]
  1. 这酒后劲大。

    This wine has a strong delayed effect .

  2. 新疆地区区域辽阔,旅游资源独特而丰富,具备了发展旅游业的条件和可能,是我国旅游业跨世纪大发展的主要后劲所在。

    Xinjiang has a vast area , its travel resources are rich and unique , and it has possessed terms and possibilities of developing travel industry and in the main delayed effect place of the big development of our country 's travel industry .

  3. 你会听到有关美国经济发展无序、后劲乏力的议论。

    You hear talk about American business being flabby .

  4. 并且,以DCS为基础的先进过程控制(APC)的开发与应用为提高企业的核心竞争力增强了后劲。

    Applications and developing of advanced process control on DCS foundation will enhance the core competition power .

  5. 每当有一部如同HBO电视网播出的《都市女孩》一样清新、自然、原创的剧集播出时,在第一季的惊喜褪去后,观众不免为后劲不足而担忧。

    When a series as fresh , raw and original as HBO 's Girls comes along , there 's something that kicks in after the excitement of the first season fades : worry .

  6. 要通过改革解决农业发展后劲问题。

    We should ensure the continued growth of agriculture through reform .

  7. 具有一定发展基础,但发展后劲相对不足;

    It has foundations in development but which is not persistent .

  8. 好处一,弥补产品广告传播后劲的不足。

    Good one , connecting product advertising communication staying power shortage .

  9. 要采取有力的步骤,使我们的发展能够持续、有后劲。

    Measures should be taken to ensure steady and sustained development .

  10. 这跟我的后劲可没有关系,侦探。

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with my follow-through , detective .

  11. 凯莉没有办法喝威士忌,因为后劲太强了。

    Kelly was unable to drink whiskey for its strong kickback .

  12. 开展经济技术创新增强企业发展后劲

    Blazing new trails in economy and technology , strengthening enterprise further development

  13. 大力推行激励机制增强企业发展后劲

    Strongly Promote the Encouraging Mechanism to Enhance the Development Potential for Enterprise

  14. 实施名牌战略,增强国有企业发展后劲

    Implementing Strategy of Famous Brands , Strengthening Development Delayed Effect of SOEs

  15. 加强农业综合开发,增强农业发展后劲

    Strengthening integrated development of agriculture and reinforcing reserve strength in agricultural production

  16. 产业开放格局与经济增长后劲

    Pattern of Industrial Opening-up and Stamina of Chinese Economic Growth

  17. 鹿城区制革业的发展后劲不足。

    Leather industry in Lucheng is lack of potential of continuous development .

  18. 文化教育落后,缺乏发展后劲;

    Culture and education lagging behind and lacking the delayed effect of development ;

  19. 重视人才建设,增强医院发展后劲;

    Emphasizing talent culture to improve the hospital development ;

  20. 中国人仍将是全球旅游业中一支后劲十足的力量。

    Chinese nationals are set to remain an explosive force in global tourism .

  21. 环境污染所产生的负面效应已使经济的进一步发展丧失后劲。

    The negative effects of environmental pollution drag the economy for further development .

  22. 采取增产措施的完井实施增值税转型增强企业发展后劲

    Implementing the Transition of Value-added Tax to Strengthen the Development Potential of Enterprise

  23. 她不能吃这种药,因为后劲太大。

    She was unable to take the medicine because of a marked kickback .

  24. 智力因素欠佳,农村经济发展缺乏潜在后劲。

    Poorly mental factors , lack of potential rural economic development . 3 .

  25. 这些不平衡性因素的存在致使可持续发展后劲不强。

    Uneven existence of factor these cause sustainable better delayed effect of development .

  26. 国有商业银行应进行金融创新,增强发展后劲;

    State-owned commercial banks should undertake innovation of finance , enhancing developing power ;

  27. 但这些努力似乎已经失去了后劲。

    But these efforts appear to have lost traction .

  28. 教育水平提高了,科技进步和经济发展才有后劲。

    Only a well-developed education can sustain scientific and technological progress and economic development .

  29. 重视人才的引进和培养增强企业发展的后劲

    Introduction and Cultivation of Qualified Personnel Helps Dig Up the Potential of a Business

  30. 3不断增强医院发展的后劲。

    Strengthen staying power of hospital development .