
  • 网络Vacuum Degassing
  1. 本文对洞液真空除气进行了热力学和动力学分析。确保真空除气系统正常运行和二级除盐水箱的密封效果是控制腐蚀的主要手段。

    The insurance of the normal operation of vacuum degassing system and sealing performance of the desalted water drum was the important measure to control the corrosion .

  2. 搅拌真空除气除气效果比静态真空除气更好,铸件致密度提高至98.95%,而且SiC颗粒分布均匀。

    The densification could reach to 98.95 % and SiC particles distributed symmetrically by mixing vacuum degassing which was better than static vacuum degassing .

  3. RH循环真空除气法的新技术

    New development in RH degassing process

  4. 我们的做法是:激光管不经烘烤,并附加水蒸气,电极材料均经真空除气且充氧氧化,在采用纯银电极、气体组分分别为(1)CO2-N2-He-Xe-H2O;

    We have done in the following ways : laser tube is not dried but filled with water vapor , the electrode material must be degassed in vacuum and oxidized by filling oxygen gas .

  5. LZCQ/3离心式真空除气器

    Model LZCQ / 3 Centrifugal vacuum degasser

  6. 介绍了SWACO卧式罐结构真空除气器的液面控制系统的结构、工作原理。

    This paper presents the structure , working principle of SWACO , the liquid level control system , and the analysis of system failure and the cause of abnormal operation .

  7. ZCQ2/3真空除气器的研究与应用

    Research and application of zcq2 / 3 vacuum deaerator

  8. 此外,悬浮液抽真空除气对提高坯体的强度影响明显。

    Besides , vacuum deairing of the slurry can obviously improve the green strength .

  9. 大型准无油真空除气炉的设计研究

    Design of large semi-free oil vacuum degassing furnace

  10. 高温真空除气对材料磁导率的影响

    The effect of the vacuum furnace degassing for material ′ s rate of magnetic conductivity

  11. 双管循环真空除气法调压铸造中铝液真空除气的热力学和动力学分析

    Analysis on Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Vacuum Degassing from Aluminum Melt during Adjusted Pressure Casting

  12. 本文采用电容式差压传感器对真空除气器的液位进行检测,讲述了测量原理,同时对电容式差压传感器的调整进行了分析,并说明了调整方法。

    In this paper a capacitance differential pressure sensor is used to measure the liquid level of vacuum doffing gas capsule and details its principle of work meanwhile the adjustment of it is analyzed and explains the methods of the adjustment .

  13. 制得的微晶玻璃的膨胀系数为96×10-7/℃,抗折强度为297MPa,电绝缘性能、真空除气性能、耐火度等性能满足真空开关管对绝缘外壳的要求。

    The expansion coefficient of the glass ceramics to be made is 96 × 10-7 / ℃, bending strength with 297 MPa , and the electric insulating ability , vacuum gettering performance , fire-resistant degree can meet the needs for vacuum interrupter enclosure .

  14. 论述了真空式除气器的除气机理及设计真空式除气器时真空泵、污水泵的匹配和各种参数的选择。

    The degasification mechanism of a vacuum drilling fluid degasser , the matching of the vacuum pump with sewage pump and the selection of various parameters are discussed .

  15. 真空式除气器性能的好坏不仅取决于真空泵、污水泵在整机中是否匹配得合理,还与处理罐的容积及除气器在固控系统中的安装空间等因素有关。

    The optimum performance of a vacuum degasser not only depends on the proper matching of the vacuum pump with sewage pump , but also on the holding capacity of the disposal tank and the location of the degasser in the solid-control system .

  16. 本文研究了真空加热除气处理对快速凝固Al&Li合金粉末表面氧化层厚度和组成,以及对合金力学性能、断口形貌的影响。

    In this paper the effect of vacuum degassing at 5 0 0 ℃ on the thickness and composition of surface oxide film in RS Al - Li alloy powders , and on the resulting mechanical properties and the fractograph of the extruded material were studied .

  17. 不锈钢材料在真空炉高温除气后的出气性能比较

    Outgassing comparison of stainless steel before and after high-temperature degassing by vacuum furnace

  18. 真空炉高温除气工艺对降低不锈钢出气率的作用

    The effect of the vacuum furnace degassing for reducing the stainless steel out-gassing rate

  19. 这套方案包括合理选择和配置真空排气系统及其他设备、合理选择材料、采用真空炉除气及在线烘烤等有效措施及大幅度降低材料出气率等。

    Discussion focuses on technological details , including selection of pumps , related instruments and materials for the ultra high vacuum system and effective reduction of out-gassing rate by degassing in a vacuum furnace and by in-site vacuum baking-out .

  20. 研究超高真空材料的升温脱附谱对于获得超高真空、提高极限真空度和指导真空系统的烘烤除气有重要的意义。

    The temperature programmed desorption spectra are very important to raising the vacuum limit and guiding how to bake the vacuum systems for degassing .