
  1. 里面的奶油小蛋糕可真她娘的靓啊,都给爷在盒子里乖乖趴着等

    Those are some pretty badass buttercream cupcakes , ain 't no drama going on in that box !

  2. “我真他娘的没想到这场争端会以日本的显然外交失败而告终”,反对党领导人渡边一藤宏说。

    " I 'm flabbergasted that this was resolved with such a clear diplomatic defeat for Japan ," said Yoshimi Watanabe , leader of the opposition Your Party .

  3. 她写道:我知道其中一些语言模仿得乱七八糟,但这就是我要表达的点,因为有那么一些语言真他娘的听不懂!这就是为什么听起来我在胡言乱语。

    She writes : ' I know some of them suck , but that 's kinda the point cus I don 't understand two shs of that particular language and thats why it sounds like gibberish to me .

  4. 噢,你真是他娘的喜剧演员!

    Oh , you 're a @ @ @ ing comedian !

  5. 他们对当地的狗狗爱不释手,真是群娘们。

    They lost their hearts to local dogs , what a bunch of girls .

  6. 他们写信说:“想念你,兄弟。”真是群娘们,一群娘们。

    They write each other , " Miss you , brother . " Bunch of girls , bunch of girls .