
  1. 通过搭建试验台,对真空锅炉内部的流动和换热特性进行了试验研究,获得了一些对真空锅炉设计和运行有参考价值的结果。

    The flow and heat transfer characteristics of the water-steam system in the vacuum-boiler were studied experimentally with an experimental setup .

  2. 目前使用的一般燃油(气)真空锅炉仅能提供100℃以下的供暖或卫生热水,以溴化锂水溶液为工质的新型真空锅炉,可同时供暖、供生活热水及部分低压蒸汽。

    The presently used oil / gas fired vacuum hot water boilers can only provide heating or domestic hot water at temperature lower than 100 ℃ .

  3. 真空锅炉由于其内部热媒水处在密封无氧状态,具有良好的节能性和安全性,因此受到了广泛关注。

    Since 1980 's , a new type of boiler & vacuum-boiler has been widely applied in Japan due to the advantages of safety and energy saving .

  4. 燃气真空锅炉中水的沸腾属于可润湿壁的水在大空间的沸腾换热,通过对沸腾换热基本机理的分析,给出大空间沸腾换热系数的计算式。

    The heat transfer in the gas vacuum hot water boiler is large space boiling . The coefficient of heat transfer in boiling is calculated , through the analysis of principle of heat transfer in boiling .

  5. 热媒水回收利用多个工艺装置的低温余热真空锅炉由于其内部热媒水处在密封无氧状态,具有良好的节能性和安全性,因此受到了广泛关注。

    RECOVERY AND UTILIZATION OF LOW-TEMPERATURE WASTE HEAT IN REFINERY PROCESS UNITS BY HOT MEDIA WATER Since 1980 's , a new type of boiler & vacuum-boiler has been widely applied in Japan due to the advantages of safety and energy saving .

  6. 伴随着我国能源政策与能源结构的不断调整,天然气将成为大中城市的重要能源品种,燃气型真空锅炉的应用将更为广泛。

    With the continually innovation of the energy policy and energy structure of our country , the natural gas will become the primary source of energy in large and medium cities , the application of gas vacuum hot water boiler will be more extensive .

  7. ZK系列真空相变锅炉的研制开发

    The Research and Development of ZK Series Vacuum Phase-change Boiler

  8. 真空热水锅炉热效率研究

    Study on Thermal Efficiency of Vacuum Hot Water Boiler

  9. 燃气真空热水锅炉的构造特点及工作特性

    Structure & Performance of Vacuum Hot Water Boiler

  10. 真空热水锅炉是一种安全节能的低温供热设备。

    Vacuum hot water boiler is an secure and energy-saving low temperature heat supply equipment .

  11. 叙述了真空热水锅炉的工作原理、特点以及与常压热水锅炉的性能比较。

    Compared to atmospheric pressure hot water boiler , operational principle and characteristic of vacuum hot water boiler are narrated .

  12. 真空相变锅炉低排烟温度设计与低温腐蚀

    Discussion on the Conformable Super-low Exhaust Gas Temperature and the Low Temperature Corrosion Problem of the Phase Change Vacuum Boiler

  13. 真空相变锅炉是否会明显发生烟气低温腐蚀,一直众说不一。

    It is uncertain all along that if the phase change vacuum boiler can be corroded obviously under super low temperature .

  14. 燃气型真空供热锅炉由于符合国家的环保政策,集多功能于一体,将会有广阔的应用前景。

    Complying with the national environmental protection policy and having multi-functional , there will be a wide application prospect for the gas vacuum hot water boiler .

  15. 真空热水锅炉独特的设计,形成了它安全可靠、运行稳定等特点。

    The vacuum hot water boiler manifests its characteristics : reliable in design , steady in operation , and no requirement for supplement of heating medium water .

  16. 最后对炉膛、烟管、以及凝结换热管的传热进行了理论计算,对其结构设计进行了校核,并对真空热水锅炉热效率进行了实际测定,其热效率达到93%。

    Finally , the process of heat transfer is calculated in the furnace , smoke tube and condensation heat transfer tube , and the design of construction is checked out . In the experiment , the thermal efficiency of this boiler is up to 93 % .

  17. Z30/SC型真空相变热水锅炉的开发研制

    Research and Development on the Z30 / SC Vacuum Phase-change Hot Water Boiler

  18. 用真空干燥法进行锅炉停用保护

    Vacuum drying method used for shutdown boiler protection