
  • 网络one phase
  1. 运行中一相500kVCVT事故隐患的分析

    Analysis of Hidden Trouble for 500 kV CVT of One Phase Accident in Operation

  2. 由于断路器老化等各种原因常常会导致三相合闸的不同时,本文计算了该现象对变压器空投时励磁涌流的影响,得出三相不同时合闸可能会使变压器一相出现严重涌流的结论。

    The influence of this phenomenon to inrush is calculated . The conclusion that unsynchronous closing could bring one phase into severe saturation is driven .

  3. 本文讨论了具有两条自由边界的一相Stefan问题的自由边界的性质。

    In this paper we consider one-phase stefan problem with two free boundaries .

  4. 对于SBS改性沥青,通过加入稳定剂使SBS与基础沥青反应形成了一相,从而解决了储存稳定性。

    By adding stabilizer to SBS modified paving asphalt , SBS and base asphalt form a homogeneous system and thus its storage stability has been improved .

  5. 近30年来,液晶蓝相受到广泛的关注,研究表明蓝相一相(BPⅠ)和蓝相二相(BPⅡ)的物理性质有空间群对称性。

    During recent 30 years , The blue phase of liquid crystal has attracted much attention . The physical nature of BPI ( the first subphase of blue phase ) and BPII ( the second subphase of blue phase ) have the symmetry of space group .

  6. IPSA模型对每一相求解N-S方程,并考虑水-气体两相间的相间相互作用,包括相间阻力、相间升力、相间压力和虚质量力。

    The IPSA model solves the Navier-Stokes equations of each phase with the interphase interactions between two phases of water and air , including the interphase drag forces , interphase lift forces , interphase pressure and virtual mass forces .

  7. 它可以模拟各种几何形状多孔介质中的多相渗流问题,每一相都可能是一个多组份的混合物。

    It can simulate multiphase flow problems in porous media with different geometry .

  8. 压强的大小,每一相的分压是多少。

    What the partial pressure are going to be in each of the phases .

  9. 制作一相房子广告。

    Make an ad for a house .

  10. 在中性点经消弧线圈接地系统中,对地电压最高相的上一相为接地相。

    The last phase of maximum voltage is grounding phase in arc suppression coil grounding system .

  11. 当供电电源一相断开以及定子绕组一相断开时,均将导致三相感应电动机的缺相运行。

    When Power supply transformer and a continuous phase stator windings call for a phase , it may cause the three-phase induction motors running .

  12. 应用表面阻抗与输入阻抗概念,分别计算实心的转子铁心与非磁性金属槽楔的一相阻抗。

    Using the surface impedance and the input impedance respectively , the impedance per phase for the solid rotor steel and the non-ferrous metallic slot wedges is calculated .

  13. 反应后变成两相体系,未反应的底物和生成物在一相,可直接液液分离。

    After reaction , the system is converted into two phases , the unreacted substrate and products are in the same phase , and can be obtained through liquid-liquid separation .

  14. 当故障发生在3相4线系统中的一相时,其它两相的对地电压就升高(约升高20%)。

    When a fault occurs on one phase of a 3-phase , 4-wire system , the other two phases rise in voltage relative to ground ( about 20 % ) .

  15. 同时引入旋转变换使每一相的雅可比矩阵和信息矩阵实虚部严格解耦,进一步降低了问题的求解规模。

    Besides , with the use of rotation transformation , the real and image parts of Jacobian matrix and information matrix can be strictly decoupled , so that the solution scale is reduced furthermore .

  16. 用对称分量法分析定子电路一相串联电阻以及两相串联电阻时的不对称系统,初步计算起动电阻的数值,然后通过计算机仿真的调整来较准确地加以确定。

    Symmetrical components method is employed in the analysis of the asymmetrical circuit system , the value of the starting resistance is calculated preliminarily , and then , well and truly determined by computer simulation .

  17. 分析了混合式步进电动机的磁系统,提出可用两组磁极支路的磁化特性曲线簇来表述一相绕组磁路的特性。

    Based on the analyzing of the hybrid stepping motor 's magnetic system , it is pointed out that the phase magnetic path characteristics can be described with two group of magnetic branch 's magnetic characteristic curves .

  18. 特别指出,电热元件每一相电热丝的瞬时发热率是随时间而变化的周期函数,但三相瞬时发热率之和是一常数。

    It is emphatically pointed out that although the instantaneous generation rate of every phase of the heater is a periodic function alternating with time , the sum of the instantaneous generation rates of three phases is a constant .

  19. 深入研究支撑裂缝流动规律,采用一相流动涵括两相流动的方法,摆脱单纯依靠经验关系式确定惯性阻力系数这一传统方法的束缚,建立了针对支撑剂回流模型的气相裂缝流动模型。

    With the method of one-phase flowing including the two-phase , gas flowing law in fracture is further studied and a corresponding flowing model is developed , which is out of the bondage of the traditional β - computing method with empirical formula .

  20. 但由于三相电极之间存在强烈的耦合,任意一相电极位置的调整都会影响其它两相,导致三相电极很难调整稳定,进而使电极调节时间加长,增加了能源的消耗。

    However , because of strong coupling among three electrodes , the other two electrodes could be affected when the position is adjusted in one phase . Consequently , three electrodes are very difficult to keep stable which lengthen electrode adjusting time and increase energy loss .

  21. 当三相异步电动机正常运行时因某种原因一相绕组烧毁,通过对剩下二相绕组重新组合的3种方法进行分析,发现其中二相零接法在适当降低负载功率情况下,电机可连续运行。

    By analyzing the three ways that recombine the rest two phases windings while one of the three-phase asynchronous motors is burnt down under the normal condition , the two-phase-zero connect is proved to be effective in making the motor work continually when load power is decreased suitably .

  22. 网络组对三相设备中的一相、两相或三相放电的识别结果表明,用这种网络组进行三相电力设备放电识别、类型、程度的分层次识别是可行的。

    Under circumstances of 1,2 , or 3 phases discharge of 3 phases equipment the recognition results of the artificial neural network groups proved the feasibility of hierarchical recongnition to discriminate the phase discharge occurred and the different discharge types and serious levels of 3 phases electrical equipment .

  23. 本文从水锤基本微分方程式出发,按水锤压力在一相末达到最大值,然后维持不变的条件求得水轮机导叶最合理的调节序律。

    In this paper , the most rational regulation of the wicket gates of a water turbine is determined on the basis of the basic differential equations of water hammer , the pressure of which reaches the maximum at the end of one phase and then remains unchanged .

  24. 在这里我只有一个相,即液相或者气相,所以p等于。

    If I 'm sitting where there 's only one phase , say , the liquid phase or the gas phase , 1 then p equals one .

  25. 在二元共晶状态中只见到一个相(δ或Cu3P),而在三元共晶状态中见到两个相(δ和Cu3P)。

    The binary eutectic consists of one phase only (δ or Cu_3P ) and the ternary eutectic consists of two phases (δ and Cu_3P ) respectively .

  26. 需要注意,如果启用了大分页,则操作系统会留出一大块相阾的内存区供JVM使用。

    Be aware that if large pages are enabled , the operating system will set aside a large continuous chunk of memory for use by the JVM .

  27. 溶胀温度、pH值、盐浓度等对凝胶溶胀性能的影响实验表明,凝胶表现出温度敏感性,在40℃出现最大平衡溶胀率,并观察到一级相转变;

    It was found that the swelling ratio of the hydrogels was high when pH value was about 7.Some hydrogels showed temperature sensitivity , had ultimate equilibrium swelling ratio at about 40 ℃ and the first grade phase transition was observed .

  28. 并列举了一个相量测量装置(PMU)数据集中处理单元的实例,通过该示例验证了平台的高效、可靠与灵活性。

    Finally , as an example , the efficiency , reliability and flexibility of the platform are validated by the data centralized processing unit of PMU .

  29. 将RequisitePro与其他四个工具中的任何一个相集成,都可以让分析人员、架构师和开发人员维持从需求直接到模型和代码的可追溯性。

    The integration of RequisitePro with any of these four tools allows Analysts , Architects , and Developers to maintain traceability from requirements directly to models and code .

  30. 初步探讨了亚稳相合金形成摘要时,非规则共晶组织的形成机制:Q一Fe相首先形成枝晶骨架,然后Fe3B相在枝晶间的液相中形核,发生祸合生长。

    The formation mechanism of anomalous eutectics in the metastable phase alloy is preliminarily studied , the results indicate that α - Fe phase first form dendrite frames in the eutectic melt , then metastable phases ( Fe3B ) nucleate and grow in the interval of the frames .