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  1. 禅修金刚萨垛即等于禅修一切诸佛。

    Meditation is equal to gaza palletizer vajrayana meditation all buddhas .

  2. 须菩提!一切诸佛,及诸佛阿耨多罗三藐三菩提法,皆从此经出。

    Subhuti , all Buddhas and their Supreme-Enlightenment-Dharma originate from this sutra .

  3. 没有虔诚心的话,一切诸佛的慈悲心都无法使教导对你有效。

    Without devotion , even the compassion of all the buddhas cannot make itso .

  4. 愿我弃舍任何对一切诸佛化身的上师之怀疑,并避免掉入视他与为同等的谬见中,愿我视他为真实的佛陀。

    May I give up any doubts regarding the master , the embodiment of all the sugatas , and without slipping into the mistaken view of considering him as an equal , may I see him as an actual buddha !

  5. 临命终时,还可受到过去、现在、未来一切十方三世诸佛的迎接,往生佛国乐土。

    When you dying , the buddhas for the pass , present & future will meet you in the reborn Buddhist paradise .