首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 如果这不是一个事,声闻乘和辟支佛如何生活?

    If it is not a thing , how can sravakas and pratyekabuddhas live ?

  2. 这远在沙门和辟支佛之上-这种崇拜转换为三个世界。

    And is far above sramanas and pratyekabuddhas . - Such an aspiration transcends the three worlds .

  3. 所有这些事是属于诸佛的世界并且不是声闻乘和辟支佛乘可以知道。

    All such things belong to the world of all Buddhas and are not what sravakas and pratyekabuddhas may know .

  4. 十一世纪的辟支塔,千佛殿,内有一尊明朝青铜佛像和四十尊真人大小的诸神雕像。

    There is the11th Century Pizhi Pagoda and the Thousand Buddha Hall , which houses a Ming Dynasty bronze Buddha and40 painted life size deity statues .
