
  • 网络model age;TDM
  1. 大部分矿石铅Doe单阶段模式年龄与该矿床的RbSr年龄值十分接近,可能反映了区域变质的成矿意义。

    The Doe single model age of the most ore lead is similar to the Rb Sr age of the deposit . And this may show the functions of ore forming in the regional metamorphism .

  2. 矿石铅同位素为古老弱异常铅,模式年龄为7~9亿年。

    The ore lead isotope is the ancient weak anomalous lead with a model age of 700-900m . y.

  3. 中国东南地壳增长与Nd同位素模式年龄

    Nd isotopic model ages : implications of the growth of the continental crust of southeastern China

  4. 中国东南大陆中生代火成岩的Nd模式年龄与区域地壳的形成、演化史

    Nd model ages of the Mesozoic igneous rocks in southeast China continent , the crustal formation and evolution

  5. ESR模式年龄误差的初步探讨

    Preliminary study on errors in ESR age estimate

  6. Nd同位素模式年龄显示,佳木斯陆块时代最老,1500~2200Ma;

    Nd isotope model ages indicate that : the Nd model age of the Jiamusi block is oldest , being 1500-2200 Ma ;

  7. 云南滇池现代沉积物~(210)Pb法的CF模式年龄研究

    A geochronological study of ~ ( 210 ) pb CF model for the recent sediments of Dianchi lake , Yunnan Province

  8. Rb-Sr和Pb-Pb等时线趋向和Pb模式年龄还给出加里东期(~440Ma)和印支期(~250Ma)的原油运移与沥青沉淀年龄信息。

    The isochron trends of Rb Sr and Pb Pb as well as Pb model ages also gave age signatures for oil migration and bitumen deposition in Calidonian (~ 440 Ma ) and Indochina ( ~ 250 Ma ) .

  9. 根据花岗岩的Nd模式年龄以及地壳岩石中继承锆石UPb年龄,认为中国东南部地壳具幕式生长特征,古&中元古代为主要的生长期。

    According to the Nd model ages of granites and the U-Pb ages of inherited zircons in crustal rocks , it is concluded that the Southeast China continental crust experienced episodic growth . The Paleo-to Mid-Proterozoic era may have been its main growth time .

  10. 本区北部伊犁地块基底岩石的Nd同位素模式年龄约为1.9Ga,南部南天山褶皱带的约为2.2Ga。

    Nd isotopic model ages of basement rocks suggested that the crustal age of Ili plate in the north ( 1.9Ga ) is younger than that of the South Tianshan ( STS ) fold belt in the south ( 2.2Ga ) .

  11. 鉴于白垩纪花岗岩的钕模式年龄(tDM)均集中于古元古代(1.8~2.2Ga),表明花岗岩的源区应限于核杂岩中构成原中地壳下部的古元古代结晶基底岩层。

    The source area was proved to be composed of the Paleoproterozoic crystalline basement rocks at the lower part of the original middle crust by the dominantly Paleoproterozoic Nd model ages of the granite and from the comparison with the crustal structure-constitution in East Qinling .

  12. 年轻的钕同位素模式年龄表明该区存在新元古&显生宙的地壳增生。

    The young Nd model ages suggest a significant crustal growth in the period of Neoproterozoic-Phanerozoic .

  13. 赣东北前寒武纪变质地层钕模式年龄初步研究

    Preliminary study of the Nd isotopic model ages of the Precambrian metamorphic stratum in northeastern Jiangxi Province

  14. 钕模式年龄指示其源区地壳形成于新元古代。

    The model ages of Nd suggest that the source crust of the volcanic rock was formed in Neo-Proterozoic Era .

  15. 铅同位素模式年龄(约140~470Ma)显示矿床的形成时代晚于或近于容矿地层的形成时代。

    Lead isotopic model ages suggest that the mineralization ages of the studied Pb-Zn deposits are later than or close to the ages of the host strata .

  16. 无论是太古代地层,还是重熔花岗岩及有关的金矿床,都具有低比值、低μ值、大模式年龄的特征。

    Au deposits associated with Archean strata ( greenstone ) and remelting granite are all characterized by low values of Pb isotope ratio and high values of model age .

  17. 混合铅等时线和铅的模式年龄反映了层控铅锌矿床的多期成矿作用。

    There are multiple stages of mineralization in strata-bound lead-zinc ore deposits according to the time of mixed lead and model-lead ages , the major stages are middle Proterozoic and Mesozoic .

  18. 同时计算了广西花山复式花岗岩的端元模式年龄,结果显示该岩体的物质来源于2500Ma华南古陆壳和622Ma从亏损地幔分异出来的大洋地壳的混合物。

    The results show that the materials of the granite body were derived from a mixing source at the Huanan basement formed at about 2500 Ma ago and an oceanic crust differentiated from DM with an age of about 622 Ma .

  19. 硫化物矿石的206Pb/204Pb,207Pb/204Pb和208Pb/204Pb比值分别在18.257~18.368,15.476~15.609和37.916~38.355范围内,其模式年龄为122~209Ma。

    The 206 Pb / 204 Pb , 207 Pb / 204 Pb and 208 Pb / 204 Pb ratios of sulfide ores range respectively within 18.257 ~ 18.368 , 15.476 ~ 15.6 09 , and 37.916 ~ 38.355 with the model ages of 122 ~ 209 Ma .

  20. 韩国青少年睡眠/觉醒模式的年龄相关性改变

    Age-related changes in sleep / wake patterns among Korean teenagers

  21. 血压昼夜模式与年龄及血压的关系

    Correlation between circadian Bp variation and age and blood pressure

  22. 目的:探讨血压昼夜模式与年龄及血压的相关因素。

    Objective : To explore the correlation between circadian Bp variation , ageand blood pressure .

  23. 铅模式平均年龄为450.1Ma,为多源铅。

    Lead-model ages average is 450 . 1 Ma , and lead shows polygenetic features .

  24. 云南纳帕海越冬黑颈鹤日间行为模式与年龄和集群的关系

    Relations of Daily Activity Patterns to Age and Flock of Wintering Black-necked Crane ( Grus nigricollis ) at Napa Lake , Shangri-La in Yunnan

  25. 在初步研究的基础上,对原发性胸腺瘤患者的多种治疗模式及年龄、肿瘤大小、肿瘤分期、病理类型等因素进行分析,以求有助于评价预后和制定合适的治疗方法。

    At the same time , based on the preliminary study , a variety of patterns and age , tumor size , tumor stage , pathological type and other factors is analysis in order to help evaluating the prognosis and formulating appropriate treatment Ways .

  26. 目的:探讨乙肝六项模式在各个年龄组的分布比例及同组和各组之间含HBsAg阳性模式阳性率差异。

    Objective : To study distribution of 6 modes of HBV among several age-groups and difference of positive HBsAg rate between men and women in same group and difference of positive HBsAg rate between several age groups .

  27. 结论神经元ISI复杂度和优势模式百分比与年龄、记忆能力有一定相关性,提示对神经元复杂度与优势模式的分析有助于揭示神经元自发放电的信息编码特征。

    Conclusion The ISI complexity and the PF of the hippocampal pyramidal cells are correlated to age and memory , suggesting that the analysis of the complexity and favored patterns may be helpful for the discovery of the characteristics of the information coding in spontaneous discharges of hippocampal pyramidal cells .

  28. 结果本家系中10人发病,符合常染色体显性遗传模式,发病年龄8~38岁。结果本组32例均为HMSNⅠ型患者,27例为常染色体显性遗传,5例为散发;

    Results 10 patients of the family attacked , which were consisted with autosomal dominant inheritance type . Age of the onset was 8 ~ 38 years old . Results Among the thirty two cases 27 were autosomal dominant inheritance , 5 cases were in a sporadic manner .

  29. 沟通让关系得以保持。维吉尼亚·萨提亚的沟通模式为所有年龄、种族、性别、肤色或者文化的人所普遍适用。

    Virginia Stair 's Communication Model is universal to all human beings , regardless of age , race , gender , color , or culture .

  30. 本研究中两个典型家系均符合常染色体显性遗传模式,发病年龄越晚,临床症状较轻、病情进展较慢、病程较长。

    Two families were consistent with typical autosomal dominant genetic model , with later onset age , mild clinical symptoms , slow development and prolonged course .