
  1. 雕刻是模仿的艺术(模刻真实生活中的人、物等)。

    Sculpture is an imitative art , ie it copies people , things , etc from real life .

  2. 分析表明,为使零级衍射效率小于5%,相位掩模的刻槽深度和占空比制作误差必须控制在|Δh|<38nm和|Δf|<0.11的范围内。

    The result shows that the groove depth and duty cycle error of phase mask must be controlled within the range of | Δ h | < 38nm and | Δ f | < 0.11 respectively in order to make the zero order diffraction efficiency less than 5 % .

  3. 掩模激光标刻系统的改进

    The amelioration of marking mask in laser marking system

  4. 目前一般采用多个二元掩模多次套刻的方法来制作连续微浮雕结构,用量化的台阶去逼近理想的轮廓。

    At the present time , micro optical elements with continuous relief structure are usually fabricated by the multi-mask photolithography .

  5. 介绍了激光掩模投影直刻技术,聚焦激光束光栅扫描技术及激光辅助化学气相沉积等在微机械加工技术中的应用。

    This paper introduces the application of laser ablation with mask exposure , laser writing with raster scanning and LCVD techniqe in three dimensional micromachining for MEMS .

  6. 激光直写系统的应用,可以分成一次曝光制作光刻掩模和多次套刻曝光制作器件两个方面。

    Mask making with one step exposure and device making with multiple overlay exposure are applications of the system .