
  • 网络die structure
  1. 级进模结构设计中的装配约束表达及求解

    Constraints description and solution in progressive die structure design

  2. 推出一种较为理想的铆接模结构。

    An ideal riveting die structure which resulting better quality has been developed .

  3. 锁模结构:采用国际先进十字板结构,锁模快速、平稳

    Locking mold configuration : Adopt international advanced crossing board structure , locking mold fleetly and reposefully .

  4. 开放式级进模结构CAD系统研究

    Research on the Open CAD System for Progressive Die Structure

  5. 级进模结构CAD中组件设计方法的研究

    Research on design insert-group in progressive die structure CAD

  6. 基于专用信息描述语言的级进模结构CAD柔性系统研究

    The study of flexible progressive die structure CAD system based on the specialized information-describing language

  7. 且通过采用具有偏差补偿器的内模结构,解决普通位置型MAC控制器在输入约束情形下固有的静差问题。

    The internal model structure with error compensator is employed .

  8. 采用ANSYS有限元软件对硬质合金拉伸模结构进行了优化设计。

    The cemented carbide drawing die was optimal designed by the finite element software ANSYS .

  9. 基于CBR的级进模结构设计研究

    Research on Progressive Die Structure Based on CBR

  10. 运用四元数Cauchy核奇异积分算子理论和C代数理论,建立了一个Fredholm模结构。

    In this paper , we construct a Fredholm module by using singular integral operators theory with the quaternionic Cauchy kernel and C ~ - algebra theory .

  11. 改进了关于图模结构学习中常见的MCMC算法。将这种方法构造的贝叶斯网络作为马尔可夫链初始状态的网络结构,利用改进后的MCMC算法,构造一个关于贝叶斯网络结构的马尔可夫链。

    The traditional Markov Chain Monte Carlo method for structural learning in graphical models MCMC algorithm is improved .

  12. 在简单介绍注射模结构的基础上,对基于CAE的注射模浇注系统和冷却系统优化研究概况进行了论述。

    After a brief introduction to the structure of injection moulds , the research situation of CAE-based optimization plan for the feed system and cooling system of injection moulds was discussed .

  13. 介绍了PP纸巾盖热流道注射模结构设计,并以纸巾盖为例分析了热塑性塑料热流道注射模具结构及优点。

    The hot runner injection mold structure design of PP tissue cover is introduced , and taking tissue cover as an instance , injection mold structure of the thermoplastic hot runner and its advantages are analyzed .

  14. 介绍了CBR技术的基本原理和实现技术,提出了一个基于CBR的面向用户的冲裁模结构设计系统的总体框架。

    The feasibility and necessity were pointed out based on the analysis of a punching die design process and a whole frame of punch die structure design faced users based CBR was advanced .

  15. 分析了并行设计的全过程,介绍了新型CAD软件如何在技术上对并行设计进行支持,并建立覆盖件拉深模结构并行设计过程模型。

    Firstly , this paper analyses the whole process of concurrent design . Then it introduces how the new type of CAD software supports concurrent design technologically . Finally , the process model of concurrent design for the drawing die 's structure of automobile panel is proposed .

  16. 2)光栅调谐于10P(20)线时,激光输出谱线的精细纵模结构和输出激光脉冲波形;

    2 ) The fine longitudinal modes of the output wavelength and the output laser pulse profile at 10P ( 20 ) line ;

  17. 研究还表明具有撕裂模结构的高一阶ITG模只在低比压和弱磁剪切下占优势。

    It is also concluded that the next order ITG eigenmode with tearing parity dominants only in the low β and weak magnetic shear regime .

  18. 本文论述加工仪表丝锥(外径小于1mm)用的滚丝模结构、制造方法和仪表丝锥的滚丝工艺。

    This article presents the structure and manufactural method of thread rolling dies which are used for manufacturing instrumental taps ( OD < 1mm ), meanwhile thread rolling technique for instrumental taps is mentioned .

  19. 通过对U形件侧面冲孔工艺的分析,介绍了U形件冲孔、压字复合模结构,指出了U形件侧孔冲裁凸模设计要点。

    Through the analysis on the side holes piercing technology for the U-shaped part , the structure of the piercing and word-pressing compound die for the U-shaped part was introduced . The main points for designing the punch for piercing the side holes in the U-shaped part were put forward .

  20. (wslq(2))的子模结构。

    ( wslq ( 2 )), which is the locally finite submodule of the quantum algebra wslq ( 2 ) .

  21. 面向再设计的级进模结构设计研究

    Research on the structure design of progressive die by redesign method

  22. 基于内模结构的仿人智能协调控制

    Coordinated Control of Human-Like Intelligent Control Based on Internal Model Structure

  23. 汽车保险杠大型注射模结构设计

    Design of the Large Injection Mould for Auto Fender - Guards

  24. 级进模结构协同设计中信息交换和同步的实现

    Realization of Information Exchange and Synchronization during Progressive Die Cooperative Design

  25. 本课题所进行的钢锭凝固过程温度场数值模拟、钢锭模结构优化为模拟软件的第一阶段研究。

    It is the first phase for study of simulation soft .

  26. 弯曲模结构设计中减小回弹的技巧

    Techniques about decreasing rebound in the structural design of bending die

  27. 折弯机通用组合上模结构的改进和设计

    Improvement and Design of General Combined Upper Dies Structure for Brake

  28. 预测控制算法的内模结构及其统一格式

    Internal Model Structure of Predictive Control Algorithm and Its Unified Form

  29. 金属管件的弯曲工艺和弯管模结构形式

    The Bending Process and Structure of Mould for Metal Pipe

  30. 广义预测自校正控制器的内模结构及全局收敛性

    The IMC Structure of Generalized Predictive Self-Tuning Controller and Its Globally Convergence