
  • 网络Neyman;D.Kahneman;Daniel Kahneman;Hannemann;J. Neyman
  1. 样本量分配方法主要有等比例分配、最优分配和内曼分配。

    There are three main methods to allocate samples to every stratum : proportionate allocation , optimum allocation and Neyman allocation .

  2. 论文对比分析了以上的三种方法,根据在线电表分层抽样的特点,选定内曼分配为合理的样本量分配方法。

    The paper compares the three kinds of methods and , according to the characteristics of watt-hour meter in use stratified sampling , considers Neyman allocation as the appropriate method .

  3. 比如,Ares和加拿大养老金计划投资委员会(CanadaPensionPlanInvestmentBoard)斥资60亿美元收购内曼马库斯(NeimanMarcus)的交易,预计将为这家美国百货公司留下大约7倍于ebitda的债务。

    The $ 6bn acquisition of Neiman Marcus by Ares and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board is expected to leave the US department store with a debt of about 7 times ebitda .

  4. 此后该品牌又遭百货公司内曼?马库斯(NeimanMarcus)抛弃,后者解释称,将该品牌从其电商网站下架是因为销售数字惨淡。

    It was then dropped by Neiman Marcus , which cited poor sales in its decision to remove it from its website .

  5. 就在亚马逊筹备开设实体店的同时,像梅西百货和内曼百库斯百货(NeimanMarcus)等传统的实体连锁店正在试水当日速递,还有一些企业正在试用谷歌(Google)提供的快递服务。

    The news comes at a time traditional brick and mortar chains like Macy 's and Neiman Marcus are testing same-day delivery , while others are trying out a service offered by Google .

  6. ShopRunner将重点放在签约的名牌零售商上,比如美鹰傲飞(AmericanEagleOutfitters)、Diesel和内曼o马库斯(NeimanMarcus)。在亚马逊统治的这个全球市场,ShopRunner把赌注压在了顾客与品牌的关联性上。

    Focusing on signing up name-brand retailers - a few include American Eagle Outfitters , Diesel , and Neiman Marcus - is ShopRunner 's bet on relevancy in a world dominated by Amazon .

  7. 很多品牌在伯道夫古德曼、内曼马库斯和丝芙兰等商场和门店有售,此外也有很多网站在销售韩国美容产品,比如Glowrecipe、PeachandLily和SokoGlam等。另外还有一项类似于化妆品发现平台Birchbox,名叫MemeBox的美容产品订购服务。

    While many of these brands are sold at Bergdorf Goodman , Neiman Marcus as well as Sephora , there 's also a host of websites selling curated Korean beauty products , such as Glowrecipe , Peach and Lily , and SokoGlam . MemeBox is a Korean beauty subscription service , similar to Birchbox .

  8. 1999年,二人以3360万美元的价格,将公司56%的股权卖给了内曼马库斯公司。

    In 1999 , the couple sold a 56 % stake to Neiman Marcus for $ 33.6 million .

  9. 本周,该公司又在内曼•马库斯和诺德斯特龙推出了一系列新款男士内衣。

    And this week , the company launched a new underwear line for men at Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom .

  10. 26岁时,劳伦决定设计一条欧洲风格的宽领带,这也为内曼-马库斯百货商店带来了商机。

    At 26 , Lauren decided to design a wide European-styled tie , which eventually led to an opportunity with Neiman Marcus .

  11. 在美国,内曼马库斯,萨克斯第五大道,杰西潘尼这些百货公司都公布最近销量下降。

    In America department stores such as Neiman Marcus , Saks and JCPenney have all reported declining sales in their most recent results .