
nèi huán
  • Inner ring;internal loop;interior loop
  1. 它是在容错控制器的设计过程中,在故障系统的各内环稳定性分析的基础上,对失稳的内环进行稳定性补偿所得到的线性状态反馈容错控制策略。

    Within the method , based on the analysis of the stability of every interior loop of a fault system , an algorithm of linear state feedback fault tolerant control is obtained by compensating for stability of the unstable interior loops .

  2. 错位无环流系统内环参数整定方法

    Method of setting interior loop parameters of the phase-adjusted circulating current-free system

  3. 关于内域环内环采用P控制;

    The P controller is used in inside loop .

  4. 分子内环化反应对凝胶化范围的影响(Ⅱ)AaBb,Cc型缩聚反应

    The Effect of Intramolecular Cyclization on Curing Region (ⅱ) A_a B_b , C_c Type of Polycondensation

  5. 脆性X综合征患儿细胞内环磷酸腺苷降低的机制

    Mechanism of intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate level depression in fragile X syndrome

  6. 前列腺素E2对四氧嘧啶处理的新生大鼠离体胰岛细胞内环核苷酸含量变化的影响

    Effect of pge_2 on cyclic nucleotide content of isolated neonatal rat pancreatic islets treated with alloxan

  7. WCDMA系统功率控制策略中的内环SIR测量

    Measurement Method of Inner-loop SIR of Transmit Power Control Scheme in WCDMA

  8. 采用电感电流内环的UPS控制策略研究

    Research on the Control Strategy for UPS with Inductor - current Feedback Loop

  9. 系统内环采用磁场定向控制实现解耦,速度环采用PI调节。

    The inner loop uses field-oriented decoupling control , and the speed loop uses PI regulator .

  10. 介绍了一种基于滤波电容电流内环的输出电压外环瞬时值反馈的UPS控制方案;

    This paper presents the design of instantaneous capacitor-current feedback loop control strategy for UPS .

  11. T型管节点内环加强研究Ganoderma内。

    A study on tubular T-joints with inner ring-stiffeners ganoderma .

  12. SLE患者血浆与淋巴细胞内环孢素A结合蛋白A测定的临床意义

    Detection of Cyclophilin A in plasma and lymphocytes of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

  13. 该系统包含升压和逆变两个环节,均采用电压外环、电流内环的双环PWM控制方式。

    The two parts both adopt double loop PWM control mode which consists of outer voltage loop and inner current loop .

  14. 基于PLD的管道内环缝自动焊机控制系统

    The Control System of Pipeline Internal Welding Machine Based on Programmable Logic Device

  15. 针对TD-SCDMA系统的上行链路,本文提出了一种新型的基于信干比预测的内环功率控制算法。

    A novel SIR-Predictive-Based Forward Link Power Control for the uplink of TD-SCDMA has been proposed .

  16. 然后,本文在传统双闭环控制的基础上,内环的控制算法不变,改变外环控制器的设计算法,主要采用IP控制方案。

    Then , this thesis applies IP control algorithm to change controller in outer loop but not in inner loop based on basic double closed loop control system .

  17. 其外环(主环)采用单神经元自适应PSD控制器,其内环(副环)采用双自由度PID控制器。

    Single Neuron Self adaptive PSD algorithm controller applied to outer loop and double degree PID controller is applied to inner loop .

  18. 控制系统整体由一个双闭环系统构成:并网电流内环控制以及Z源网络电容的外环控制。

    The control system is comprised of double closed-loop system : inner loop control of grid-connected current and outer loop control of Z-source network capacitance .

  19. 控制系统分为电压外环和电流内环双闭环,采用数字PI控制器作为双环控制器。

    Control system includes the outer voltage loop and inner current loop , in which PI controller is introduced as the loop controller and compensator .

  20. 这类并联逆变器,由N个共用电压外环、独立电流内环的占空比扩展有源钳位正激式高频脉冲直流环节逆变器模块构成。

    The parallel inverter is constituted of the N duty cycle extended active clamp forward mode high frequency pulse DC link inverter modules with common outer voltage regulator and separately inner current regulator .

  21. 介绍了PWM整流器的数学模型,在此模型基础上详细介绍了双闭环控制,即电流内环和电压外环,以实现单位功率因数正弦波电流控制。

    Simplified mathematic model of PWM rectifier is introduced . Based on the model , the double closed-loop voltage and current adjustor are was established and expounded .

  22. 在芯片的数字电路中,设计了外部RC环节配合片内环振构成的振荡电路,提供系统时钟、延迟时钟的振荡脉冲。

    In digital circuits , an outer RC circuit , combined with inter ring oscillator obtain series of oscillation pulses for system clock and delay clock .

  23. 提出了采用滑模变结构电流内环与由PI调节器和数字低通滤波器组成的电压外环相结合的控制系统,以实现高性能高速度的功率因数校正。

    This PFC was realized by employing sliding-mode variable-structure inner current loop control and outer voltage loop PI control with digital low-pass filter to achieve high performance .

  24. 目的探讨肾移植术后3个月内环孢菌素A(CsA)免疫抑制剂引起肝损害的治疗措施。

    Objective To investigate the therapeutic measures for liver injury by A ( CsA ) immunosuppressant within 3 months after renal transplantation .

  25. 针对直接功率控制中开关频率变化问题,通过对PWM整流器瞬时功率分析推导,提出一种内环直接采用电流控制的新型准定频直接功率控制策略。

    To alleviate the problem of variable switching frequency , a novel quasi DPC control strategy with current loop was represented through the analysis of PWM rectifier instantaneous power .

  26. 内孔的等离子自动喷焊管道内环缝自动MAG焊的设备与工艺研究

    Automatic Welding of Hole Plasma A Study on Equipment and Technology of the Inner Circumferential Automatic MAG Weld of Pipes

  27. 这种控制系统采用双环控制结构,内环的PID非模型控制器用来克服对象不确定性的影响;外环的模糊变结构神经元控制器用来改善系统的动态性能。

    The inner loop of the PID model-free control is used to overcome the uncertainty of the plant and the outer loop of the variable structure neuron is used to improve the system performance .

  28. 采用非线性反馈控制电流内环,用RBF(径向基函数)神经网络设计了神经网络控制器控制输出电压外环。

    Employing a RBF ( radical basis function ) neural network , a neural network controller is proposed for the output voltage control of the Buck - Boost converter .

  29. 机器人关节采用电流、速度为内环,位置为外环的三层半闭环的运动伺服控制方法,编写了机器人运动程序和手爪PLC程序等下位机程序完成机器人多个关节的协调控制;

    The current , velocity and position three close loop control way is applied in the robot joint control , and multi-joint coordination control is accomplished by programming robot motion program and claw PLC program .

  30. 基于此,将摩擦视为一种扰动信号,在传统PID控制的基础上,通过引入加速度反馈内环来抑制转台系统中存在的非线性摩擦。

    Based on that , regarding the friction torque as a disturbance , the classical PID controller was enhanced to suppress the nonlinear friction in the turntable system by incorporating an inner acceleration feedback loop .