
  • 网络Computer Embroidery
  1. 基于DSP的电脑绣花机磁盘文件操作系统

    The Computer Embroidery Machine 's Disk File Operation System Based on DSP

  2. 电脑绣花花版编辑CAD系统的开发

    Development of CAD Editing System Development of CAD Editing System of Computer Embroidery Card

  3. 基于RS485的电脑绣花机网络

    The Computerized Embroidery Machine Networks Based on RS 485

  4. XH-18单头电脑绣花机控制系统的设计

    Design of Control System of XH-18 Computerized Embroidery Machine

  5. 论文在简要叙述USB总线协议的基础上,详细论述了电脑绣花机的USB接口硬件电路具体实现、单片机系统程序设计和USB设备驱动程序开发这三个方面的内容。

    The paper introduces the protocol of USB simply at first , and then illustrates hardware design of USB interface of computer embroider machine 、 Single-Chip computer soft programming and developing device driver .

  6. 面向一卡多用的虚拟机设计单片机控制的电脑绣花系统

    Virtual Machine for Multi-application Card Computerized Embroidery Machine with Single Card

  7. 我们拥有几十台电脑绣花机,是一家有自主生产能力得厂家。

    Have a stronger capacity , long-term processing-embroidered , soluble flowers .

  8. 电脑绣花机花样处理技术的研究及应用

    Study and Application of Computer Embroidery Machine Pattern Processing Technique

  9. 电脑绣花机控制系统整体设计方案

    Integral design scheme of computerised embroidery machine 's control system

  10. 电脑绣花机换色电机控制器设计方案

    Design of Color Changing Motor Controller in Computerised Embroidery Machine

  11. 电脑绣花打版软件中图和树的应用研究

    Application Study of Graph and Tree in Embroider Software

  12. 家用缝纫机的电脑绣花系统

    The system of computer embroidery of household sewing machine

  13. 电脑绣花机金片绣装置中升降机构的改进

    Improvement of the Lifter for the Tinsel Embroidery Device in the Computer Embroidery Machine

  14. 收缩拉伸是影响电脑绣花产品质量的主要因素。

    The paper talks about the reason why computer embroidery is shrink and elongate .

  15. 介绍了一种电脑绣花花型的模拟显示方法。

    A method for pseudo-3D simulative display of computerized embroidery design is intro - duced .

  16. 电脑绣花机控制系统的实现

    Development of a computer control embroidery machine

  17. 家用多功能电脑绣花机实时多任务控制系统设计

    Design of RTOS on Multifunctional Embroidery Machine

  18. 通过仿真测试,该电脑绣花机控制系统符合的设计要求。

    Through emulation test , computerized embroidery machine designed in this Study is Meet the requirements .

  19. 在工业电脑绣花机控制系统中开发出一个优良的图形界面越来越重要。

    This paper shows the application of embedded Linux system in computerized embroidery machine control system .

  20. 电脑绣花机塑料凸轮的数控加工

    NC Manufacturing the Plastic Cam

  21. 此设计在电脑绣花机系统中投入应用,并取得良好的效果。

    It has been applied in the computerised embroidery machine and has achieved a real good effect .

  22. 电脑绣花机运动特性检测与分析是设计改进的关键途径之一。

    The detection and analysis of Computer embroidery machine is one of important key to design improvement .

  23. 通过对缩短辅助工作时间来提高电脑绣花生产率的理论和方法的探讨,提出MEC-108型电脑绣花机控制器绣花辅助操作功能的设计。

    Studies on the theory and method for increasing the productivity of automatic embroidery by decreasing the aided operation time ;

  24. 在高性能纺织机械尤其是电脑绣花机中,步进电机是广泛应用的执行部件。

    Stepping motor is the most popular executive component in high performance textile machinery , especially in the computerised embroidery machine .

  25. 同时,能够承接大批量的电脑绣花,手摇绣花等较高技术程度来样加工。

    Meanwhile , we can accept the computer embroider in enormous quantities and hand embroidery according to investor 's samples of embroidering .

  26. 电脑绣花机是随着计算机技术、电子技术、机械加工技术的应用发展而不断发展起来的机电一体化设备。

    The computerised embroidery machine is the device of mechatronics with the development and application of computer , electronics , mechanical processing .

  27. 本实用新型适用于缠绕绣电脑绣花机上的绣绳松紧程度的设别。

    The utility model is suitable for setting degree of elasticity of the embroidery rope on a coiling embroidery computerized embroidery machine .

  28. 目前,本厂已在电脑绣花线,针织线领域内形成了数十种规格的产品。

    At present , our factory have already formed several dozen kinds of products in the fields of computer floss and knitting thread .

  29. 宁波市镇海兴业缝纫机零件厂是专业生产多头电脑绣花机及缝纫机零部件的厂家。

    Ningbo City Zhenhai Xingye Sewing Machine Spares Factory is specialized in producing multi-head computer embroidery machines and sewing machine spares and parts .

  30. 该线具有光泽度高、柔软度好、具有抗撕、抗磨损性,适用于进口高速电脑绣花机,可用于服装、帽子、手袋、床上用品等绣花加工。

    This thread is mainly suitable to embroider the garment , caps , bags , beddings etc by the high-speed Computer Embroidery Machine .