
kě yònɡ lǜ
  • Availability;available rate
  1. 黄牛胚胎可用率高于奶牛(p<0.01);

    Available embryo rate of yellow cattle and heifers were higher than that of dairy cattle and multipara cows respectively ( p < 0.01 );

  2. 超排后输精1~4次胚胎可用率之间差异不显著(p0.05);

    Meanwhile , available embryo rate had no significant difference among 1 to 4 times insemination after superovulation ( p0.05 ) .

  3. A组的胚胎可用率为53.88%,与B组(56.15%)比较无差异(P>0.05);

    No significant difference in the percentage of available embryo was found between the two groups ( 53.88 % and 56.15 % , respectively , P > 0.05 ) .

  4. 分片存储策略建立在分片可用率模型上,通过分析模型中M、P和R三个因子对文件可用率的影响,设计了具体存储方案。

    Slice storage strategy based on patch availability model , and concrete storage strategy was designed by analysis the effect of three factors of model M , P and R on file availability .

  5. 预期的可用率、可靠性、平均故障间隔时间(MTBF)及修复时间怎样?

    What are the expected availability , reliability , MTBF and Time-to-Repair ?

  6. 公开的、可核实的和可实施的服务质量(QOS),包括性能、可靠性、可用率、制度性、可访问性、完整性及安全性等等;

    Published , verifiable and enforceable Quality of Service ( QOS ) including Performance , Reliability , Availability , Regulatory , Accessibility , Integrity , Security , etc. ;

  7. 以具体电厂改造为例,阐述了扩容和升级的步骤和效果,证明DCS改造可提高系统的可用率和运行效率。

    With the practical reconstructions as examples , the implementation steps and the effectiveness of extension and upgrading are expounded , which verifies that the DCS reconstruction improves the system availability and operation efficiency .

  8. 对于FAT测试与可用率测试中成对数据的差异可采用t检验,检验临界点处的显著性水平检验可作为设计、安装、调试水平的量化指标。

    Moreover t test is adopted to evaluate the difference of paired observations in FAT test and availability test , and the level of significance in critical values can serve as the quantification index of the level of design , installment and commissioning .

  9. 本文基于SVC提出用回收年限内的容量可用率来进行量化,得出相应的运行费用,并实现了成本的完全回收。

    The article provides the method to get the corresponding operation cost based on the analysis of SVC capacity available factor in assigned years , which can cover the investment cost completely .

  10. RCM根据可靠性评价的结果和保持设备功能的需要来确定维修计划,很好地避免了维修不足和过度维修的问题。不仅控制了维修费用,还有效地提高了设备的可用率和可靠性。

    RCM ( Reliability Centered Maintenance ) should make maintenance plan based on the result of reliability evaluating and the request of keeping equipment function , which well avoid insufficient maintenance or excess maintenance .

  11. 立足VTS机务管理实际工作,从五个方面探讨了如何开展好VTS机务管理工作,以提高系统的可用率和完好率,为VTS运行提供可靠的物质保障。

    This article bases the VTS machine matters management practical work , Discussed how from five aspects has done the good VTS machine matters supervisory work , enhanced the system the availability factor and the integrity , Provides the reliable material safeguard for the VTS movement .

  12. 容量是基于活跃实例的资源可用率进行扩展的。

    Capacity is based on resources available for Active instance .

  13. 风力发电机可用率与容量系数的分区定义及其计算

    Division Definition and Calculation of Availability and Capacity Factor of Wind-power Generators

  14. 发电设备可靠性可用率数据管理系统

    A Reliability and Availability Data Management System for Generator Equipments

  15. 关于提高电厂锅炉可用率的讨论

    Discussion on Raising Availability of Boiler in Power Plants

  16. 电力市场中计及发电机组可用率的备用分配计算

    A method for allocating reserve with consideration on availability of generating units in electricity market

  17. 导致锅炉可用率低、维修费用高。

    These problems resulted in low utilization rate of the boiler and high maintenance expenses .

  18. 超临界参数燃煤机组的可用率剖析

    Availability Analysis of Supercritical Coal-Fired Units

  19. 对可靠性、故障率及可用率分析方面提出了新的见解。

    Some new points of view about the reliability , the rate of trouble were put forward .

  20. 变压器更新工程;失效模式分析;不可用率计算;风险差;投资回收期法。

    Transformer update project , failure modes analysis unavailability calculation , risk difference , payback period method .

  21. 经过实验,此方法有效提高了滚动指纹采集的可用率,具有一定的现实意义。

    Through experiment , this method is effectively improved the availability and rolling fingerprint acquisition has certain practical significance .

  22. 从评判过程可看出,运行费用和投资最受关心,脱硫效率和系统可用率分列3、4位。

    Evaluation process shows that operation cost and investment attract more attention , next is desulfurization efficiency and usability ratio .

  23. 发电机励磁系统的可靠性是保证整个发电机组可靠性和可用率的关键。

    The reliability of the excitation system is the key to increase the reliability and availability of the entire generating unit .

  24. 在此期间,机组运行不稳定,非计划停运次数多而时间长,可用率低。

    In this period , units could'nt operate stably , unplanned outage times were many and duration long , and availability low .

  25. 结果显示,三个半月前引进的受体牛经过同期发情处理后,同期发情率93.75%,发情可用率90.69%;

    Results indicated that synchronization rate was 93.75 % and estrus usable rate was 90.69 % to recipient bovines introduced before 3.5 months .

  26. 该添加剂能缓解电厂锅炉高低温受热面的腐蚀、结焦和积灰,提高锅炉热效率,节约能源;延长设备寿命,提高锅炉可用率:并能降低污染物排放量。

    The additive can upgrade the thermal efficiency , save the energy , inhibit corrosion of the heat exchanger surfaces and decrease the detrimental emission .

  27. 在线监测主蒸汽系统的放射水平是提高船用核动力和气轮机系统的可用率和运行重要措施之一。

    The radioactive level of the online-detection main steam system is a key measurement to improve the utility rate of turbine system of the nuclear power .

  28. 通过设备预防性维修,避免设备故障扩大,从而提高设备可用率,降低设备维修成本。

    Thus the availability of the equipment is improved , and the maintenance cost of the equipment is reduced , through preventative maintain of the equipment .

  29. 建立瞬时状态概率的解析算法,提出用评估周期内平均不可用率代替稳态不可用率。

    An analytical solution to the instantaneous state probability was found , and the average unavailability during the evaluation period was derived to replace the steady-state value .

  30. 发情明显水牛的可用率极显著高于发情不明显的水牛(P<001)。

    And the usable rate of buffaloes with evidence estrus behavior was also higher than that of buffaloes with lack of evidence estrus ( P < 0.01 ) .