
  • 网络equipment capacity;installed capacity;device capacity;plant capacity;kVA
  1. 通过分析生产工艺流程、设备容量、工艺操作条件等,介绍应用可编程序控制器控制原料制备工艺的系统设计和PC机型选择及应用。

    Through analysing production process , equipment capacity , working condi-tions , this article recommends the program control systematic design and the selection of PC pattern as well as its application .

  2. 为此,根据设备容量和试验等效性要求,论证采用变频串联谐振耐压试验的必要性、紧迫性和可行性。

    As per the equipment capacity and test equivalence demands , this paper demonstrates the necessity , urgency and feasibility of applying variable-frequency series-resonant voltage withstand tests .

  3. 随着CPU处理能力的不断提高以及存储设备容量的不断扩大,I/O带宽是一个潜在的性能瓶颈。

    More powerful CPUs coupled with larger storage devices is making cost-effective I / O bandwidth a potential performance bottleneck .

  4. 很多用户习惯于监控CPU利用率,但DataPower中的这个指标在确定设备容量方面不如SystemUsage那么可靠。

    Many customers are accustomed to monitoring CPU utilization , but this metric in DataPower is not as reliable as System Usage in determining device capacity .

  5. 经功率调节计算,变耦电抗式可控串补较之于TCSC所需主设备容量大幅度减少。

    By power adjusting calculation , thyristor controlled reactance series compensation by adjustable coupling comparing with TCSC , the needed capability of main facilities can be dramatically reduced .

  6. 开发了1个最优化模型,它由季节小时平均热电供需平衡的制约条件和CGS设备容量的目标函数所组成。

    An optimization type model has been developed which consists of constraint on seasonal average hourly sup - ply demand balances of heat and electric power , and objective function of the installation capacity of the CGS .

  7. 大量计算数据表明,将变耦式可控电抗与电容串联用于高压输电线路的容性串联补偿将比可控串补(TCSC)降低更多设备容量。

    A lot of calculated data show that comparing with the capacity of TCSC the capacity of compensating equipment can be obviously reduced if the thyristor controlled coupling-changeable reactor connected with the capacitor in series is applied to the capacitive series compensation of high voltage transmission line .

  8. 关于建筑供配电设备容量选择的探讨

    Probe into the Selection of the Capacity of Power-supply-and-distribution-equipment of the Buildings

  9. 有对重提升系统设备容量的修正计算

    Revised Capacity Calculation of Elevating System with Balancing Weight

  10. 阐述了蓄冷空调系统常用的三种控制方式的特点,分析了在优化控制下,现有方法在选择制冷机、蓄冷设备容量时所存在的问题。

    Features of three common control strategies for cold-storage air-conditioning system are presented .

  11. 铝电解系列电压与整流设备容量确定的技术成本模型

    Technical Cost Model for Determination of Voltage in Aluminium Electrolysis System and Capacity of Rectifier

  12. 冰蓄冷空调系统设备容量的计算

    Capacity calculation of the ice-storage air-conditioning system

  13. 蓄冷空调系统设备容量的合理确定是进行蓄冷空调系统设计的重要环节。

    The accurate capacity calculation of a cool - storage system is important to the system design .

  14. 楼宇三联供系统设备容量与运行策略集成优化

    The integrated optimization of sizing and operation strategy for BCHP ( Buildings Cooling , Heating and Power ) systems

  15. 结果表明,装置性能指标较好,设备容量需求不大。

    The result indicates that the installment performance index is good , the plant capacity demand is not big .

  16. 随着电力电子设备容量的增大,它对电网的影响也日趋显著。

    With the increasing capacity of the power electronic devices , its impact on the power grid are becoming increasingly significant .

  17. 由于大量的环网运行方式,尤其是电磁环网运行方式,造成电网短路电流超出开关设备容量。

    Large number of loop operation , especially the electromagnetic loop operation , has made the fault current excess the switch capacity .

  18. 调峰参数的确定关系到供暖系统的设备容量选择,以及运行过程中的经济性问题。

    The relationship between design and peak shaving parameter , the capacity of heating system equipment and the economy has been presented .

  19. 随着通信设备容量、带宽和速率的增加,并行接口技术遇到的问题也越来越棘手。

    To meet the rapid increasing demand of capability , bandwidth , rate etc the problems of parallel port communication become more difficult .

  20. 合理选择设备容量和线路型号,强制投入无功补偿装置,尽量消除三相负荷不平衡带来的负面影响。

    Reasonable choice of equipment , capacity and line models , forced into reactive power compensation device , try to eliminate the three-phase unbalanced load negative impact .

  21. 提高电能质量,减少设备容量,节省电费开支,这些都是静止无功发生器的重要作用。

    There are many advantages , such as improving quality of electric energy , reducting the capacity of the equipment , saving the expenses and so on .

  22. 本文提出基于程控交换机的呼叫中心网络拓扑,最大限度地减少了呼叫中心设备容量,降低了设备成本。

    The topological network of the call center based on the PBX decreases equipment capacity in the most limitation by far and brings down the cost of equipment .

  23. 随着电气设备容量的扩大和社会对电力需求的日益增长,对输电线路的可靠性要求也不断提高。

    With the increase of electrical equipments ' capacity and the growing electricity demand of society , the reliability requirement of transmission line is required higher and higher .

  24. 替代型等效试验回路的应用显著地降低了运行试验所需的设备容量,但其试验等价性是一个值得讨论的问题。

    The application of some equivalent test circuits significantly reduces the size of test facilities , but the test equivalence of those test circuits is worth to be discussed .

  25. 分析讨论了设备容量与补偿端口和接线方式的关系,给出了三种满意补偿模型和设备容量最小化的方法。

    Relations between equipment capacity and compensation location , transformer connection mode are discussed , and three satisfied compensation models , method on getting smallest equipment capacity are gave .

  26. 通过空调运行数据对建筑物夏季空调能耗的变化趋势以及建筑设备容量选型进行分析。

    Based on the running data of air-conditioning equipment , variation features of air-conditioning energy consumption in summer and selection method of heating and air-conditioning capacity have been analyzed .

  27. 这样,不仅可保证炉子的连续正常运行,实现钨、钼丝炉的自动升温和控温,还可减小设备容量、节省投资。

    Thus we can not only make the furnace operate normally and continuously and realize auto-temperature rising and regulation , but also reduce the plant capacity and save the investment .

  28. 结合食堂工程项目,总结设计经验,简要介绍电气设计中线路敷设、漏电保护、计量、设备容量等方面的设计要点。

    According to the dining room , this paper summarizes the design project experience in electrical design , and briefly introduces the route laying , leakage protection , measuring , equipment load .

  29. 分析比较了燃气轮机进口空气冷却的各种方法,计算出采用冰蓄冷技术所需的设备容量,并进行了投资分析。

    Various methods of inlet air cooling for gas turbines have been analysed , the capacity of equipment needed for using ice cool-accumulating technology having been calculated and the capital investment analysed .

  30. 针对光伏发电的波动性,提出了利用光伏发电输出的平均功率来选择储能设备容量的光伏能量管理模式,平滑光伏发电功率。

    Aimed at the volatility of photovoltaic generation , the photovoltaic energy management mode of using the average output power to select the capacity of storage equipment is proposed , photovoltaic power is smoothed .