
  1. 根据实际需要设计角色,扩展了Ptolemy原有的角色库;支持多模即时控制的角色动画库

    According to the design requirement , some actors are designed , this also extend Ptolemy actor library . Multi-Model Supported Real-time Character Animation Library

  2. 另外,通过设计角色感知、角色冲突、角色绑定等机制,为描述系统成员之间复杂的关系提供了科学的方法。

    This method focuses on the role awareness , role conflict and role binding .

  3. 用将设计角色在纸上一字排开的方式可以方便的掌握角色们之间的比例。

    Character Line-up Sheets are also produced to compare the scale of the characters against one another .

  4. 我们从概念美术着手,把它作为设计角色的基础。

    We started with the concept art and we started to use as bases of designing our characters .

  5. 以立体画派的概念和中国剪纸动画的形式设计角色,和对角色进行动画。

    Animate the character designed according to the idea of Picasso 's stereograph school and the form of Chinese paper-cut animation .

  6. 你会因为事先设定好角色的过去故事,写着写着却把自己逼进个死角,而希望如果当初不那么设计角色的过去故事就好了吗?

    And , have you ever written yourself into a corner where you wish you had done something different with a character 's back story ?

  7. 我经常会以现实人物为模型来设计角色,这是因为卡普空里面就有不少性格丰富古怪的同事。

    I do often use real people as models due to the abundance of eccentrics here at Capcom but they never realise there are characters based on them in game , even when they play it themselves .

  8. 前两类中的步骤自然地进入交互设计师(InteractionDesigner)角色,这个包含了RUP中定义的需求分析人员角色和部分的设计人员角色。

    The steps in the first two categories fall naturally in the Interaction Designer role , which includes the RUP role of Requirements Analyst and partially that of the Designer .

  9. 这以传统的基于项目的设计权威角色为基础,但将其提升到了企业级别,提倡跨所有SOA项目的重用、一致性和标准化。

    This builds upon the remit of the traditional project-based design authority role , but elevates it to the enterprise level , promoting reuse , consistency , and standardization across all SOA projects .

  10. 例如,动态页面设计人员角色生产JavaServerPage(JSP)并消费EJB部件类型包装现有的信息资源和应用程序。

    For example , designers of dynamic pages a role produce JavaServer Pages ( JSPs ) and consume EJBs part types that wrap existing sources of information and applications .

  11. 我喜欢的所设计的角色的那些夸张的表情。

    I like the exaggerated expressions of those roles .

  12. 针对分析处理,该三层设计将角色完全隔离并封装起来。

    The three-tier design encapsulates a clean separation of roles for analytic processing .

  13. 此外针对系统安全问题,设计以角色管理的安全策略解决方案。

    In addition against system security , it designs role-management solutions for security strategy .

  14. 设计了角色权限管理模块,解决了软件运行阶段庞大的用户数量难以管理的问题;

    Designed privilege management for huge user groups ;

  15. 你设计的角色都非常的真实。

    Your characters are very real .

  16. 战略,组织与创新&设计管理角色在中国商业环境中的挑战

    Strategic , Operational and Innovative : Design Management in China at the Cutting Edge of the Business Environment

  17. 此举是为了让原来针对某一观众群设计的角色形像能在其他文化环境下产生共鸣。

    The idea is to help characters designed with one audience in mind to really resonate in another culture .

  18. 市场人物角色有助于清晰阐述销售过程,而设计人物角色有助于清晰阐述产品定义和开发过程。

    Marketing personas shed light on the sales process , whereas design personas shed light on the product definition and development process .

  19. 但是在90年代中期,我发现我们在生物设计和角色设计上落后了,而这本来是我们创建公司的目的。

    But we found ourselves lagging in the mid 90 's in the creature and character design stuff that we had actually founded the company to do .

  20. 设计动画角色的方法是在动画角色发展的历史、文化和商业等相关因素的前提下,运用视觉语言造型的方法。

    Methods of designing animation characters rely on visual lingual formation by preconditions of all relevant elements in animation character development history in cultural and in commercial .

  21. 通过基于角色的用户管理,设计基于角色控制的多个功能模块,各级管理员分工合理,以授权的方式管理各类数据,提高了数据的安全性。

    Users based on role management , as design several function-modules according to role-controling . Administrators divide the work reasonabley ; managed variety data with authorization . All of these enhance the safety of data .

  22. 为保证数据存储的安全、高效、易用性,本文采用基于角色的访问控制机制提高存取性能,并设计了角色分配模块方案。

    In order to ensure the security , efficiency , ease of use of data storage , this paper adopts role-based access control mechanisms to improve access performance and designs the role of the distribution module program .

  23. 本文以设计开发角色扮演游戏为目标,在此基础上提出新的探索,即寓教于乐的设计思想,着重从技术上讨论了角色扮演游戏的设计与实现。

    This thesis is about the development of a role-playing game ( RPG ), featuring a new attempt of integrating knowledge instruction into game playing , with the emphasis on the design and implementation in the technical perspective .

  24. 实验结果表明:围绕不同主题和社会语境,针对培养语言文化素质而设计的角色扮演实验不仅提高学生语用能力尤其是口语交际能力,而且提高其综合文化素养。

    The result shows that the role-play experiment , designed around different themes and social contexts , and being aimed at developing the qualities of language and culture , enhances students ' pragmatic competence , especially their oral interactional competence , as well as their comprehensive cultural cultivation .

  25. 为保证系统的安全,简化系统授权的复杂性,系统开发设计了基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)授权模块。

    For assuring security and simplifying authorization , RBAC has been adopt as the authorization mechanism .

  26. 角色模型存在于系统分析阶段,Agent模型存在于系统设计阶段,角色通过实例化得到它的执行载体(即Agent),实例化过程就是Agent绑定角色的过程。

    Role models exist in analysis phase and Agent models exist in design phase , role can be transformed to Agent by instantiation which is a process of binding roles to Agents .

  27. 基于设计模式,角色对象模式是Composite模式和Decorate模式复合得到的新模式。

    Role object pattern is one form of design patterns , it is a kind of new pattern which was evolved by combining composite pattern with decorate pattern .

  28. 我正为新的电脑游戏设计一个角色。

    I 'm designing a character for a new computer game .

  29. 刍议信息时代艺术设计教师的角色定位

    The Role the Teacher of Design Plays in the Information Age

  30. 主要工作如下:设计了自主角色框架。

    The main work is as follow : Designed autonomous character architecture .