
  1. 现在,不如来参加BMW内饰创意设计大赛吧,不仅能为自己的创意赢得权威的展示机会,还可以与大家交换设计心得,了解汽车内饰的未来发展方向。

    Then visit the BMW Group Interior Idea Contest , contribute your ideas , evaluate and discuss others'suggestions and find out how future car interiors could look like .

  2. 我对身边的物品比较挑剔,这也许和设计有关吧。

    I 'm choosy about things around , that 's probably a linkage to design .

  3. 小游戏简介:好美丽,好大的庭园,进来设计一下吧!

    Get-away drama brief introduction : How pretty , very big home garden , come in a design once !

  4. 从一个择的角度去认识同生变化、变化的创新问题,是自我发现自我肯定的设计表现吧。

    From the perspective of choice , we could understand the changes in the same things and the innovation of variation , which is the design expression of Self-discovery and Self-affirmation .

  5. 一位网友写道:“谁会想开车走这条路?这条路是为了不让人滑倒设计的吧。”另一位网友附和说:“这条路没什么不好的,等到下雪的时候你就能看到它的作用了。”

    One wrote : ' Who would drive on this road ? It 's clearly to prevent people from slipping , ' while another person chimed in : ' What 's wrong with this ? Once it snows , you 'll see the use for this . '

  6. 跟我说说你是如何设计商标的吧。

    Tell me how you go about designing a logo .

  7. 让我们共同感受设计的快乐吧!

    Let we common feel design de happy !

  8. 那么就自己设计一个吧!

    Well , design your own !

  9. 你认识到了我们有一个很大的设计团队对吧?所有这些改动甚至所有的决定并不都是我一个人干的。

    You realize we have a huge design team right ? I don 't make all these changes , or even the decisions , by myself .

  10. 在这里你将获得一个千载难逢的机会,让世界最耀眼的模特都穿上你设计的衣服吧!

    Dazzle the crowds with your creations draped on5 on the most fantabulous supermodels in world and you could be crowned the next big designer with a label of your own .

  11. 肯定有人知道整个设计的,对吧?

    Somebody had to know the entire design , right ?

  12. 启动你的简约设计的设计过程吧。

    Start your design process with the simplest designs that do the job well .

  13. 小朋友,请为你们的组别设计一个机器人吧!

    Please design a robot for your group .

  14. 不管怎样,至少可以实现备忘单;让我们开始设计照片共享站点吧。

    In any case , enough with the to-do list ; let 's start designing the photo-sharing site .

  15. 鉴于你不能赤脚行走,那么我们尽可能设计好的鞋子吧。

    Because you don 't have this reason to go barefoot , let 's make the shoe as glorious as possible 。

  16. 好吧,其实我明天得交这份设计作业…好吧,亲爱的,收起来,没关系的。

    Oh , actually , I have this project due tomorrow -- Okay , honey . No , no. It 's okay . It 's okay .

  17. 在欧洲版10月19日旅游板块,作者与编辑精选了十二个城市的独特珍宝,下面,我们从布鲁塞尔的巧克力、佛罗伦萨的丝绸到哥本哈根的设计,逐一欣赏吧。

    For the Travel section 's Oct. 19 issue on Europe , writers and editors selected special items to profile from a dozen cities . Below , explore everything from chocolate in Brussels to silk in Florence to design in Copenhagen .

  18. 不过这个包装设计得确实不错,当买个设计吧!

    I like english just like ! not good at !