
  • 网络designed losses
  1. 非设计点损失由设计点损失和非设计点偏离损失两部分组成。

    The off-design loss consists of design loss and off-design deviation loss .

  2. 应用本试验结果对布尔可夫及丘金娜公式进行了修正,建议水电站拦污栅设计水头损失取值3~5m。

    Based on data tested , a head lose value of 3-5m is recommended in this article for designing the future trashracks of hydropower project .

  3. 再应用改进了的端壁损失和激波损失模型,最终算出轴流压气机设计点损失沿叶高的分布规律。

    Finally , the total loss distribution along the blade span of the axial flow compressor is estimated according to an improved end wall loss model and a shock loss model .

  4. 一种适用于超跨音叶型的非设计点损失和落后角模型本文采用改进的流线曲率法对跨声速多级轴流压气机非设计点进行了性能模拟。

    A LOSS AND DEVIATION MODEL FOR TRANSONIC AXIAL COMPRESSOR PERFORMANCE PREDICTION An improved streamline curvature numerical method is modified and applied to better approximate the flow fields of multi-stage transonic axial compressors .

  5. 文化旅游是近年来旅游的热点,没有文化的旅游是没有生命力的。应用本试验结果对布尔可夫及丘金娜公式进行了修正,建议水电站拦污栅设计水头损失取值3~5m。

    Cultural tourism is a focus in these years , tourism shall lose value if it has not culture . Based on data tested , a head lose value of 3-5m is recommended in this article for designing the future trashracks of hydropower project .

  6. 本文分析指出如何处理液压凿岩钻车的备用扭矩、备用推力和备用速度,是提高液压系统功率利用率,减少设计压力损失的关键。

    Through analysis , this article points out that how to handle the torque reserve , thrust reserve and speed reserve of the drill rig is the key for the improvement of the utilization ratio and reduction of designed head loss in the hydraulic system .

  7. 线路的线损率与工程设计中电压损失的关系

    Relation between line loss rate and voltage loss of power lines

  8. 汽轮机中压缸气动设计中的损失分析

    Loss analysis in aerodynamic design of mid-pressure-cylinder of steam turbine

  9. 对当前跨音风扇气动设计体系中损失系数和堵塞系数的关联分析

    Connection between loss coefficient and block coefficient used in transonic fan design

  10. 构造柱中配置预应力钢筋砖墙的圈梁(压梁)设计及预应力损失研究

    The Design and Prestress Loss Studies of the Loop Beam for Prestressed Brick Masonry Wall with Structural Columns

  11. 煤矿风井噪声控制的声学设计和阻力损失计算研究

    Acoustic Design to Control for Noise in Air Shaft of Coal Mine and Study to Calculation for Drag Loss

  12. 本实验结果对煤粉输送管路的设计和压力损失估算具有重要的指导意义。

    The experimental result is significant for the design of the conveying pipeline and the estimation of the pressure drop .

  13. 容差设计是基于损失模型法稳健设计的最后一个阶段,其主要目的是协调质量特性波动与增加制造费用之间的关系,以获得高质量与低成本的最新产品。

    Tolerance design which harmonize relation of quality and cost is the last stage of the robust design based on loss model method .

  14. 本文对设计降低压力损失和防止振动的管壳式冷却器,提出了一种有效的方法,就是管束采用折流板-扁钢条复合支承。

    In this article , one method of using the combined support composed of baffles and flat steel to design tabular heat exchangers with low pressure loss and vibration protection was presented .

  15. 设计具有低损失,高负荷和良好全工况性能的离心风机,以及对叶片进行气动优化设计是关系到提高叶轮机械效率的前沿课题。

    The study on the design methodology of centrifugal ventilator with low loss , high load and good performance under full condition is one of the frontiers in the field of turbomachinery development .

  16. 本文通过对改进的反馈控制系统损失函数中一些参数进行变换,从而设计出使经济损失最小的基于反馈控制系统损失函数的控制图。

    This paper transforms some parameters which in improved feedback control system loss function so as to design the control chart based on feedback control system loss function which make the least economic loss .

  17. 然后针对不同类型的元件使用质量功能展开、田口试验设计、质量损失函数、模块化、降额使用、定义原料、原料生产制程监控等方法对元件质量进行设计。

    As the result , the quality of component was redesign by Quality Function Deploy , Design Of Experiment , Quality Loss Function , modularization , derating , raw material definition , process audit .

  18. 煤矿风井空气流量大,噪声辐射强,正确合理的消声器声学设计和阻力损失计算是噪声控制成功的关键。

    Due to a high air flow rate and a strong moise radiation in a colliery air shaft , it is the key to controlling noise successfully that the right and reasonable acoustic design for muffler and the calculation of resistance loss .

  19. 首先建立控制图经济设计中费用损失函数模型,然后利用蒙特卡罗统计试验法找出损失函数最小化的一组解。

    First of all , cost function model of the economic design of quality control charts is considered in the paper , then , a group of minimum to the cost function can be found out by using of Monte Carlo statistical testing method .

  20. 利用ARC/INFO软件对GIS基础数据进行制作与处理,设计出洪水灾害损失评估系统的模型,并画出了系统流程图及系统的总体结构图。

    Using ARC / INFO software to deal with GIS-based data , the paper has not only designed the model of flood damage assessment , but also drawn a flow chart of the system and the overall structure of the system .

  21. 产品重构设计中基于最小损失函数的零件选择算法

    Part Selection for Reconfigurable Product Design with Minimum Loss Function

  22. 浅谈建筑设计中降低热能损失的有效措施

    Talking about the Effective Measures for Reducing Thermal Losses in Building Design

  23. 可调式跌水网格混合器设计参数对水头损失的影响

    Effect of design parameters of adjustable head fall grid mixer on head loss

  24. 离心通风机优化设计中确定压力损失系数的一个方法

    A Method to Determine the Pressure Loss Coefficient in Optimized Design for a Centrifugal Fan

  25. 通风柜的设计要减少静压损失。因此一般在排气口附件采用钟型设计。

    Fume hood shall be designed to minimize static pressure loss . Bell shaped exhaust collar configuration shall be provided .

  26. 通过模型试验,研究可调式跌水网格混合器主要设计参数对水头损失的影响。

    According to adjustable head fall mixer , the effect of mixer parameters on head loss was studied in the model experiment .

  27. 优化设计弯曲叶片总损失比原设计直叶分流叶栅总损失下降幅度为32.3%。

    T he total loss in the compound leaned nozzle blade compared to the original designed straight diffluent blade is decreased by32.3 % ?

  28. 在产品定制环境下,实施产品模块化及慷慨的退货策略可以促进销量而提高收入,但同时也提高了产品设计成本及退货损失。

    Under the customization environment , executing the modularization and a generous return policy not only would increase revenue , but also the cost of design and the loss of increased return .

  29. 这不仅使进水口流态满足了设计要求,水力损失小于大进口,而且改善了坝体的受力状况。

    The flow-pattern of the small inlet not only can meet desired requirements and its water head loss is less than that of large one , but also it can improve stress state within dam body .

  30. 由计算出来的结果可以看出,环状管网能够改善湿式自动喷水灭火系统的水力条件,减小系统的设计流量与水头损失,降低消防水泵的扬程。

    According to the calculation results , circular pipe network could improve the hydraulic conditions , reduce the designed flux and water head loss , and debase the lift of fire protection water pump of wet automatic sprinkler systems .