
  • 网络Design Platform
  1. 基于Web的产品异地协同设计平台的开发

    The Development of the Distributed Collaborative Design Platform Based on Web

  2. Internet环境下基于实时图文交互的协同设计平台的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Cooperative Design Platform Based on Real-time Interacting with Diagrams and Text in Internet Environment

  3. 组建计算机支持的网络化协同设计平台,需要建立起支持协同设计的基于Web零部件管理系统。

    Web-based part management system is a necessary component of computer-supported networked collaborative design platform .

  4. 剖析基于PC的电子电路虚拟设计平台

    Analysis on the PC-Based Virtual Design Platform for Electronic Circuits

  5. 并应用UML技术对协同设计平台进行了建模;

    And the modeling of mould collaborative development platform is done by using UML technology .

  6. 采用JAVARMI实现自动并行计算的叶型优化设计平台

    Blade Design Optimization System Based on Auto-Parallel Computa tion with JAVA RMI Implementation

  7. 第二章研究了基于嵌入式公交车报站系统的设计平台,其中包括软件和硬件的设计以及导航系统的功能,本文重点介绍了软件系统方面的设计,即GPS数据的接收,转换和处理;

    Then the third chapter introduces the design setting for embedded bus auto-announcing station , including the softwares and hardwares .

  8. 基于PDM的分布式虚拟设计平台研究和应用

    Study and Application on PDM-Based Distributed Virtual Design Platform

  9. 系统基于PDM技术实现了与注塑模设计平台其它子系统的良好集成。

    The system is integrated well to other subsystem of injection molding design platform based on PDM technology .

  10. 研究以Solidworks为设计平台,采用基于实例(CBR)的设计方法进行机构的创新设计。

    The creative design of mechanism adopting the CBR technology based on Solidworks is studied .

  11. 构建基于产品数据管理(PDM)系统的中小型电站阀门产品创新设计平台

    Construction of Product Innovative Design Platform of Middle and Small Power Station Valve Based on Product Data Management System

  12. 文章以SolidWorks为设计平台,阐述了如何建立磨床砂轮架三维CAD零部件模型及其工程图;

    It is presented how to establish 3D CAD models and its drawings of grinding carriage based on design desktop SolidWorks ;

  13. 通用ATS软件设计平台研究

    Testing software design platform of general - utility ATS

  14. PDM(产品数据管理)是建立分布式虚拟设计平台的基础使能平台,是虚拟产品开发的基础使能工具。

    PDM is the base-enabled platform to structure distributed virtual design platform , and the base-enabled tool of virtual product development .

  15. 同时为提高人机交流,更精确把握涂胶量,还创建了数学模型的用户界面(GUI)设计平台。

    The user interface ( GUI ) design platform was developed to improve the man-machine communication and master the coating weight accurately .

  16. 第二章是设计平台的搭建,包括Powerbuilder7.0和SqlServer2000的安装和配置;

    The second part concerns with the constructing of design platform , as well as the installation and disposition of Powerbuilder 7.0 and SQL server .

  17. 基于PDM的甘蔗收获机械虚拟设计平台与I-DEAS的集成方案的研究

    The research on the integration of virtual design platform for sugarcane harvester based on PDM system and I-DEAS

  18. 简述了利用MATLAB6.5中的图形用户界面(GUI)设计平台设计EDFA模拟器的思路和步骤。

    The ideas and steps of using MATLAB GUI tool to design the EDFA 's simulator are introduced in brief .

  19. 通过三维建模建成一个挖掘机的CAD设计平台,提高产品设计的科学性,缩短产品设计和试制周期。

    A CAD design platform is established through 3D modeling procedure , which make the product design more rational and the manufacturing period from design to trial production is shortened greatly .

  20. 接着论文对实现本系统的相关知识进行了介绍,包括ASP设计平台、ADO数据库技术和数据库管理系统SqlServer。

    Secondly , the paper introduces the relative knowledge to realize the system , including ASP , ADO and the database management system SQL Server . 3 .

  21. 在讨论MFC机制的基础上,进行了摩托车智能设计平台的程序结构设计。

    On the basis of MFC mechanism , the program structural design of Intelligent Design Platform of Motorcycles has been carried out .

  22. CAD协同设计平台帮助设计者和管理者解决CAD系统中不同功能模块间的信息传递问题,使信息传递成为实时的和交互的过程。

    The cooperated CAD platform helps the designer and the manager to solve the problems of information transfer between the different subsystems of the CAD system , making information transfer to become real-time and interactive .

  23. 采用B/S模式在产品数据管理(PDM)系统之上构建基于网络的汽车制动系统设计平台。

    Using B / S mode , a network-based design platform for the vehicle brake system is constructed based on product data management ( PDM ) system .

  24. 在上述计算原理的基础上,以Visualc++作为设计平台,结合Fortran与MATLAB的混合编程技术,开发了一款用于计算回波特性的分析软件。

    Based on the above calculation principle , this simulation software for the echo characteristics calculation is developed by the mixed programming of Fortran and MATLAB on Visual C + + platform .

  25. 介绍了基于SolidWorks软件设计平台建立机床夹具通用零件库的方法和关键技术。

    A method and key technology are introduced for building the graphics database of general parts of the clamps of machine tools based on Solidworks software platform .

  26. 利用实验室自主研发的集成设计平台,搭建了分立活塞式MEMS微变形镜的系统级行为模型,并对其有效性和准确性进行了验证;

    A system-level behavioral model of segmented piston-like micro deformable mirrors was accomplished by utilizing our own-developed integrated design platform for MEMS CAD . Its validity and veracity were verified using both the finite element method and theoretical method .

  27. 第二章介绍了PMP软件设计平台以及与PMP设计相关的技术知识,着重介绍了X平台的体系结构和实时流媒体协议栈等内容。

    In chapter 2 , a software platform of portable media player and technology information for reference are introduced . The architecture of X platform and real-time streaming media protocols are also discussed in detail .

  28. 介绍了支持并行工程的工程CAD协同设计平台的功能与特点,它包含图文档管理、工作流管理、项目管理、协同设计控制管理等模块。

    This article introduces the functions and characteristics of an engineering cooperated CAD platform which supports the concurrent engineering . It includes the graph and text file management subsystem , workflow management subsystem , the item management subsystem , the control subsystem for the cooperated design , etc.

  29. 对三维重建得到的CT图像进行相应的图像、图形处理,获取实物内外表面轮廓数据,并将其输入CAD设计平台,逆求出实物原型的CAD模型。

    Through corresponding image and graphics processing methods on the 3D-CT images , the internal and external contours of the object are got and loaded into CAD designing platform . Using the RE module of the software , the CAD model of the physical prototype is finally created .

  30. EDA技术的出现和VLSI的发展,为经济快速、自行开发高性能的图像并行处理硬件提供了一个全新的设计平台和广阔的发展空间。

    The appearance of EDA technology and the development of VLSI have provided a new design platform and amplitude 's development space , so that it is possible to more fast and economically develop the high performance image parallel processing hardware .