
  • 网络Equipment Room;Closet;MDF
  1. 不同于常规变电站的防排烟设计,电气设备间的消防设计不仅考虑火灾后的排烟,而且考虑人员的安全疏散,排烟风机和各种防火阀既能集中控制,亦可就地控制。

    The smoke proof design of the electric equipment room is done with the considerations not only of the ventilating after fire , but also of the operators evacuating .

  2. 本文对设备间位置的优化提出了三个基本原则,重点论述了网络总长度最短原则,并探讨了一些实现网络总长度最短的具体方法。

    This paper presents three basic principles for the location of the equipment room , that is environment priority , the shortest cable length and the small ball adjustment principle , and it focuses on the shortest cable length principle .

  3. 利用这个USB主机控制器软核原型系统,可以实现2个大容量USB存储设备间的便捷有效的数据交换。

    This system can facilitate the data exchanging process between 2 mass storage USB devices .

  4. 在这个场景中,在SOA设备间建立的信任遵循第一种模式。

    In this scenario , the trust established between the SOA appliance follows the first of these patterns .

  5. 3G手机与NGN通信设备间的多媒体互通设计

    Design for Communication Between 3G Mobile Phone and NGN Terminal

  6. 其中一种应用方案是在同一房间内的设备间通讯比如iPhone与AppleTV之间的通讯。

    However , one use could be talking to other devices within the same room , such as the Apple TV .

  7. 这支持每个配置文件使用GAP提供的功能,并确保了应用程序和设备间的高度互操作性。

    This allows each profile to take advantage of the features the GAP provides and ensures a high degree of interoperability between applications and devices .

  8. 基于MMS协议的设备间通信和任务同步

    Communication and Tasks Synchronization between Devices Based on the MMS Protocol

  9. 系统电磁兼容(EMC)设计中,无线设备间互调干扰是非常严重的一个问题。

    Intermodulation interference is a most serious problem in the electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) design .

  10. 基于EZ-USB实现PC机与DSP设备间的高速通信方案

    High Speed Communication Design Between PC and DSP Device Based on EZ-USB System

  11. 无线USB技术是新兴的热门技术,其目的是替代设备间的电缆和支持即插即用。

    Wireless USB technology is a hot emerging technology that is a substitute to the cable equipment , is a plug-and-play support .

  12. 规范层次结构的基部是通用访问配置文件(GAP),定义了一系列实现在不同设备间建立基带连接的方法。

    At the base of the profile hierarchy is the generic access profile ( GAP ), which defines a consistent means to establish a baseband link between Bluetooth devices .

  13. 为了解决异质制造设备间信息传递的问题,提出了基于MMS与WebServices的制造信息传递模型。

    Besides , to resolve the problem of the information transfer among the heterogeneous manufacturing devices , the manufacturing information transfer model based on MMS and Web Services is presented .

  14. 创建简单的FAT文件系统,解决了U盘与RS-232串口设备间双向文件数据传输的问题。

    The creation of simple FAT file system solves the bidirectional data and document transmission between U disk and RS-232 serial port equipment .

  15. 脑机接口(Brain-machineinterface,BMI)是不依赖于常规的脊髓/外周神经肌肉系统在脑与外部设备间创建的直接连接通路。

    Brain-machine interface ( BMI ) provides a directly communication channel between the brain and man-made devices independent of peripheral nervous system .

  16. MODBUS规约在前置机与现场微机设备间通讯应用

    The Use of MODBUS Protocol in the Communication between the Industrial Computer and the Device of Micro-Computer on the spot

  17. 主机和设备间的通信流经端点标识和端点集合构成逻辑USB设备,与系统设备连接。

    Logic USB equipment was formed with information flow between host controller and equipment by end point marking end point congregate , and it was connected to system equipment .

  18. 无线HART是工业过程控制领域里和工业设备间的相互操作的标准。

    Wireless HART is mainly focused in the field of industrial process control and HART standard of interoperability between industrial equipment .

  19. 但这要求这两台设备间经过的链路上的设备都属于该VLAN。

    But this requires that the devices on the link between these two devices through should also belong to the VLAN .

  20. 我还会向您展示要获得设备间的互操作性而需要了解的有关DRM技术的信息。

    I 'll show you what you need to know about the DRM technology to achieve DRM interoperability from device to device .

  21. 此外,很多情况下不仅需要在PC机和手持设备间传输数据,也需要手持设备直接和其他嵌入式设备进行通信,因此,人们开始为手持设备提供USB主机的能力。

    There are many situations in which we have to transfer data between embedded devices without participance of PC , and for this reason , devices with USB host ability are developed .

  22. BACnet作为一种开放的国际化楼宇数据通信标准,提供了系统和设备间的互操作机制。

    As an open internationalization building data communication standards , BACnet has provided interoperability mechanism between the system and equipments .

  23. 也就是说DICOM标准的制定使得医学图像及各种数字信息在医疗成像设备间的传送有了一个统一的标准。

    That is to say , DICOM makes the communications of image and others digital information between different medical imaging apparatus has a unified standard .

  24. NFC(NearFieldCommunication)是一种近距离无线通信技术,可以提供各设备间快速安全的通信,且与现有RFID技术兼容,扩展性很强。

    NFC ( Near Field Communication ), which is a kind of close wireless communication technology , can provide the rapid secure communication between devices , and is compatible with the existing RFID technology and easy to extend .

  25. MIDI控制器与合成器通过电线相连接,利用异步串行接口可以在不同设备间传送命令。

    MIDI controllers and synthesizers are connected using cables that allow the commands to be sent between devices using an asynchronous serial interface .

  26. 着重讨论了基于OBEX的文件传输应用的实现技术,最后介绍了蓝牙设备间通过无线信道传输文件的一个实例。

    Finally it introduces an example of file transmission through wireless signal between Bluetooth equipment .

  27. 通过对EPA设备间的通信过程的分析,总结出有线与无线设备之间通信的两类调度管理思想及特点。

    Through study on communications process , the paper provides two scheduling management methods and characteristics about communications between wireless EPA device and wire EPA device based on Ethernet .

  28. 应用GPRS无线数据传输技术进行设备间的无线通讯,将解决原来要通过线缆连接才能实现数据传送的局限性。

    Carries on the wireless communication between the equipment using the GPRS wireless data transmission technology , will solve originally must be able to realize the data transfer limitation through the line cable connection .

  29. 脑-机接口(brain-computerinterface,BCI)是在动物脑与外部设备间建立的直接连接通路,主要应用于医疗康复或者人类辅助功能领域。

    BCI ( brain-computer interface ), It is to establish a direct connection between the animal brain and external devices , mainly used in medical rehabilitation , or functional areas of human assistance .

  30. 56%的Android开发人员表示,Android各款移动设备间的操作系统分散性是一个严重或“重大”的问题,而对这一劣势的投诉比例实际上在过去的三个月有所上升。

    56 % of Android developers said that operating system fragmentation among the various Android devices was a meaningful or " huge " problem , a percentage that actually increased over the past three months .