
  • 网络Sketch;Design sketch;Design sketching;designing sketch
  1. 他绘制了设计草图。初步(草图)设计阶段

    He chalked out a rough sketch of the design . conceptual phase

  2. 他绘制了设计草图。

    He chalked out a rough sketch of the design .

  3. 基于设计草图的产品三维模型检索技术研究

    Research on Some Technologies of Design Sketch-based Product 3D Model Retrieval

  4. 服饰旁边还有精选的照片及设计草图。

    The garments are complemented by a selection of photographs and sketches .

  5. 面向概念设计草图,第五章介绍了特征手势建模方法;

    In Chapter 5 , We introduce the feature gestures modeling method ;

  6. 我来给你勾勒出新机翼的设计草图。

    Let me rough out to you the design for the news wing .

  7. 专家们现在已经从古抄本手稿中找到一张机器狮的设计草图。

    Now specialists already found a mechanic lion design draft in the ancient transcripts .

  8. 设计草图&设计的原创

    Design Sketch & Originality of the Design

  9. 白天在惠普上班的时候,沃兹就在纸上画设计草图。

    During the day at HP , Wozniak would sketch out his design on paper .

  10. 建筑设计草图的艺术意境

    Design Artistic Conception in Architecture Sketch

  11. 创作之前的实地考察、设计草图解决做什么的问题,从着手制作到烧窑成功完成怎么做的问题。

    On-the-spot investigation , design sketch before creation to solve the problem of " what to do " .

  12. 线描艺术追溯&从中国传统线描艺术互动建筑钢笔设计草图之表现

    Tracing the Art of Line Painting & Architecture Designing Sketch with Fountain Pen Learn from the Chinese Traditional Art of Line Painting

  13. 作者提出了一种基于最大似然算法,对建筑设计草图中不同类型物体的进行真实感解释的统一模型。

    A general framework based on Maximum Likelihood ( ML ) is presented to interpret different types of objects in architectural drawing .

  14. 设计草图是概念设计阶段常被采用的一种表达手段,但是与后续三维模型生成之间存在数据脱节,草图识别技术是一种有效的解决方法,然而当前尚无识别准确率高的经典实现算法;

    Hand-drawn sketch always be used as a method to present design ideas by-designer , but there are data gap between sketch and 3D model creation .

  15. 本文拟从设计草图、设计效果图和模型研究三个方面着重分析展示设计过程中它们的地位和作用。

    Therefore , this article will emphasize to analyze the effect and function of sketch design , effective drawing design and model study in the whole layout process .

  16. 本文提出了手绘现实的思想,旨在有效地从二维设计草图生成具有真实感的几何模型及绘制效果图。

    A new concept sketching reality is been presented in this dissertation . The main idea is to convert the 2D freehand sketch to geometry model and render realistic imagery .

  17. 我带着我的设计草图来到世界时装中心巴黎,但是好像没有一个著名的时装设计师有兴趣购买。

    I had come to Paris , the center of the world of fashion , with my sketches . But none of the famous fashion designers seemed interested in buying them .

  18. 虽然最终的渲染效果图和设计草图非常相像,我对最终的作品还是有稍许不满意的地方。

    Even though the final renderings were similar to the tentative sketches , I found myself little bit discontent with the final product . The plan came to naught at last .

  19. 初步设计报告草图完成之后,应当进行一次cpe-sw级的审计。

    One cpe-sw level audit will be conducted thereafter the completion of the draft of preliminary design report .

  20. 一种用于快速草图设计的草图单元特征插入法

    A Method for Rapidly Designing Sketch Using Inserting Sketch Unit Feature

  21. 一种用于机械零件设计的草图设计方法

    A Method of Draft Design for Machine Parts

  22. 设计徒手草图训练是提高创造性思维能力、使现代艺术设计走向成功的有效途径。

    Drawing by hand is an effective way of improving creative way of thinking and achieving success in art design .

  23. 文章提出了一种草图单元特征插入的新方法,把局部相似部分作为一个二维单元特征加入到当前设计的草图中,从而提高参数化设计程度和设计效率。

    A new method for rapidly designing sketch by inserting sketch unit is proposed in order to increase parametric function and design efficiency .

  24. 当它不是在这份报告范围内时,为提供一设计飞行草图,描述了一个象征性的,圆锥形的飞行器来提供垫托物作为讨论和飞行模拟。

    While it is not within the scope of this report to provide an engineered flyer design , a notional , cone-shaped flyer is described to provide a substrate for the discussion and flight simulations .

  25. 本文介绍了笔式交互自然化手绘系统在家具设计概念草图绘制的实现,并探讨了计算机媒介与传统媒介进行草图绘制时相互间的差异。

    The paper introduces the actualization of Pen-based Human Computer Interaction system a natural freehand sketch system in the drawing of conceptual sketch of furniture and probes into the differences of sketch drawing between computer and traditional media .

  26. 这些基础都将运用到交通工具概念设计的创意草图和效果图上。

    These fundamentals are applied to both the ideation sketching and rendering of automobile design concepts .

  27. 作为富有创新性的设计手段,草图设计一直是国内外创新设计研究的重点。

    As a designing means for innovation , sketching design is the keystone of the research on innovation design .

  28. 在设计领域,草图是概念设计阶段不可缺少的工具,对于产品创新具有重要价值。

    In design , sketch is an indispensable tool for product innovation and of great value in conceptual design phase .

  29. 一种设计或图画的草图。初步(草图)设计阶段

    A preliminary sketch of a design or picture . conceptual phase

  30. 家具设计构想阶段数字化草图绘制的探讨

    Discussion on Digital Drawing of Sketches during the Furniture Design