
  • 网络sheffield
  1. 修建这条运河是为了将设菲尔德和亨伯河河口连接起来。

    The canal was built to connect Sheffield with the Humber estuary .

  2. 来自100多个国家的选手齐聚设菲尔德参加此次运动会。

    Competitors from more than a hundred countries have converged on Sheffield for the Games

  3. 我在设菲尔德工作时住在寄宿舍。

    When I was working in sheffield , I lived in digs .

  4. 修建这条运河是为了将设菲尔德和享伯河河口连接起来。

    The canal was built to connect Shefield with the Humber estuary .

  5. 调查显示,布里斯托尔和伦敦为仅次于布莱顿的两大健康城市,而利物浦、格拉斯哥和设菲尔德则是英国最不健康的城市。

    Bristol and London were the next healthiest cities , with Liverpool , Glasgow and Sheffield the least healthy .

  6. 但不知何故,这位设菲尔德学生却有着非常正常的生活,而且很快就要获得数学学位了。

    Somehow , though , the Sheffield student had lived a perfectly normal life and went on to gain an honours degree in mathematics .

  7. 英国设菲尔德大学一名人工智能与机器人技术学的教授说,目前对于能自主思考的机器人的发展必须慎重,并对其添加限制。

    The University of Sheffield 's professor of artificial intelligence and robotics said action must be taken to limit the development of robots that think for themselves .

  8. 英国北部设菲尔德市儿童医院开发了一种用门诊病人医案来评定儿科医生临床技能的量表,并估计了该量表的信度、可行性、效度和教育的影响。

    Sheffield Children 's Hospital in North England develop an assessment instrument that uses routine outpatient letters and evaluates its validity , feasibility , reliability and potential educational impact .

  9. 当设菲尔德的校园医生处理一个数学系学生的一点小恙时,他发现这个学生的头部比正常人有一点大。

    When Sheffield 's campus doctor was treating one of the mathematics students for a minor ailment , he noticed that the student 's head was a little larger than normal .

  10. 约翰逊教授在英格兰设菲尔德长大,母亲是位护士,父亲经营螺丝钉制造生意,他从年轻时就对经济学产生了兴趣。

    Prof Johnson , who grew up in Sheffield , England – his mother was a nurse , and his father ran a screw manufacturing business – was interested in economics from a young age .