
  • 网络fortification intensity;seismic fortification intensity;design intensity
  1. 研究了抗震设防烈度的决策分析方法,提出了最优经济设防烈度和最优安全设防烈度的两种决策分析模型,并引出了社会可接受死亡率的概念。

    In this paper , the decision analysis method of seismic design intensity is studied . Two decision analysis methods of optimal economic design intensity and optimal safe design intensity are put forward .

  2. 浅析不同设计使用期建筑结构抗震设防烈度的选取

    Selection of seismic design intensity of strustures with different design term

  3. 设防烈度下非比例阻尼结构地震随机响应峰值区间估计方法区间估计:AHP指标筛选的一种方法

    Interval estimation method of random seismic peak response for non-classically dynamic system under earthquake fortification level

  4. 两种CS板式结构均可用于抗震设防烈度为7度的地震区。

    Two kinds of CS plate structure can be used for seismic intensity of 7-degree earthquake zone .

  5. 基于新规范的八、九设防烈度区RC框架地震反应特征及损伤分析

    Dynamic Character and Damage Analysis to RC Frames Based on New Seismic Code in Earthquake Intensity Category Regions 8 、 9

  6. 在此基础上,本文对处于8度设防烈度区建筑高度在80m到180m的高层建筑比较了两种结构方案的综合经济效益。

    A general economic benefit comparison between these two structure systems has been given in the thesis when the building total height is from 80m to 180m .

  7. 根据修订后的地震动参数区划图,《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2001)增加了7度半和8度半两个设防烈度区。

    According to the refined ground motion parameter districted-figure , 7.5 and 8.5 regions of earthquake intensity category are added in new seismic design code of China .

  8. 目前,在我国已经建成的高度在150~200m乃至300m以上的超高层建筑,大量采用了混合结构,主要集中于设防烈度为7度的地区。

    At present , many of the super high-rise buildings around 150m to 200m height or even above 300m height in China adopt composite structure , but these buildings were basically built in the zone of intensity 7 .

  9. 本文分析了异形柱框架结构体系及CL结构体系的抗震性能,发现二者的抗震性能均较差,不适用于设防烈度为8度和小高层的房屋。

    In this paper , the seismic capability of profiled-column frame structure system and CL structure system is analyzed . As a conclusion , the seismic capability of the two systems is poor and they are not adaptable for seismic fortification intensity 8 and tall buildings .

  10. 结构加固方法包括加普通支撑、加BRB支撑、加阻尼器方案;重新设计方法包括增大柱子截面、提高箍筋约束效果、提高设防烈度等方案。

    Strengthening strategies include strengthening with braces , strengthening with BRB and strengthening with dampers . Design strategies include increasing the column sections , increasing the confinement of hoops , and increasing the seismic fortification intensity .

  11. 本课题主要是针对位于海口设防烈度为8度(0.30g)的某酒店建筑的实际工程,结构为一个10层钢筋混凝土框架结构。

    This thesis mainly aims at an actual project of a hotel at Hai Kou , which is a 10-story reinforced concrete frame structure , with 8 fortification intensity ( 0.30g ) .

  12. 抗震设防烈度为7度。

    The seismic intensity at the bridge site is 7 degree .

  13. 在役结构后役期的设防烈度探讨

    On the defense intensity during succeed use period of the existing structure

  14. 基于最优设防烈度的体育场馆的抗震概念设计

    The Aseismic Conceptual Design of the Gymnasium Based on Optimal Fortification Intensity

  15. 基础设施网络系统建筑结构的设防烈度优化决策

    The Optimum Decision for Structure Design Intensity in Civil Infrastructure Network System

  16. 基于最优设防烈度的导管架海洋平台抗震设计

    Earthquake-resistant design of jacket platform based on optimal fortification intensity

  17. 基于最优设防烈度和损伤性能的抗震结构优化设计

    Optimum Design of Aseismic Structures Based on Optimal Fortification Intensity and Damage Performance

  18. 9度抗震设防烈度地区建筑施工的差异分析

    Differential Analysis on Building Construction in Areas of 9 Degree Seismic Fortification Intensity

  19. 抗震设防烈度的决策分析方法研究

    Research on decision analysis method of seismic fortification intensity

  20. 提高汉中市建筑设防烈度的必要性探讨

    Necessity discussion on improving the fortification intensity of the building in Hanzhong city

  21. 在该设防烈度区多条罕遇水准地面运动输入下完成了对这一典型结构的非弹性动力反应分析。

    The inelastic dynamic response analysis of the structure under rare earthquake has been done .

  22. 提高福建省教育建筑抗震设防烈度的探讨

    Discussion on the Upgrade Fortified Intensity to Vibration Tolerance of School Buildings in Fujian Province

  23. 一般建筑物的抗震设计主要是依据现行抗震设计方法进行设计的,但是历次的地震灾害资料告诉我们,灾害地震的烈度一般会高于设防烈度,导致建筑物大量倒塌。

    Generally , building seismic design is mainly based on the current seismic design methods .

  24. 提高教育建筑抗震设防烈度可行性与必要性的探讨

    Studies on the feasibility and necessity to upgrade the fortified intensity of school buildings in vibration tolerance

  25. 抗震设防烈度的变化对框架结构钢筋用量影响的定量分析

    Quantitive analysis to the influence of steel quantity in frame structure due to change of aseismatic design intensity

  26. 本建筑属寒冷地区的乙类高层医疗建筑,抗震设防烈度为8度。

    This is a 2nd class tall medical building in cold area , with fortification of 8-degree seismic intensity .

  27. 场地条件和抗震设防烈度是影响中高层住宅设计和施工的两个重要因素。

    Site conditions and seismic fortification intensity are the key factors affecting the design and construction of mid-highrise residential building .

  28. 分析结果表明,不同的悬索桥在相同抗震设防烈度的地面加速度作用下,一般会有不同的反应。

    The results show that different suspension bridges may react differently under earthquake accelerations of the same seismic fortification intensity .

  29. 宝丰电业局业务调度楼工程地震设防烈度复核工作报告

    Report On the Checking of the Defensive Earthquake Intensity of the Business Controlling Building of the Baofeng Bureau of Electricity

  30. 由于地震作用的不确定性,建筑结构经常会遭遇超过其设防烈度的强烈地震作用,使得结构的破坏非常严重。

    Due to the uncertainty of seismic action , structures are damaged seriously under strong earthquake exceeding its design level .