
  • 网络design intensity
  1. 建立了结构初始造价与设计烈度的关系,并提出了地震损失的估计方法。

    The relation between the structural initial cost and the design intensity is established , and the method of estimating the earthquake loss is presented .

  2. 同时,在设计烈度下,分别选取三类场地的地震波各10条,对结构进行地震反应的时程分析,总结了RPC桥墩的地震响应特性及规律。

    At the same time , 10 seismic waves of three different sites were selected ; the characteristics and laws of RPC pier seismic response with time-history analysis of earthquake response are summarized in this paper .

  3. 三级设防抗震结构最优设计烈度的决策

    Decision-making on optimal design of intensity for aseismic structures with three levels of fortification

  4. 根据抗震设防要求,利用地震危险曲线,确定了大连大沙沟水厂场地的合理设计烈度及加速度。

    Reasonable designing intensity and acceleration are determined according to the requirement of aseismatic fortification and seismic hazard curves .

  5. 采取减震措施的桥梁及其倒虹吸钢管在一般地震下相当于设计烈度降低一度,故桥梁和倒虹吸钢管有足够的安全裕度。

    With the anti-detonation steps for the bridge and its Pour siphon , the designed intensity is decreased a level under the general earthshock .

  6. 认为DL5073-1997规范规定按拟静力法进行土石坝抗震计算时,顺河向加速度放大倍数在设计烈度为7、8、9度时分别取3.0,2.5,2.0是合适的。

    The analysis shows that the horizontal acceleration amplification of 3.0 , 2.5 , 2.0 along the stream is appropriate for the design earthquake intensity of 7 , 8 and 9 respectively .

  7. 结果表明在遭遇设计设防烈度7度的罕遇地震时,主塔基本处于正常工作状态。

    Results of the analysis suggest that the main tower will basically remain its normal working condition in rare cases of an earthquake at seismic fortification level 7 .

  8. 提出的抗震结构最优设计(设防)烈度的决策方法具有以下特点:(1)以最近ISO2394;

    A decision-making process to establish the optimal design of intensity for aseismic structures with three levels of fortification is put forward and it features ( 1 ) the adoption of the objective function of optimization proposed recently by International standard ISO2394 ;

  9. 这种抗震设计思想对高烈度地区的大跨径连续梁桥设计具有现实意义。

    This idea can be used for design of large span continuous beam in strong seismic area .

  10. 改进设计前后的振动烈度计算结果对比表明,改进后的柴油机机体振动,特别是柴油机机体裙部的振动水平得到了明显的改善,实现了机体的低振动设计目标。

    The comparison between the computation results of vibrating intensity of before-and-after improving designs shows that the improved diesel engine vibration , especially the vibrating level of the crank case , makes obvious improvement , which achieves low-vibration design goal of the body .

  11. 结果表明,可以选择由滑坡量大、超出正常设计的降雨、未采取有效的排洪措施、大于设计烈度的地震4个事件构成的最小径集作为控制汛期尾矿坝溃坝事故发生的途径。

    The results show a minimum path sets which consists of a big landslide , rainfall beyond normal design , ineffective discharging flood measures and seismic intensity beyond the designing value . These factors can be selected to act as approaches to control tailings dam break during flood season .