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shè shǐ
  • in case;suppose;if
设使 [shè shǐ]
  • [if] 如果;假使

  1. 我司有加盟计划专为植物爱好者及同行经营者而设使其成为巨象的合作伙伴。

    Our franchise program offers plant lovers and current operators with the opportunity to own their own interior landscaping business and become a partner with Juxiang .

  2. 一些专家学者的计划模型过于理想化,大量前提假设使模型与实际相差很远,复杂化、繁琐化加上单纯追求低成本/低库存水平,使国内有关供应链计划的模型缺乏实用性。

    The plan models of some scholars are too much idealistic , with large quantity of premise assumptions which make the model far away from reality . Complicate and tedious processes with a goal of simply low cost / low inventory level make such models not adaptable .

  3. 因为,虽然生活中确实有如此悲惨的遭遇,但这事实很难说明一种艺术形式的起源,设使艺术不仅是自然真相的模仿,而且其实是自然真相的哲理说明,为了战胜自然而创造的。

    That life really so tragic would least of all explain the origin of an art form -- assuming that art is not merely imitation of the reality of nature but rather a metaphysical supplement of the reality of nature , placed beside it for its overcoming .

  4. 设使现在有人证明了对点是不能用这直接方法达到的,那末,谁还愿意在这旧洞里发掘下去呢,除非他寻得了珍宝,或者发现了自然规律,而还不知满足。

    Now suppose someone proved convincingly that the goal of the antipodes cannot be reached in this direct manner : who would still wish to go on working in these old depths , unless he had learned meanwhile to be satisfied with finding precious stones or discovering laws of nature ?