
There is a great deal of interest in following work such as WADL to better understand what is to be accomplished and how rather than pursuing premature standardization .
Love works in miracles every day : such as weaking the strong , and strerching the weak ;
Default behavior , such as making the first form the active form , is never included in the saved private view state .
The system can also have a function of engine brake if the hydraulically driven exhaust valve sleeve is connected with a braking level on a vehicle .
However , this new model shows some negative effects because some students in " slow-class " unavoidably feel inferior to others and lose confidence and dignity .
Inertia force field transferred the evolution of geodesic active contours into inertial system and therefore they have the ability to begin to evolve with initial speed .
They do a lot of important things when you 're awake like sharpen your senses , make you feel good , and help regulate the immune system .
To expose to the action of the elements , as for drying , seasoning , or coloring . Debris flow is the outcome of certain constituted natural condition .
Money may not be the root of all evil , but if it keeps us up at night , it has become way too important in our lives .
This kind of harmful vibration can affect people 's comfortable , lower the work efficiency , would even cause various diseases , such as the low back pain , central nervous system confusion etc.
The frost heave and thawing settlement of frozen soil area can do great harm to the road and building which lies on it , such as the crack 、 settlement 、 fragile structures foundation element etc.
Warm colors like yellow make food appear more appetizing , while cold colors make us feel less hungry .
And have I not told you that what you mistake for madness is but a kind of over-sensitivity ? Now , there came to my ears a low , dull , quick sound , such as a watch makes when inside a piece of cotton .
It would be advantageous to have pilots and fighters who could function without sleep .
Sex is a subject he prefers to pass over , eg because it embarrasses him .
Unless we reduce the enemy to extreme fatigue and complete starvation , we cannot win final victory .
A failure to make this protocol the global standard means the world will have failed to heed the lessons of history at our collective peril .
When the destabilization of the coal pillar occurred , it needs much more strength of coal pillar to restore to the steady state than that when destroying .
Phol ruled that the military officials who rejected the offer discussed a letter from the captain 's attorney warning that failing to put Sinclair on trial would send the wrong signal .
Any creditor whose debt is sufficient to entitle him to present a bankruptcy petition against all the partners of a firm may present a petition against any one or more partners of the firm without including the others .
Presently , most diabetics are using invasive glucose detection equipment to monitor their own blood sugar level , this method has many disadvantages , such as patients likely tend to generate resistance because of pain and the cuts for extracting blood are easily causing infections .
Also , some practical issues are discussed , such as the construct condition of the supporting system for enable technology , the principle of the selection of hardware and software as well as the issues of personnel administrate , risk control , cultural shock , commerce environment etc.
He makes Lebanon skip like a calf , Sirion like a young wild ox.
Well ordered words are as a honeycomb : sweet to the soul , and health to the bones .
He maketh the deep to boil like a pot : he maketh the sea like a pot of ointment .
For example : Hard work is of more value than mere intelligence which can 't give such true success as that .
Jason recalls how , as a child , he was fascinated by the " magic " that a small circuit could perform .
Large long-jawed oceanic sport fishes ; related to sailfishes and spearfishes ; not completely cold-blooded i.e. able to warm their brains and eyes .
Only the hearts of tension in this string in order to pity , if gold , so that each step to achieve maximum efficiency .
Along these routes the lobby and shared facilities floors work as communication hubs , like intersections that enable flexible itineraries and changes between uses .