首页 / 词典 / good

  • careless;heedless;indifferent;negligent
  • just;merely;barely
  • if
  • 姑且,暂且:~安。~延残喘。~且。

  • 马虎,随便:~得。~合。不敢~同。

  • 如果,假使:~非其人。“~富贵,无相忘”。

  • 姓。


(随便) careless; heedless; indifferent; negligent:

  • 不苟言笑

    be discreet [serious] in speech and manner;

  • 一丝不苟

    be not the least bit negligent


(仅仅) just; merely; barely:

  • 苟全性命

    barely manage to survive


[书] (假使; 如果) if:

  • 苟能如此

    if it could be s


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 苟参

    Gou Can

  1. 苟能坚持,必将胜利。

    If you can persist , you are sure to win .

  2. JustinBieber苟富贵勿相忘

    Justin Biber do not forget us Bro Don 't forget us

  3. 巫妖王在Putricide教授,鲜血女王Lana'thel和辛德拉苟萨被击败前不会被激活。

    The Lich King may not be attempted until Professor Putricide , Blood-Queen Lana'thel , and Sindragosa are defeated .

  4. 吃饭令人烦,睡觉苟残喘。

    It is boring to eat , to sleep is fulfilling .

  5. 阿苟纳是居住在外域的一位深渊领主。

    Aggonar was a Pit Lord who resided in Outland .

  6. 火焰褪去,但苦同苟沿残喘。

    The flames are all gone , but the pain lingers on .

  7. 在5分钟内击败玛里苟斯(普通难度)。

    Defeat Malygos in5 minutes or less on Normal Difficulty .

  8. 考古队中另一成员埃尔布·利斯苟于1934年死于中风。

    Another member of the team Alb Lythgoe died in1934 after a stroke .

  9. 我给你的礼物,勒苟拉斯,是凯兰崔姆树精灵的弓。

    My gift for you , Legolas , is a bow of the Galadhrim .

  10. 我并不认为我们的要求很过份或者苟刻。

    I don 't think we 're asking too much , or being unreasonable .

  11. 后来人们误把苟杳这个名字。

    But later , people miswrote the name .

  12. 来自爱沙尼亚的艾拉•弗苟和克丽斯提•维尔特洛普夫妇在水障碍区中绊倒,以5秒之差屈居第二。芬兰人伊尔坡•哈里斯托和萨图•尤瑞宁获得铜牌。

    in the water obstacle and were second some five seconds behind the winners .

  13. 1853年,苟纳尔公司继续取得装运政府邮件的特权,

    In 1853 the Cunard Co. , whose mail-carrying charter had just been renewed ,

  14. 安东•伊苟:我想将你的心用口水烤熟了拿来吃。

    Anton Ego : I believe I will have your heart roasted on a spit .

  15. 龙门山中段白石苟家地区泥盆纪地层十分发育。

    The Devonian strata are well developed in the Baishi Goujiaregionofcentral Longmen Mountains , Sichuan .

  16. 二胡演奏中的民族文化蕴涵&苟永森的人文琴学观审视

    On the Humanity Outlooks on Music Instruments by Gou Yongseng : National-Cultural Implications in Playing Erhu

  17. 苟杳非常热情地招待了他,可就是没提借钱的事。

    Gou Yao received him very warmly , but didn 't say anything about the loan .

  18. 二十六年来,苟纳尔公司的船在大西洋上航行了两千次,没有一次航行不达目的地,

    In twenty-six years Cunard ships have made 2000 Atlantic crossings without so much as a voyage canceled ,

  19. 苟利军坚称,滨海新区还将欢迎外国风险资本基金“与中方进行合作”。

    Mr Gou insisted Binhai would also welcome foreign venture capital funds " in collaboration with Chinese partners " .

  20. 因此,尽管法国竭力要抢它的生意,但是乘客们都一致愿意搭苟纳尔公司的船,

    Accordingly , despite strong competition from France , passengers still choose the Cunard line in preference to all others ,

  21. 既然玛里苟斯已经死了,会有新的魔法监护者(比如卡雷苟斯);

    Medievaldragon : Now that Malygos is dead , will there be a new Aspect of Magic ( such as Kalecgos );

  22. 魔苟斯的烈火、铜墙铁壁以及高山巨石守著一样珍宝,我会不顾所有精灵王国力量之反对,大胆拥有它。

    For rock and steel and the fires of Morgoth keep the jewel that I would possess against all the powers of the Elf-kingdoms .

  23. 本文讨论了龙门山中段白石苟家大型飞来峰内早埃姆斯期的甘溪组分布及岩性特征。

    The stratigraphy and lithology are discussed for the early Emsian Ganxi Formation within the Baishi Goujia klippe in central Longmen Mountains , Sichuan .

  24. “公海”这一概念自1609年由荷兰法学家休苟•格劳提尤斯倡导以来,实际上从没有扩展到最大值。

    The " free seas " advocated by Hugo Grotius , a Dutch jurist , in1609 never in practice extended quite to the high-tide mark .

  25. 让苟华吃惊的是,他在9月21日晚上所见到的只是贯穿中国新闻传媒界的另一起勒索案。

    To his consternation , what Gou saw the evening of Sept.21 was another instance of the blackmail journalism metastasizing through China 's news media .

  26. 在他死后,他遗留下的恶魔躯体腐蚀了德莱尼的圣池,也就是现在的阿苟纳之池。

    When he died , his demonic essence was left behind to corrupt sacred Draenei pools into what are now known as the Pools of Aggonar .

  27. 他们的职责类似于监管凡人对魔法的使用,所以在某种程度上他想做玛里苟斯希望他做的事情。

    Their function is to kind of police mortals'use of magic , so to some degree he wants to do what Malygos wants him to do .

  28. 天津滨海新区管委会主任苟利军称,该项目将由国家所有并运营。

    It will be owned and run by the state , according to gou Lijun , chairman of the Administrative Commission of Tianjin Binhai New Area .

  29. 今年21岁的苟菲在2008年地震后曾被埋在瓦砾下约10小时,她的左眼视力再也无法恢复。

    Ms. Gou , 21 , was buried under rubble for about 10 hours after the 2008 quake and never regained sight out of her left eye .

  30. 苟利军表示,滨海新区禁止低技术或污染型产业进入,而且已将基建投资总额的三分之一用在了环保方面。

    Low-tech or polluting industries are banned from the zone and , according to Mr Gou , one-third of total infrastructure investment has been spent on environmental protection .