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zònɡ lìnɡ
  • even if; though
  • give free rein to;indulge;connive
纵令 [zòng lìng]
  • [even if;though;even though] 即使--用在偏正复句的偏句,表示假设的让步,即退一步提出某种情况

  • 纵令失败,我们也要继续试验

  1. 纵令我们没有不可告人的动机,我们的倡议仍然会损害法国的利益。

    Even if we had no ulterior motives our initiative would still damage French interests .

  2. 纵令身处绝境,他仍保持自己的威严。

    Even in great adversity , he retained [ kept ] his majesty .

  3. 今天那些教育程度更高,更为富裕的公民,纵令他们全都有选举权,真正拥有主宰制度的权力吗?

    And do the more educated and wealthier citizens of today , albeit all of them with the vote , really have power over the system ?