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zòng shǐ
  • even if;even though
纵使 [zòng shǐ]
  • [even if;even though] 即使--连接分句,表示假设的让步,即在偏句提出某种情况

纵使[zòng shǐ]
  1. 纵使明天下雨,他们也要去游览。

    Even if it should rain tomorrow , they will go for an outing .

  2. 纵使我有三头六臂,这个问题我也没办法解决。

    Even if I got Superman powers , such a problem is beyond me .

  3. 纵使股市下挫,世界末日并没在周一到来,而到了周二,美联储(Fed)也同样强硬。

    The world did not end on Monday , even if the stock market dropped , and on Tuesday , the Federal Reserve was also defiant .

  4. 作者指出在欧洲,CT是第二次检查最常用的方法,纵使这种安排方法的敏感性被质疑。

    The authors pointed out that in Europe , CT was the most commonly used second-line investigation , even though the sensitivity of the modality in this setting has been questioned .

  5. 因此,MBA仍有改进的空间。纵使如此,MBA学位仍然是当今全球商业世界中极有说服力的资质证明。

    So there is room for improvement , but the MBA is nevertheless a powerful qualification in today 's global business world .

  6. 如果对department实体采取预先抓取,那么对于同样的department实例,纵使它位于二级缓存中,每次也都需要查询数据库。

    If we try to eager fetch the department entity then for every fetch of same department the database is hit for department information even though it is available in our second level cache .

  7. 球队再加一个33岁的球员,纵使他是MVP级别的球员,阵容遭到如此破坏,又真的值得吗?

    Is adding a 33-year-old player , even one still playing at an MVP level , worth that kind of disruption ?

  8. 我的小店靠近Riverwalk区,生意还不错,而我的社交生活也很有趣,纵使它没有像以前在学校时那么疯狂。

    My little shop near the Riverwalk is doing well , and my social life is fun , too , if not as wild as it was back in school .

  9. 爱,你也是这样;纵使今天

    So , love , be thou ; although today thou fill

  10. 纵使是在压力之下,高情商同样可以使你表现得很出色。

    A good EQ will help you perform well under pressure .

  11. 纵使经过10到15年后

    Even though in , like , 10 , 15 years .

  12. 纵使天塌下来,该算的账也要算。

    Let justice be done , though the heavens should fall .

  13. 那时我就要猛刺,纵使在御风,

    Then should I spur , though mounted on the wind ;

  14. 纵使放纵,代换的也是莫名的疼痛。

    Even if indulgence , and substitution is vague pain .

  15. 纵使错过一生,却永远不会成为过错。

    Even if miss life , but never become fault .

  16. 纵使我们的感情有多纯洁亦变得污染。

    Despite our feelings of how pure pollution have become .

  17. 纵使有经验,她仍旧无法获得一份工作。

    With all her experience , she could not get a job .

  18. 纵使打败有什麽关系?我们可以再战!

    What though the battle be lost ? We can fight again .

  19. 纵使在海伦的额上滥施尽美容绝技,

    On Helen 's cheek all art of beauty set ,

  20. 纵使走上一千步,我依旧会遭遇失败。

    Failure I may still encounter at the thousandth step .

  21. 脸颊熟知眼泪,纵使短暂。

    The tear is famou briefly , to the cheek .

  22. 好朋友是-纵使身在远方,心仍是近的。

    Best friends are close in hearts regardless of distance .

  23. 纵使困难重重,也不丧失勇气。

    Let difficulties occur but notwha Los lwx of courage .

  24. 而纵使你失去所有一切,那又如何?

    Even if you lose all things , so what ?

  25. 但他同时也表态,纵使资金困难,他也不会放弃。

    Yet he has vowed to not give up despite financial hurdles .

  26. 纵使面前汹涌澎湃的信息仍是残缺不全,他们也总能做出正确的决定。

    Despite overwhelming and incomplete information , expert programmers consistently make correct decisions .

  27. 纵使那些观点可能令人害怕恶心。

    Even those that might scare or sicken you .

  28. 纵使处于敌营之中,不介绍自己也是极度无礼的行为。

    Not to introduce yourself is considered extremely rude , even among enemies .

  29. 纵使我的作为或被误解,我也不能停住。

    And though my actions to be misunderstood , I will never stop .

  30. 但如果花经提炼,纵使遇到冬天,

    But flowers distilled though they with winter meet ,