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  1. 提示应用彩色多普勒血流显像(CDFI)检查眼部血管是一种既可靠又准确且能早期观寨糖尿病微血管病变的有效方法。

    We suggests that CDFI is a reliable and accurate diagnosis method for early diabetic microvessel disease .

  2. 接着,本书又长篇大论且漫无章法地叙述了COM、Java、.NET的历史,以及许多作者从未真正定义过的各种术语。

    Moving on , there is a long and rambling account of the history of COM , JAVA , . NET , and various terms which the author never really defines .

  3. 有鉴于此,核能看起来既危险而不受欢迎,又昂贵且存在风险。

    Nuclear power thus looks dangerous , unpopular , expensive and risky .

  4. 使用本实用新型又简便且又不会伤手。

    The utility model has the advantages of simple and convenient operation and can not injure hands .

  5. 最后,对不稳定又非线性且具有时变参数之卡车拖车系统,作倒车控制试验。

    Finally , a truck-trailer system which has unstable and nonlinear with time varying parameter is applied for backing-up control test .

  6. 对于电子垃圾,特别是废旧电脑的资源化,目前尚未有既经济又环保且适于生产的解决方案。

    However , there is no suitable solution which is economic and environmental to deal with e-waste , particularly old and useless computers .

  7. 用测试用例基执行软件测试是一种既科学又简便且测试用例的数量较少的方法,有效地降低了测试成本。

    The study shows that it is a scientific , convenient and low-cost method to use test case bases to run software testing .

  8. 最后要值得一提的是,该剧中还有一个主要角色,那就是西雅图,这个看上去充满美丽和浪漫,却又朦胧且单调的城市,几乎找不到秋天的色彩和气息。

    Last but not least , there is the third main role in the film – the city of Seattle , which appears beautiful and romantic , yet foggy and drab , with hardly any color or smell of autumn .

  9. 但这一策略既费时又费力,且无法解决所有的问题。

    But this strategy costs time and effort , and is not a cure-all .

  10. 若伊则又太神经兮兮且斤斤计较。

    Zoe a bit too deranged and calculating .

  11. 使用这种微波炉,既安全,又简便,且烹调快速。

    This type of microwave oven is safe and easy to operate , and cooks fast .

  12. 苏菲和凯特美好得不真实;若伊则又太神经兮兮且斤斤计较。

    Sophie and Kate are a little too good to be true ; Zoe a bit too deranged and calculating .

  13. 地震动强度与地震烈度速报研究原位动态红外结果表明,该结晶谱带峰强随温度升高而减小,至熔融温度(~240℃)基本消失,降温又出现,且随温度降低而增大。

    Rapid reporting of peak strong motion and seismic intensity As temperature declines the peak reappears with gradual increase in intensity .

  14. 向量的确切定义应该是既有大小又有方向且遵循平行四边形法则求和的量。

    Vector is quantity which not only boasts size & direction but also observes the law of the sum of parallelogram .

  15. 因此,关于绵竹年画的理论研究少之又少,且大都是现代的作品。

    Accordingly , there are very few theoretical researches on Mianzhu New Year Pictures , and most of which are contemporary works .

  16. 紫辉觉得物理学既刺激又有趣,且在科大觅得志趣相投的同学,念个不亦乐乎。

    Jack has always found physics exciting and interesting , and enjoyed studying it at HKUST with friends who shared his interest .

  17. 这些词语的附加修辞功能在新闻标题中,既新颖、又鲜活,且能够先声夺人,产生良好效果。

    The writer specifically analyzes how the rhetorical effects of words are applied to the title of news reports in this paper .

  18. 针对外国留学生的传统汉语词汇测试既耗时又费力,且精确度不高,为学生提供的具体反馈有限。

    Traditional Chinese vocabulary testing that focuses on foreign students is not only time-consuming and energy - consuming , but possesses low precision .

  19. 应用烯唑醇不同剂量拌种试验结果,以20克拌玉米种100公斤比较适宜,既有效又经济,且对玉米安全。

    At the dosage of 20 g a. i. / 100 kg corn seed , diniconazole was economically effective and safe to corn plant .

  20. 实践中,关于楼顶平台争议可以说是一波未平,一波又起,且争议形式多种多样,矛盾愈演愈烈。

    In practice , on the roof platform , the dispute can be said to keep cropping up , and the controversial in various forms conflicts intensified .

  21. 作为一个装置,摆系统的结构又相当简单且成本低廉,控制效果一目了然。

    As a kind of experiments equipment , pendulum system is also very cheap and is a simple structure , but its control effect is clear at a glance .

  22. 如果是这样的话,为什么不在2016年改变一下呢?换一个以下提到的全世界最怪诞,但又颇具潜力且收益颇丰的职业呢?

    If so , why don 't you shake things up in 2016 with one of the following whacky - but potentially lucrative - jobs available across the world ?

  23. 弓形虫病确诊主要以病原体为依据,但病原体的检测既费时又费力,且检出率较低,不宜作为常规诊断的方法。

    The diagnosis based on pathogen detection , but it was very time-consuming , laborious , and low detection rate . So it is not an appropriate routine diagnostic method .

  24. 这些特征的存在,使它们之间的联盟合作行为不可能避免地出现各种讨价还价行为,而各方又都坚持且尊重这些行为的正当性与合法性。

    These characteristics make the alliance cooperation behaviors among the US and its allies inevitable to arise all kind of bargaining behaviors and all of them adhere to and respect to the legitimacy and legality of these behaviors .

  25. 但随着应用的深入,问题也不断的产生,一个共性的问题就是,靠人工手动定位压桩位置既费时又费力,且定位的精度不易保证。

    But with the deep applying , there are some problems . A common problem is that orienting the tip of pile by manually is time-consuming and strenuous , besides , the precision is not easy to ensure .

  26. 我又看见,且听见,宝座与活物并长老的周围,有许多天使的声音。他们的数目有千千万万。

    And I beheld , and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders : and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand , and thousands of thousands ;

  27. 水电工程项目在开发建设过程中往往面临着来自技术、经济、自然和社会环境等诸多方面的风险和干扰,其风险因素又难以量化且他们之间相互关联,相互影响。

    Risk factors coming from the technology , the economy , the nature and the social and other aspects , are interdependence and interaction during the development and construction of hydropower projects , so they are very difficult to quantify .

  28. 此毕业论文是以新疆维吾尔自治区医药公司为背景开发的药品管理系统,针对药品的质量管理开发领域进行的,实现一个功能强大又直观简单且易用的药品管理系统。

    The xinjiang uygur autonomous region of graduation thesis is the development of pharmaceutical companies for background for drug quality management system , drug quality management development area , realize a powerful simple and easy to use and intuitive the drug quality management system .

  29. 尤其在公司非破产清算方面的法律规定,更是少之又少,且由于我国《公司法》产生时市场经济不完善的时代背景,决定了其自身存在无法避免的缺陷。

    In particular , with regard to non-bankruptcy liquidation , relevant regulation turns out to be extremely rare , plus the incomplete market economy system when the " Company Law " was released , all of this has determined its own inevitable existence of the defects .

  30. 用50℃及更高温度处理后,R2又急剧下降,且低于对照值。

    But when the temperature was raised above 50 ℃, the R_2 amplitude decreased and went below the average for the control group .