首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 现在既已找出问题的症结,即可采取适当行动。

    Now that the problem has been identified , appropriate action can be taken .

  2. 他为服刑期满而感到如释重负,而且觉得既已无可更改,过去的就让它过去吧。

    He was relieved his time in jail was over and regarded it as water under the bridge .

  3. 你既已答应,就应该去做。

    Once you have promised you must do it .

  4. 满足边界条件的挠曲面方程的解既已求得,板中内力就可以简单地通过求导得到。Rowe的不同解法,得到精确解。

    Now that the solutions are obtained to the deflection surface equations which satisfy boundary conditions , the internal forces in the plate can be easily got through determining the partial derivatives .

  5. 既已许下诺言,我就必须履行它。

    Having made a promise , I must carry it through .

  6. 他既已退休,那如何打发日子呢?

    How does he occupy himself now he 's retired ?

  7. 既已投下一便士,索性再花一英镑;一不做,二不休。

    In for a penny , in for a pound .

  8. 计划既已订出,我们就必须完全照办。

    When we have formed plan , we must follow it out .

  9. 事情既已弄得这麽糟,我们就该罢手了。

    When things get this fouled-up it 's time for us to quit .

  10. 既已取得梁城,何不速返邯郸?

    We 'd taken Liang already , why don 't we go back ?

  11. 事情既已发生,谁也无法改变。

    No one can change what 's already happened .

  12. 他自己既已成名,就可以同他们平起平坐了。

    Having become one himself , he can meet them on equal terms .

  13. 债务人既已破产,我将放弃债权。

    Inasmuch as the debtor has gone bankrupt , I will abandon the claim .

  14. 现在既已征得同意,我们就可以实行既定方案了。

    Now that we have approval we may ex-ecute the scheme as previously agreed .

  15. 孩子们既已回学校,我可以放松一下了。

    Now that the children are back at school , I can ease off .

  16. 卓戈卡奥既已许你王�

    If Khal Drogo has promised you a crown

  17. 这些罪过既已赦免,就不用再为罪献祭了。

    Now where remission of these is , there is no more offering for sin .

  18. 你现在既已把它损坏了,后悔是没有用的!

    You 've broken it now ; it 's no use crying over spilt milk !

  19. 现在他既已出了名,也许她会希望“和好”。

    Now that he was distinguished , maybe she would be wanting to make up .

  20. 过于偏激的清教徒精神既已消逝。

    The extremer Puritan mood had gone .

  21. 事情既已决定,人们劝我们不必多费口舌。

    We were told to save our breath because the matter had already been decided .

  22. 你既已读完那句子,不妨再读前面那句。

    Now that you ? ve read that sentence , reread the one that precedes .

  23. 我们既已得救,才知道那岛名叫马耳他。

    And when they were escaped , then they knew that the island was called melita .

  24. 伤害既已形成,解除禁运,不再只为悲伤,混乱的古巴扼腕

    Rue the damage he has done . But lift the embargo against a sad , dysfunctional island

  25. 决议既已做出,下个问题就是如何制定一个好的计划了。

    The decision having been made , the next problem was how to make a good plan .

  26. 1我们既已安全得救,才认出那岛名叫米利大。

    And having been brought safely through , we recognized then that the island was called malta .

  27. 他既已把自己的愤怒投射到世间,必会看到自己随时将遭到报复。

    Having projected his anger onto the world , he sees vengeance about to strike at him .

  28. 动荡和疑虑既已获得了保险,

    Incertainties now crown themselves assured

  29. 祭司的职任既已更改,律法也必须更改。

    For the priesthood being changed , there is made of necessity a change also of the law .

  30. 你既已知道她对此事的态度,你打算怎么办呢?

    Now that you know exactly how she feels about it , what do you plan to do ?