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rú qí
  • if
如其 [rú qí]
  • (1) [if]

  • (2) 表示假设,正句中往往有必、就等跟它呼应,相当于如果

  • 如其克谐,天下可定也。--《资治通鉴》

  • (3) 连词,表示提出另一话题,用在下句或下段开头

  • 如其礼乐,以俟君子。--《论语.先进》

如其[rú qí]
  1. 如其无人接待,可改日再往。

    If nobody is there to receive you , go again another day .

  2. 如其没有履行这些责任,卖方可以要求损害赔偿。

    If the buyer fails to perform the obligations , the seller may claim damages .

  3. 审如其言。

    What he says is indeed true .

  4. 令尊如其亡故,由你继承家产。

    In the event of your father 's death , you will inherit the family property .

  5. 我妈认为youarewhatyoueat(食如其人),良好的饮食习惯对健康很重要。

    My mother believed you are what you eat . A good diet is important for good health .

  6. 后者则是如其名,多次开始,反复运行几次PSO,并将其结果互相联系。

    The latter then does as its name , start normal PSO for several times and link the outcomes together .

  7. 《识骨寻踪》将会在明年如其回归。FOX电视台已经宣布续订该集2013-2014播出的第九季。

    Bones will be back next year . FOX has announced that the drama will return for season 9 for the 2013-2014 season .

  8. 在就中国用户电邮账户遭到黑客攻击发出警告10周之后,谷歌(Google)如其威胁的那样,在昨天终止了对其中国大陆的中文搜索引擎的审查。

    Ten weeks after raising the alarm over the hacking of Chinese users ' e-mail accounts , Google yesterday ended censorship of its local Chinese search engine as threatened .

  9. 人如其名的女儿芭比(Barbie)在一家风格粗俗的酒吧找到了一份女招待的工作。

    The daughter , aptly named Barbie , gets work as a waitress in a rough cantina .

  10. 如其名所示,ScrumMaster是Scrum过程的守护者。

    A ScrumMaster as the name suggests is the guardian of the scrum process .

  11. 如其名称所暗示的,当您想要特别类的仅仅一个实例时,才使用Singleton模式。

    As its name suggests , the Singleton Pattern is typically used when you want only one instance of a particular class .

  12. 大型鞋类零售商,如其乐(clarks)和阿迪达斯(adidas),也反对此类措施。

    Large footwear retailers , such as Clarks and Adidas , have also opposed the measures .

  13. 而呼吸CO2时,如其对运动时的通气反应高于通气阈则使低流量者与呼吸室内空气者相比,其运动时的通气反应减少(P0.05)。

    Also when breathing CO_2 , the ventilatory response to exercise above VTh was decreased in the lower flow subjects as compared with breathing room air ( P0.05 ) and as compared with the higher flow subjects ( P0.05 ) .

  14. Cordys在这个条目和相关文章中明显提到的是,推动下一代的BPM,如其业务层提供了某种程度的抽象和

    Apparently Cordys , mentioned in the entry and related article , is pushing their next generation BPM such that the process layer provides a level of abstraction and

  15. createProject任务,如其名称所指的,它是用于工程的创建。

    The createProject task , as its name implies , it is used for project creation .

  16. 她预期明年优衣库在中国的零售店数量将超过Zara和H&M的零售店,一如其在韩国已落实的情况。

    Next year she expects Uniqlo 's number of stores in China to surge ahead of Zara 's and H & M 's , as they have done already in South Korea .

  17. 如其设计的香奈儿移动艺术展览馆,以及奥地利Nordpark火车站等这些具有未来主义外观的建筑都让人叹为观止。

    With examples such as the Chanel Mobile Art Pavilion and Nordpark Railway Station is Austria their futuristic look is truly striking .

  18. 一旦发生侵犯开源软件程序专利的案件,FOSS社团通常都会帮助被告,就如其在Firestar软件诉红帽案件中所做的那样。

    When there is a patent infringement of an open source software program , the FOSS community rallies around the defendant , such as was the case when Firestar Software sued Red Hat .

  19. 因此在本培养体系中,应用siRNA沉默uPAR的表达,可以为研究uPAR在精子发生特定时期中的作用及机制提供一个很好的研究工具,如其信号传导通路等。

    Hence , silencing uPAR gene expression with siRNA cocktails on this culture system can provide a powerful tool to further study the role and mechanism of uPAR involved in specific stages of spermatogenic cell development , such as its signal transduction in spermatogenesis .

  20. 仅仅几个月前,住在土耳其东南部迪亚尔巴克尔市的Askin表示,如果她家真的如其所愿把她留在家里不让她上学的话,她就自杀。

    Just a few months ago , Askin threatened to kill herself if her family carried out their wish to keep her home from school in the city of Diyarbakir , in the south east of Turkey .

  21. IL-2R在中枢神经系统中有广泛表达,且不同脑区IL-2R的分布及密度不同,推测IL-2因而发挥不同的生理功能,如其能影响营养神经元和神经胶质的功能,影响神经递质的分泌等。

    There are distributed in different regions and with different densities in the brain , so it can be supposed that IL-2 has physiological functions in these different regions . For instance , IL-2 has the nutrition function on the neurons and neuroglias , and affects the release of neurotransmitter .

  22. 分水岭地如其名,正位于大陆分水岭

    Divide was literally located on the continent of the divide .

  23. 店如其名,能很强烈的感觉到家的氛围。

    Shop as name , can be very strong feel home atmosphere .

  24. 如其书名所示,蔡斯的重点是国家。

    As the title indicates , her focus is states .

  25. “书如其人”人格批评模式辨证

    Pattern of personality criticism dialectic on " calligraphy-person resemblance "

  26. 主合同中所指“现场”如其所规定。

    Site in the context of the main contract is defined therein .

  27. 如其一贯作风,苹果不曾透露过这方面的任何信息。

    As is customary for Apple , the company has provided no information .

  28. 外国企业是否如其所言对亚洲兴趣浓厚?

    Are foreign firms as keen on Asia as they claim to be ?

  29. 宿命论主张什么东西都如其所是的命定了的。

    Fatalism claims that everything is fated to be exactly as it is .

  30. 维顿真的是,如其自己所描述的,一个完全无辜的受害者吗?

    Was Weeton really , as she portrayed herself , an entirely innocent victim ?