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tǎng shǐ
  • if;in case;provided that;in the event of
倘使 [tǎng shǐ]
  • [if;in case;provided that;in the event of]。用在偏正复句的偏句中,表示假设关系,相当于倘若、假使。多用于书面语

  • 倘使错过这个机会,你会后悔的

倘使[tǎng shǐ]
  1. 倘使政客们要这么办,侵吞公款就是侵吞公款罪。

    Embezzlement is embezzlement if the politicians want to have it so .

  2. 8.crucifyvt.把(某人)钉死在十字架上倘使耶稣·基督今天出现的话,人们将不会把他钉死在十字架上。

    If Jesus Christ were to come today , people would not even crucify Him .

  3. 倘使你充满梦想&但毫不做梦想的奴工;

    If you can dream & and not make dreams yourmaster ;

  4. 倘使你一定要知道的话,这是我男朋友给的。

    It 's from my boyfriend , if you must know .

  5. 倘使面对她所做的愚蠢的事不会有槽糕的结果。

    And if there were no terrible consequences to face from her stupidity .

  6. 倘使她是那种有心灵感应的人,她一定有所感触。

    If she had been at all psychic she must have felt something .

  7. 倘使有车子的话,我也想去看看她。

    I would go and see her , if I could have the carriage .

  8. 倘使出了什么毛病,我的位置就压根儿完蛋了。

    If anything were to happen , it would cost me my place all right .

  9. 他要去看他&威胁、利诱、倘使需要的话,就把他彻头彻尾地毁灭。

    He would go to him-threaten , cajole , actually destroy him , if necessary .

  10. 倘使一个年轻姑娘不理会自己的身材,还有谁会理会她呢。

    If a girl do not look after her figure , no one else will .

  11. 倘使生意让他来经营,就会立即垮台的。

    If the trade had been left to his care , it would have rapidly disappeared .

  12. 倘使他能够做这个人的顾问&做四年唯一的顾问该多好呀!

    If he could act as adviser to this man-be his sole counsel for four years !

  13. 倘使你不发一言,就不会被要求重复再讲一遍了。

    If you do not say anything , you will not is call on to repeat it .

  14. 倘使我真心爱过人,难道我会为了虚荣或贪婪而牺牲自己的感情?

    Had I really loved , could I have sacrificed my feelings to vanity , to avarice .

  15. 倘使曾赞美天亮,那麽也请拥抱白昼。

    If you once eulogized the daybreak , then also asks you to hug the dark night .

  16. 倘使她出走了,就会产生一时不能克服的,显著的鸿沟。

    If she went away there would be a distinct gulf that would not soon be overcome .

  17. 倘使班纳特太太发觉吉英有什么危险,那她真要伤心死了;

    Had she found Jane in any apparent danger , Mrs. Bennet would have been very miserable ;

  18. 倘使你懦弱无力立即退到后面去,到枪炮的射程以外去。

    If you were weak-pass quickly to the rear and get out of the range of the guns .

  19. 倘使他们放我过去,我真是打算过些时候归还那五十万块钱的。

    I did intend to pay that five hundred thousand dollars some time if they had let me go .

  20. 倘使她真是无辜的,他知道,她会大胆地跳起脚来,浑身都表示抗议。

    If she were really innocent , he knew she would have jumped to her feet in her defiant way .

  21. 倘使象他这样一个人再次堕落的话,还能为减轻罪行作何辩白呢?

    Were such a man once more to fall , what plea could be urged in extenuation of his crime ?

  22. 所以一个人的期待,倘使不能警觉到神助之将临,所得必属稀少。

    He whose expectation does not lead him to be on the alert for its coming will get but little .

  23. 倘使没有进口的话,我们就不可能出口,因为外国人没有美元可以用来买美国的产品。

    Without imports we can have no exports , for foreigners will have no funds with which to buy our goods .

  24. 可是,她们倘使想嫁给有地位的男人,机会可就大大减少了,达西回答道。

    But it must very materially lessen their chance of marrying men of any consideration in the world , replied Darcy .

  25. 然而,倘使一个观察家在沉睡两年之后忽然醒来,八成要为这些数字感到不安。

    Nevertheless , an observer who had woken after sleeping for the past two years , would be alarmed at the numbers .

  26. 我高兴我不是男人,因为,倘使我是男人,就得跟女人结婚嘛。

    I am glad I am not a man , for if I was I 'd be obliged to marry a woman .

  27. 倘使他们能够像开闭眼睛一样开闭耳朵的话,那将会是多么大的福气啊。

    What a blessing it would be if we could open and shut our ears as easily as we do our eyes .

  28. 翻译成为“倘使美国人始终有着帝国做派,他们也为世界贡献了主权在民的理想信念”会不会更好些呢?

    If Americans have always had the habit of empire , they have also endowed the world with the ideal of popular sovereignty .

  29. 我内子是个倘使没有她妈陪伴就哪儿都不愿意去的女孩子,而她妈又是无处不愿去的。

    My wife is the kind of girl who 'll not go anywhere without her mother , and her mother will go anywhere .

  30. 我们知道咱们必须前行,但倘使我们能留下球队的主力球员,这将是很紧要的。

    We know we have to improve , but if we can keep the spine of the team , it will be very important .
