
  1. 视贫穷如园中的花草、像圣人一样慢慢地耕耘吧。

    Cultivate poverty like a garden herb , like sage .

  2. 视贫穷如园中之花而像圣人一样耕植它吧!不要找新的花样,无论是新的朋友或新的衣服,来麻烦你自己。

    Cultivate poverty like a garden herb , like sage.Do not trouble yourself much to get new things , whether clothes or friends .

  3. 仅存的熙雍女儿,有如葡萄园里的茅舍,胡瓜园中的草庐,被围困著的城市。

    And the daughter of Sion shall be left as a covert in a vineyard , and as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers , and as a city that is laid waste .

  4. 他们必说,这先前为荒废之地,现在成如伊甸园。这荒废凄凉,毁坏的城邑现在坚固有人居

    " and they will say , This land which was waste has become like the garden of Eden ; and the towns which were unpeopled and wasted and pulled down are walled and peopled . "

  5. 优先发展专业孵化器,如软件园、大学技术园、归国留学生创业园,以及大中型企业科技园产业集群与大学科技园创新环境优化

    " Priority is given to specialized incubators , such as software parks , university technology parks , innovation ( venture ) parks for students returned from abroad and science and technology parks for large and medium-sized businesses . "

  6. 农业毁林也可以由如纸种植园等非粮食作物原因造成。

    Agricultural deforestation can also be caused by non-food crops , for example , paper plantations .

  7. 在美丽的黄昏,和狗儿并肩坐在河边,有如重回伊甸园,即使什麽事也不做,也不觉得无聊&只有幸福和平和'。

    In the beautiful evening , and a dog sitting on the river side by side , like a returnto the Garden of Eden , even if what do not feel bored & only peace and happiness .

  8. 狗是我们与天堂的联接,它们不懂何为邪恶、嫉妒、不满,在美丽的黄昏,和狗儿并肩坐在山坡上,有如重回伊甸园。

    Dogs are our link to paradise . They dont know evil or jealousy or discontent . To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden , where doing nothing was not boring - it was peace .

  9. 他们前面如火烧灭,后面如火焰烧尽。未到以前,地如伊甸园,过去以后,成了荒凉的旷野。

    A fire devoureth before them ; and behind them a flame burneth : the land is as the garden of Eden before them , and behind them a desolate wilderness ; yea , and nothing shall escape them .

  10. 在拜占廷式铁制窗格栅栏后的八颗有如斑斑白发般的橄榄树,吸引观光客的注意,彷如置身园中一般。

    Behind a fence of iron-tracery with Byzantine motifs , eight hoary olive trees attract the attention of the visitor as he enters the garden .