
  1. 清皇族多妻制和女子来源

    The system of polygyny of imperial clan in the Qing Dynasty

  2. 纳米蒙脱土/有机复合改性胶清胶的制备及其性能

    Preparation and Properties of Novel Natural Skim Block Modified by Montmorillonite Nano-composite

  3. 肝毒清胶囊的制备及临床研究

    Preparation of Anti-hepatotoxin Capsules & Their Clinic Research

  4. 清承明制,将君主集权专制政体发展到登峰造极的地步,中央高度集权于皇帝,地方则高度集权于各级政府的主官。

    Holding the system of Ming dynasty , developing sovereign autocracy of height concentrating power .

  5. 清季俸制变化初探

    A primary research on the changes of official salary system in the last ten years of the Qing Dynasty

  6. 清承明制,这一制度也继续在清代法律中发挥着作用。

    After inherit the system of Ming dynasty , this system also continue to play a role in the Qing legal .

  7. 方法:制定感冒热毒清口服液制备工艺、质量标准、临床使用方法。

    MATHODS : Constitute Gan Mao Re Du Qing oral liquid preparation , set up quality standard and the method for clinical application .

  8. 水剂法取油后的小核桃浆液中含有大量的蛋白质,为使该蛋白质得到充分利用,试验研究了小核桃蛋白的基本性质及其清乳液的制备工艺。

    To make use of the protein , the properties and milk processing of small walnut protein during aqueous oil extraction were studied in this article .

  9. 清承明制,清代策问沿袭前朝,更趋于时政性,问题也越来越具体,涉及的问题渐趋广泛。

    Qing Cheng Ming system in the Qing Dynasty followed the former policy question , tends to be more current affairs and sexual problems are also more specific issues involved become more widespread .

  10. 明清两代虽然是由两个不同的民族建立的大一统政权,其制度上的因袭,被称之为清承明制。

    Although the Ming and Qing Dynasties are unified regimes which are established by two different nations , their systems actually have some conventionality , we called it " The Qing Dynasty inherits the system of the Ming Dynasty " .

  11. 1905-1911年清政府的联美制日政策

    The Policy of Alliance-with the US to Subdue Japan of the Qing Government from 1905 to 1911

  12. 在本研究工作中通过添加催化介质和控制双极膜介面层清析度,制得性能良好的双极膜。

    In our work , good performance of bipolar membrane is obtained by using catalyst and controling interphase .

  13. 试论1840-1870年间清政府以民制夷政策

    Narration and Comment about the Policy of the Qing Government to Object Foreigners with People from 1840 to 1870

  14. 目的:设立蛇芪清毒颗粒的制备方法和质量控制标准。

    Objective : to set up the preparation and quality control criteria of the snake and toluylene granules for hygrotoxin .

  15. 方法:考察了紫菀生品及酒洗、蜜炙、清炒、蒸制、醋炙等不同炮制方法的饮片对小鼠气管酚红排泌量的影响和对大鼠气管排痰量的影响。

    Method : Resolving phlegm effects of the different stir-baked slices were evaluated by the excretion of phenol red in mice and the amount of expectoration drainage in rats .

  16. 本研究根据处方中药物有效部位的性质和药理作用,确定了决明清脂颗粒的制备工艺路线和工艺的指标成分:大黄酚和芦丁。

    According to the function and indication of the formula and the properties of its chemical components , as well as their pharmacology function , the route of preparative procedure and index components were ascertained , which were chrysophanol and rutin .

  17. 在教育制度方面,清政府废除科举制,大力兴办新式学堂,鼓励留学,重视师范教育、基础教育和实业教育,引进西方先进的教育理论知识。

    In the area of the education system , the Qing government abolishes the traditional Chinese examination system , establishes new-fashioned schools , encourage study abroad , attaches importance to normal education , basic education and industrial education , and introduces advanced theoretical knowledge of education in the West .