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qīng yì
  • just comment;political criticism by scholars
清议 [qīng yì]
  • [just comment] 公正的议论

  • 其犯乡论清议、赃污淫盗,一皆荡涤。--《南史.宋武帝纪》

清议[qīng yì]
  1. 《清议报》研究论爱国统一战线的主题

    A Study in China Discussion About the Theme of Patriotic United Front

  2. 试论《清议报》的国民性改造宣传

    On China Discussion 's propaganda of the reform of the national character

  3. 这就是所谓的“清议”。

    This is the so called Pure Comments .

  4. 士大夫的清议传统艰难地维持着公共领域的生存。

    Tradition of free discussions among scholar-bureaucrats struggles to maintain the existence of public sphere .

  5. 第三部分:评价《清议报》立宪宣传的意义和影响。

    Chapter three : evaluated the significance and influence of constitutional propaganda of the China Discussion .

  6. 金圣叹是并非反抗的叛徒还是清议运动的代表&试比较鲁迅与胡适的批评

    Is Jin Shengtan " a Non-anti traitor " or " a Representative Figure of Talking Movement "

  7. 另一部分则在“清议”、“清谈”、玄虚的文化中,伴随势族的发展,演化为魏晋“清简”型官吏。

    Another part , in " idletalk " & the culture of mystery , accompany the development oftendency clan , evolution into " clear and simple " type official .

  8. 清议:宦官专政不仅使政治黑暗,而且也阻断了仕途,严重地侵夺了士人的上进之路。

    The Movement of Pure Comments : Eunuchs " monopoly on the regime not only worsened the politics , but interdicted scholars " official career , depriving their further development .

  9. 在质询中,默多克有时拍桌子以强调自己的论点,有时则求助儿子补充细节,他有时听不清议员们的问题,但后来为自己做出了有力的辩护,并与特别委员会开起了玩笑。

    Enforcing his points by slapping the table , and sometimes turning to his son to fill him in on details , Mr Murdoch sometimes struggled to hear MPs ' questions but later gave a forceful defence and cracked jokes with the committee .

  10. 碑文的繁荣和发展,受西周金文和秦代时刻摩崖、碑的载体物理属性、汉厚葬的风气、人物清议之风、动荡混乱的社会环境、选官制度的影响。

    The prosperity and development of the inscription , by the Western Zhou Dynasty and Qin Dynasty moment Cliff , the carrier of physical properties of the monument , the Han Dynasty burial culture , character Qing Yi Wind turbulence a chaotic social environment , the election official system .