
  • 网络like a dream;dreamy
  1. 它的旋律如梦似幻,没有歌词无人演唱,却更能带给听众最难忘的享受。

    Its tune is dreamy and dramatic , and can bring the listeners unforgetable enjoy although there are no lyrics or singers .

  2. 最近有人向《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)透露:“整个过程如梦似幻,我觉得自己像是在约会。”

    " The entire experience was totally surreal ," one person told The New York Times recently . " I really felt like I was on a date . "

  3. 造型独特、色彩缤纷、种类众多的水晶石能够造就出如梦似幻的效果,被认为是时尚饰品DIY的最佳材料。

    Distinctive modelling , colour profusion , are numerous multicolor strass spheres can be made a fantastical effect , is considered to be the best fashionable jewelry DIY material .

  4. 我伫立在家门前,欣赏如梦似幻的美景。

    I am standing outside their homes to enjoy the dream-like scenery .

  5. 镜子反射出的光芒如梦似幻

    A wonderful light given by the mirrors . And it 's. ..

  6. 纸币形象非常平和,给人一种如梦似幻的感觉。

    The note gives a sense of peace , with somne kind of fantasy .

  7. 如果那听来如梦似幻,那它真的可能就是场梦。

    If it sounds too good to be true , then it most likely is .

  8. 昨晚我吞下了这药,如梦似幻地飘过金色的山谷和幽暗的树丛;

    Last night I swallowed the drug and floated dreamily into the golden valley and the shadowy groves ;

  9. 事实上,这些回忆如梦似幻,恰如一场噩梦。

    But , except for these fleeting memories , if , indeed , they be memories , it all seems very unreal , like a nightmare .

  10. 暮色朦胧,一切如梦似幻&塔尖的底坐迷失在黑暗中,而树顶却好似点点墨斑。

    Things look phantastic in this dimness of the dusk & the spires whose bases are lost in the dark and tree tops like blots of ink .

  11. 轻盈摇曳的、或是垂坠曳地的动人华服,是每个女人心中不灭的梦想,穿上如梦似幻的高贵黑色礼服,公主就成长为美丽的女王。

    Lightsome sway , or apeak drag ground moving finery , is every woman heart of dreams , fantastical wear black dress , the princess is high growth for beautiful queen .

  12. 画中,一泓碧蓝色的湖水如梦似幻,其灵感正是来自乔尔乔涅的《暴风雨》;湖水上方森然笼罩着奥斯维辛集中营的大门,而四周原野则零散堆砌着富有象征意味的物品和人物。

    The dreamlike blue lake is inspired by Giorgione 's " The Tempest " overborne by the looming gates of Auschwitz , in a landscape littered with symbolic objects and people .

  13. 除了顺道拜访圣诞老人,前往拉普兰的游客也可以在“拉门乔基公园”享受徒步旅行与滑雪之乐,并欣赏它如梦似幻的北极圈风光、蓊郁的森林和这片辽阔荒原上星罗棋布的小屋。

    Besides dropping in on Santa , visitors to Lapland can enjoy trekking and skiing in Lemmenjoki Park with its dreamlike arctic landscape , dense forests , and free wilderness huts that dot the area .

  14. 我们紧贴着栏杆,心中充满喜悦与感激,只因我们能在近距离欣赏如梦似幻的鹤群&而且正如梦幻一般,它们很可能迅速消失。

    Those of us pressed against the rail are elated and grateful for this close look at the cranes concentrated here like a vision & and which , like a vision , may just as quickly vanish .

  15. 看这眼前的世界,处处如梦似幻,似乎美好、新奇、灿烂,可是既无欢乐、光明、爱恋,又无诚信、和平、慈善;

    For the world , which seems to lie before us like a land of dreams , so various , so beautiful , so new , Hath really neither joy , nor love , nor light , nor certitude , nor peace , nor help for pain ;