
  1. 非创伤性或微创伤性预处理方法包括缺氧预处理,药物预处理:如去甲肾上腺素(Norepinephrine,NE)预处理、腺苷(Adenosine,Ado)预处理等。

    Non - traumatic and mini - traumatic precondition include anoxic precondition , drug precondition [ eg. norepinephrine ( NE ) , adenosine ( Ado ) ] and so on .

  2. 多项研究表明,血小板型12-LOX的抑制剂能有效抑制肿瘤,如去甲二氢愈创木酸能有效抑制胶质瘤。

    Multiple studies have shown that platelet-type 12-LOX inhibitors effectively prevent many tumors , such as NDGA can effectively prevent experimental glioma .

  3. 这就如去撒哈拉沙漠而没有向导,少了指南针。

    It is going to Saraha desert without a guide which is just a compass .

  4. 有的基本决定如去那家饭店等,我好象从来就不会选择。

    There are basic decisions like which restaurant to go to . I can never seem to choose .

  5. 三是校园本身类,如去学校怎么坐车,男女生比例是多少等。

    They also focus on the campus itself , asking for transport guide and wondering student gender ratios .

  6. “你如去香港,我有两三件小事托你办。”

    " If you are going to Hong kong , I have two or three small commissions for you . "

  7. 如去豪华饭店赴宴,男子就需穿短上衣,系领带,但不可穿牛仔裤。

    If you are going to an expensive restaurant the men may have to wear a jacket and tie , jeans wouldn 't be allowed .

  8. 指甲修剪师进行修理指甲工作的人手术,如去肉垂、冠或某些脚指甲,都必须由训练有素的人去做。

    Surgical procedures such as removing wattles , combe , or the toenails of certain toes must be done properly by one trained in the procedure .

  9. 该规定还指出,读者离开座位选择保留有相应的时间规定,如去卫生间20分钟、查资料30分钟,用餐时间为90分钟。

    They also have to be back at the seat and report on the platform in 20 minutes if leaving for the toilet , 30 minutes for book searching , and 90 minutes for lunch or supper .

  10. 上钩拳向上的钩拳,如去拳击对方的下巴在最后一回合最后30秒,霍尔梅斯以上钩拳和右直拳向对方猛烈进攻。

    A swinging blow directed upward , as to a boxing opponent 's chin . In the final 30 seconds of the final round . Holmes fired away with the flurry punctuated by an uppercut and a Big right .

  11. 你将你需要记住的东西与你熟悉的路线中的标志物联系在一起,如去上班的路线。为人所知的是,比尔·克林顿就用这种方式来记住他的演讲!

    You associate each part of what you have to remember with a landmark in a route you know well , like your commute to work * Bill Clinton had been known to use this trick to remember his speeches !

  12. 本文论述了由CCD摄像机拍摄的一幅图像经数字图像处理如平滑去噪、阈值分割、细化等手段得到单像素宽的激光条纹,把平面激光条纹还原成空间曲线上的离散点的过程。

    This paper present the digital image processing that get the one-pixel width laser stripe image from the image got by the CCD camera such as filtering waves , threshold image segmentation algorithm , throw the 2-D laser stripe project to 3-D scatter dots .

  13. 我感到就如要去进行拳击战。

    I feel like I 'm going into a big fight .

  14. 利用如止咳去痰制剂等药物帮助孩子睡眠可能会埋下隐患。

    Using drugs such as Benadryl to help a child sleep may mask underlying problems .

  15. 他们在谈论如能去附近的森林打猎该是多么开心的一件事情。

    They were talking about what a pleasure it would be to hunt in the nearby forests .

  16. 犹太教及基督教的教训指导我们以爱人如己去回应神的爱;

    Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God 's love by loving our neighbors as ourselves ;

  17. 换换环境(如离家去度假),对你会很有益处。

    A change of air ( e.g. a holiday away from home ) will do you a lot of good .

  18. 压缩感知理论近几年在数字图像处理领域应用广泛,如图像去噪、图像去模糊及图像分类等都取得了不错的成果。

    Compressed sensing has got extensive development in the field of digital image processing recently years , such as denoising , deblurring and classification of image .

  19. 针对其它相关模块,如网页去重、网页分类,本文也都根据系统需求特点,给出了具体的解决方案。

    For other modules such as duplicate web page filtering and web page classification , concrete solutions have also been proposed to meet the special requirements by the system .

  20. 本文的研究基于几何变分理论和偏微分方程理论,主要讨论了图像处理中的几个常见问题,如图像去噪,图像分割,图像去模糊,图像增强等。

    This paper is based on variational method and partial differential equations . We focus on some common problems in image processing , such as denoising , segmentation , deblurring and image enhancement .

  21. 后期的系列也以她祖国所面临的迫在眉睫的困境为题材,如“去那儿”(2002-03)和“追踪者”(2005)皆因它们跨国界的视角而更显阴郁。

    Later series also dealing with the urgent dilemmas of her native land , such as Goter ( 2002 – 03 ) and Trackers ( 2005 ), are more bleak due to their less domestic focus .

  22. 无论是否自信,在你糟糕一天结束时对伴侣的浪漫感情,如想去健身房,等等,不然,在某种时候你会放弃这种行为。

    Whether " it " is confidence , romantic feelings towards your partner at the end of a bad day , wanting to go to the gym , or whatever , at some point you drop the act .

  23. 《博鳌亚洲论坛新兴经济体发展2016年度报告》指出,如不加速去杠杆化,可能会引发“E11”(新兴11国)的债务危机。

    Debt crisis may erupt in the E11 ( eleven emerging economies ) countries , unless they make urgent de-leveraging efforts , the forum 's 2016 report on the development of emerging economies said .

  24. 染色质重构使染色质组织结构发生一系列重要的变化,如染色质去凝集,核小体变成开放式的疏松结构,使转录因子等更易接近并结合核小体DNA,从而调控基因转录等。

    Remodeling resultes in a series of important changes in chromatin structure , e.g. loosing the condensed chromatin and opening the structure of nucleosome , which leads to increased accessibility of the transcription factors to nucleosomal DNA .

  25. (不义之财)来如疾风,去如流水。

    Come with the wind , go with the water .

  26. 如:我们去得太晚了,没有看上电影。

    We were too late to see the film . -

  27. 如让你去,我会怎样?

    How will I know if I let you go ?

  28. 人和机动车顺着公路如潮涌而去。

    Men and machines poured along the main highways .

  29. 它还不能尽如子目录去查看需要上载的文件。

    It can 't navigate into subdirectories to find additional files to upload .

  30. 如里我去黄山,我会在那儿呆上三天。

    If I went to the Huangshan , I would stay there for about three days .