
rú cǐ
  • so;such;in this way;like that;thus;nearly;such that
如此 [rú cǐ]
  • (1) [so]∶这样,那样;像[前文]指出的或提出的方式或方法这样或那样

  • 如此则荆吴之势强--《资治通鉴》

  • 理当如此

  • (2) [thus]∶达到这个程度或达到这个范围

  • 劳苦而功高如此。--《史记.项羽本纪》

  • (3) [nearly]∶这样的

  • 两座城市发展的状况是如此相同

如此[rú cǐ]
  1. 有如此天赋的孩子他以往没见过几个。

    He had seldom seen a child with so much talent .

  2. 很难解释清楚什么原因使他如此走红。

    It is difficult to define what makes him so popular .

  3. 她不知道自己如何弄得如此狼狈不堪。

    She wondered how she had got into this unholy mess .

  4. 她跟我们一样也在账务室做事,活该如此!

    She works with us in Accounts , for her sins !

  5. 如此年轻的选手有这样的成绩真是了不起。

    It was a remarkable achievement for such a young player .

  6. 他们的报酬如此微薄,太不像话了。

    It 's a disgrace that they are paid so little .

  7. 没必要如此粗鲁!

    There 's no need to be so goddam rude !

  8. 人竟能如此残忍,这让她痛心。

    It saddened her that people could be so cruel .

  9. 如此有技巧的演奏者很少见。

    Players as skilful as this are a rare breed .

  10. 对于如此规模的一个城镇来说,其市政设施堪称一流。

    The facilities are excellent for a town that size .

  11. 你为什么如此迫不及待地要卖出?

    Why are you in such a hurry to sell ?

  12. 看到这些年轻人如此坚决真令人鼓舞。

    It is heartening to see the determination of these young people .

  13. 从此她再没有见过他——或者据说如此。

    She never saw him again ─ or so the story goes .

  14. 我一生中从未被如此侮辱过!

    I have never been so insulted in my life !

  15. 我一生中从未感到如此难堪过!

    I 've never felt so embarrassed in my life !

  16. 我受到如此对待因而愤然离去。

    I left feeling disgruntled at the way I 'd been treated .

  17. 看到如此糟糕的生活环境他觉得很气愤。

    He was disgusted to see such awful living conditions .

  18. 看到他如此糟蹋自己的生命真让人心碎。

    It 's heartbreaking to see him wasting his life like this .

  19. 我知道,那很疯狂,不过情况就是如此。

    It 's crazy , I know , but there it is .

  20. 我们的失败是意料中的事,尽管如此,还是令人失望。

    Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless .

  21. 看到以前的冠军表现如此差劲,球迷感到难过。

    Fans were saddened to see the former champion play so badly .

  22. 每一个经理命运都是如此。

    Each of the managers suffered the same fate .

  23. 他这个人年纪轻轻,办事如此稳当,真是了不起。

    He 's incredibly together for someone so young .

  24. 体育重在勇于竞争而非获胜,一向如此。

    It remains true that sport is about competing well , not winning .

  25. 她丈夫随时都在身边,她只是认为他理应如此。

    Her husband was always there and she just took him for granted .

  26. 我一生中见到谁都未如此高兴过!

    I 've never been so glad to see anyone in my life !

  27. 在一定程度上的确如此。

    That 's true , to a certain extent .

  28. 我并没有因她如此成功而怏怏不乐。

    I don 't begrudge her being so successful .

  29. 她是唯一高升到如此显赫地位的女人。

    She was the only woman to rise to such an exalted position .

  30. 尽管如此,她说的还是有些道理的。

    All the same , there 's some truth in what she says .