
  1. 如果有来生,请别让我成为。

    Please don 't let me be Jennifer horton-i hate her .

  2. 这么久以来,一直在想,如果有来生,我们是否还会相遇?

    So long has been in want , if there is a next life , we will encounter ?

  3. 如果有来生,我会少说,多听。

    If I have my life to live over * I would have talked less and listened more .

  4. 如果有来生,我们都不要喝孟婆汤,好吗?

    If there were the other life , let us not to drink the Lethe Water , will you ?

  5. 如果有来生,要做一棵树,站成永恒,没有悲欢的姿势。

    If there is an afterlife , to make a tree , stand in eternity , no and posture .

  6. 如果有来生,上天再给我一次机会,我一定会好好爱你,紧紧抱住你不放。不要你离开我。

    If there 's a future life and God gives me an opportunity again , I 'll love you earnestly , hold you tightly , and won 't let you go .

  7. 亲爱的,记住我说的,如果有来生,我壹定会好好爱你,希望我们壹转身,就可以看到对方!

    Dear , remember I said , if a next life , I will make one you love , hope that we turned one , will be able to see each other !

  8. 马云说如果有来生,我再也不想做阿里巴巴这么大规模的生意了,“我只想做我自己,我只想享受我的生活。”

    Jack Ma said if there was a next life , he would never do a business as big as Alibaba , " I want to be my own self , and I want to enjoy my life . "

  9. 我会更多地说“我爱你”……“对不起”……然而,最重要的是,如果有来生,我会抓住每一秒……看人生,读人生……体验人生……再也不放手。

    There would have been more " I love yous " ... more " I 'm sorrys ... " but mostly , given another shots at life , I would seize every minute ... look at it and really see it ... live it ... and never give it back .

  10. 如果有来生要做一棵树结成永恒没有悲欢的姿势一半在尘土里安详一半在风里飞扬

    If I were to live the life twice . I would like to be a tree . Standing in the dust firmly , without happiness and sadness . A half of my body will be sleeping in the earth peacefully . A half of my body will be dancing with the wind joyfully .