
  1. 如果咖啡豆被喷洒农药,一旦食用后会对你的DNA产生影响。

    Coffee beans are sprayed with pesticides , which can affect your DNA .

  2. 如果咖啡不是非常烫,她就不喝。

    She won 't drink coffee if it 's not good and hot .

  3. 解决这种抵触的主如果咖啡。

    The coffee is essential in resolving such standoffs .

  4. 除此之外,你需要检查是否有一个作料盘,如果咖啡烘烤机来用杯子或不是。

    Apart from that you need to check if there is a condiments tray and if the coffee roaster machine comes with cups or not .

  5. 米肖德说,如果咖啡和茶的高摄取量在某种程度上能防止罹患脑胶质瘤,研究者对脑瘤的成因就能进行更深层次的探讨。

    Still , Michaud said , if higher coffee and tea intake is somehow protective against glioma , that could give researchers insight into the causes of the tumors .

  6. 不过,还有一个额外的好处在于,如果咖啡洒在围巾上,会从料子表面滚滑落,这种材质摸起来就像丝绸,却可以抗污。

    But an added benefit comes from the fact that if coffee is spilt on the scarf , it will bead right off the fabric , which feels like silk but is dirt-resistant .

  7. 如果对咖啡要求非常高,可以往机器里倒点热水先预热一下。

    If you really care about quality , then pre-heat the press by pouring hot water in it .

  8. 如果上等咖啡和有氛围的咖啡馆对您十分重要,这里绝对是您的理想之选。

    If good coffee and fabulous cafes are important to you , this is definitely the place to be .

  9. 琼:你知道我不会在第一次约会的时候亲吻的,杰夫!如果喝咖啡要亲吻,那我就不会去吃饭了!

    Joan : you know that I don 't kiss on the first date , jeff ! If coffee costs a kiss , then I 'll give dinner a miss !

  10. 如果喝咖啡会让你感觉不舒服,令你难以入睡,或者会让你变成一个不太讨人喜欢的人,那么,你也尽可以少喝或者不喝咖啡。

    If coffee makes you feel bad , or makes it hard for you to sleep , or renders you a less likable person - then by all means feel free to cut back or stop .

  11. 如果在咖啡杯上画上一张正在打哈欠的嘴,当你喝咖啡准备醒醒脑子的时候,别人看到你的杯子却会增加困意。

    If you draw up on a coffee cup is yawning mouth , a cup of coffee ready when you wake up the brain when people see the cup but you will increase the hardship of Italy .

  12. CNN特派员大卫·圭肯锡:如果这杯咖啡不曾经过印度尼西亚棕榈猫的肠子消化,或许一杯只需几美元。

    DAVID MCKENZIE , CNN CORRESPONDENT : This coffee might not have been digested through the bowels of an Indonesian palm civet , but it costs only a few bucks .

  13. 如果你喜欢咖啡,你占了多数。

    If you like coffee , you 're in the majority .

  14. 但是,如果你喜欢咖啡,那就随心所欲地享用吧。

    But if you like it , then by all means enjoy it .

  15. 如果你在咖啡馆撞上了他,他会道歉。

    If you bumped into him in a cafe , he 'd apologize .

  16. 如果还需要咖啡或者找人聊聊。

    If you ever need another cup of coffee or someone to talk to .

  17. 如果是在咖啡店,她点了什么?

    If she 's behind you in line at Starbucks , what is she ordering ?

  18. 如果喝杯咖啡或果汁可以让你清醒,那就来一杯。

    If coffee or cold fruit juice perks you up , then go ahead and drink .

  19. 如果你的咖啡凉了,你可以把它放进微波炉转一分钟。

    If your coffee has gone cold you can put it in the microwave and nuke it for a minute .

  20. 如果沾有咖啡、果汁及血渍等,应送专门洗涤店洗涤。

    If there are coffee stains , juice stains or blood , please send sweaters to the professional laundry shop .

  21. 如果这是咖啡,那就给我倒些茶;如果这是茶,那就给我来些咖啡。

    If this is coffee , please bring me some tea ; if this is tea , please bring me some coffee .

  22. 如果你用咖啡和奶油争取修道院院长莫尔莱为你说好话,那你也许已经成功了。

    If you had gained over the Abbe Moreelet with coffee and cream to speak for you , perhaps you would have succeed .

  23. 如果你像咖啡豆,你会在情况最糟糕时,变得有出息了,并使周围的情况改变好了。

    If you are like the bean , when things are at their worst , you get better and make things better around you .

  24. 可是,比起鲁肯勋爵的书桌,我的书桌有两个优点。如果你把咖啡溅在桌子上,用抹布一擦就干净了。

    Yet my desk has two advantages over Lord Lucan 's. If you spill coffee on it , you can wipe it up with a dishcloth .

  25. 在旧金山的一间办公室里,如果你把咖啡杯扔进机器人垃圾箱里,它就会自动把杯子分到可回收垃圾里。

    At an office in San Francisco , if you drop a coffee cup in a robotic waste bin , the machine will automatically sort the cup for recycling .

  26. 即使是运营商在介绍的时候隐瞒,但是事实是极其需要一个很长的时间去升高到一个很高的温度如果你的咖啡需要这样的一个必须的变化。

    Even with that operator-induced hindrance , the fact is this machine takes a long time to get up to higher temperatures if your coffee necessitates that kind of change .

  27. 如果你是咖啡馆老板又或者是宠物店老板,(你可以)花点时间在雅虎问答上面为可能顾客解答困惑。

    If you are a coffee shop owner or a pet shop owner , get in touch with your potential customers by investing some time to answer questions on Yahoo Answers .

  28. 如果你喝咖啡,吃海虾,喜欢香蕉或打算购买一套新的轮胎,你最终可能因为这场灾难而付出代价。

    If you drink coffee , eat shrimp , like bananas or plan to buy a new set of tires , you could end up paying more because of the disaster .

  29. 我和他没有直接的工作往来,甚至并不十分了解他,但我喜欢他,如果我在咖啡机旁遇到他,经常会和他开玩笑。

    I don 't work directly with him or even know him terribly well , but I like him and quite often share a joke with him if I meet him by the coffee machine .

  30. 说到糖,如果你喝的咖啡中含有大量的糖,也可能会导致喝咖啡后更加疲劳。

    And speaking of sugar , if your go-to coffee concoction5 involves lots of it , that could contribute to post-coffee fatigue6 , too .