
  • 网络Pop singing;Pop music
  1. 第四部分阐述了流行唱法的特点,主要概括为流行唱法个性化与时尚化的特点。

    The fourth section sets out the characteristics of pop singing , pop singing summed up as the main character and the characteristics of fashion .

  2. 美声唱法与流行唱法作为两种不同体系的演唱方式,虽代表着各自不同的演唱风格与特色,但在很大一部份程度上处于互补的状态。

    Bel canto and Pop music are two different systems of singing , on behalf of the respective different singing style and character , but in large part of a degree in a complement state .

  3. 我们可以把英语普通话比作美声唱法,而把美国英语比作流行唱法。

    We may compare Queen 's English to bel canto songs and American English to popular ones .

  4. 另有一定篇幅的内容涉及到小加尔西亚练声曲对流行唱法的应用及训练。

    Otherwise the contents of a certain length of training related to M · Gacia voice singing pop songs on the application and training .

  5. 当代语境中通俗音乐、流行音乐、通俗唱法概念的使用与分析

    The Use and analysis of demotic music , popular music , singing art for popular music in the contemporary context

  6. 美声和流行相融合的唱法是一种有一定美声基础又以流行歌曲演唱风格为主的唱法。

    The singing style with a combination of bel canto and popular singing is a method in which the singer has certain bel canto basis and mainly has popular singing style .