
  1. 咖啡器具店连锁:品牌形象咖啡器具连锁专买、咖啡器具系统化零售。

    Coffee equipment store franchise : franchise sale of brand and coffee equipment stores ; systemised retail of coffee equipment .

  2. 在选购滤泡式咖啡器具时,注意看是三孔还是一孔,这很重要。

    Follicular apparatus in the purchase of coffee , pay attention to see is a hole or three holes , it is very important .

  3. 还有老式的煮咖啡的器具,用它煮制咖啡需要很长的时间,它便是percolator。

    And also there is an old-fashioned kind where it boils , and the coffee takes a long time to make , that 's called a percolator .

  4. 星巴克与1971年在美国西雅图开了第一家咖啡店,这家咖啡店的本意是发展成为一家咖啡豆零售商同时买咖啡器具。

    First opening its store in 1971 , Starbucks at that was a small coffee store at Pike Street Market in Seattle with the intent of being a coffee bean retailer and coffee equipments seller until Howard Schultz joined it in 1982 .